How does Hair Grow?

How hair grows: basic growth mechanisms and hair care

Hair is one of the most visible elements of our appearance. Usually we want our hair to be healthy, shiny and beautiful. But how does our hair grow? In this article, we will look at the basic mechanisms of hair growth and give some tips on hair care.

How does hair grow?

Hair grows due to the constant renewal of hair follicle cells. New cells replace old ones, which turn into keratin, the main component of hair. If you look at the end of a plucked hair through a magnifying glass, you will see small white dots on it - these are old keratin cells.

Hair consists of a root, or hair follicle, lying deep in the skin, and a shaft located above the surface of the skin. The bulb is enclosed in a pouch - a hair sac, fed through the papilla, to which numerous blood vessels are connected. The sac hardens as it grows toward the epidermis and forms a rod. Each hair follicle is connected to the levator pili muscle, which contracts and forms “goose bumps” when feeling cold.

Typically, hair growth on the head is much faster than hair growth on other parts of the body. This is due to the high activity of all hair follicles on the scalp, while the hair follicles of other parts of the body are mostly inactive. There are between 100,000 and 200,000 hairs on our heads, which grow 1 mm every 3 days, that is, approximately 15 cm per year, and fall out after 3 years of growth. Therefore, more than 100 hairs can fall out per day.

Hair color, like skin color, depends on the amount of melanin produced by the melanocytes of the hair follicles. With age, gray hair appears: the melanin in the hair roots is replaced by air bubbles, and the hair turns gray. This usually occurs in old age, but can also happen in young people, since this phenomenon is associated with heredity.

How to care for your hair?

To keep your hair healthy and beautiful, you need to take proper care of it. Here are some tips:

  1. Wash your hair regularly. Do this several times a week using a mild shampoo and conditioner. Avoid washing your hair too often as this can dry out your hair and disrupt the natural balance of your scalp.

  2. Use hair care products that suit your hair type. If you have oily hair, choose shampoos and conditioners that don't contain a lot of oil. If you have dry hair, choose products that will help moisturize your hair.

  3. Don't overheat your hair. Avoid frequent use of hair dryers, straighteners and other high-heat hair styling devices. Overheating your hair can cause damage and breakage.

  4. Comb your hair correctly. Don't brush your hair too hard or too often as this can damage your hair. Use a soft brush or wide-tooth comb.

  5. Nourish your hair from the inside. Nourish your hair with the right nutrition. Consume foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins and minerals will help strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth.

In conclusion, hair growth is a complex process that depends on many factors including genetics, nutrition and hair care. To have healthy and beautiful hair, you need to monitor and care for it correctly. Follow our tips and enjoy healthy, beautiful and shiny hair!