How to Raise a Boy and a Girl

How to raise a boy and a girl

Parents of both opposite-sex and same-sex children face a very important question: Is it the same to raise boys and girls? We will try to help you. First, you need to know that the problems and issues of education are dealt with by a science called neuropedagogy, and it is this science that discovers and masters new scientific approaches to teaching and raising boys and girls in the family, in educational and educational institutions.

It's no secret that all children are very different not only in appearance, but also in character. Their perception of everything that happens is also different. And the differences in the psyche of boys and girls reach such a high level that already in the first year of life they are manifested in behavior and in such complex activities as play. This means that their mental processes are organized differently, and accordingly, the functions of the brain even at such a tender age are very different.

According to the data of neuropsychologists and neurophysiologists V.D. Eremeeva and T.P. Khrizman, boys, even very small ones, are more often scolded, less often picked up, in relation to them, the speech of adults more often contains direct instructions (go away, bring, give, do, stop...), and in conversations even with one-year-old girls, older children more often mention emotional states (like, love, sad, cheerful...).

In addition, it has been shown that boys, unlike girls, require more space than girls for full mental development. If there is not enough space in the horizontal plane, then they master the vertical: they climb stairs, climb on furniture.

In addition, there are differences in the reactions of children of different genders to assessments of their performance. For boys it is very important what is assessed in their activities, and for girls - who evaluates them and how.

According to a number of studies, including studies by A.I. Savenkov, there are several percent more gifted girls of senior preschool and primary school age than boys. By the age of 12-14, this percentage changes in favor of boys. And a significant portion of girls who were previously ahead of their peers in development level out and leave the category of gifted.

A few short tips from the authors of the book Boys and Girls - Two Different Worlds V.D. Eremeeva and T.P. Chrisman:

  1. Remember that you have not just a baby, but a boy or a girl, and each of them needs an individual approach.

  2. Never compare children of different sexes, and especially do not set one as an example to another.

  3. Don’t overdo it when raising both a boy and a girl; give your children the right to choose and time to think for themselves.

  4. If you are trying to explain something to a boy, do not forget to not only tell, but also show.

  5. Learn patience, including from your baby.

  6. Try to explain to your child that sometimes it’s even necessary to make mistakes.

  7. Try to understand that the child is also an individual and it is not at all necessary that he will be like you.

From all of the above, we can draw an important conclusion: a boy and a girl are two different worlds. Very often we react incorrectly to children’s actions because we do not understand what is behind these actions. If a daughter is already growing up in the family, and a son has been born, parents need to know that in many ways they will have to start from scratch and their experience in raising a daughter will not only not help, but may even hinder. Boys and girls need to be raised, taught, and even loved differently. But be sure to love it very much!