I Need Children!

I need children!

One boy was very sad that his friend did not come to him to play. Mom, wanting to console him, said:

- Well, let's play together. Can't we play?

And he answered her:

- Yes, I need children, and you are not a child.

K. Chukovsky. From two to five

Every parent, on a subconscious level, has a desire to protect their child from everything terrible and bad, to push it back as far as possible in time, and, if possible, to prevent a collision with the difficult aspects of life. Nowadays, a lot is said about an individual approach to the development and education of children, starting from a very early age. After all, our babies have different abilities and temperaments from birth. One baby - sociable and active - eagerly explores the world, the other, closed and shy, prefers to stay close to his mother's skirt. Parents who are financially secure hire nannies and governesses. Some people have more modest opportunities, but there are grandparents who can be entrusted with raising their grandchildren before school. And yet, a moment inevitably comes when the child’s inexhaustible energy and curiosity take their toll, and communication in a narrow home circle becomes insufficient for the baby.

Recently, statements have been repeatedly made that it would be a good idea to make preschoolers’ attendance at kindergartens compulsory. Having been in kindergarten for a year or two, children adapt faster and better to new school conditions. Psychologists agree with this opinion and also advise sending your child to kindergarten at least a year before school. This is exactly the amount of time, in their opinion, that a preschooler will need to physically, mentally and socially prepare for the next step into independent life.

And yet, I have heard more than once from friends and acquaintances that going to kindergarten for their child is a tragedy every morning. And when I say that our family is unfamiliar with this problem, they usually don’t believe me, saying that in this way I’m just trying to calm myself down.

No, it happens, of course, that the daughter wakes up in no mood and is capricious - she wants to stay at home and lie in bed longer. The reason is simple: the night before it took a long time to get her to sleep. But for this to turn into a tragedy?.. This does not happen, despite the fact that the child attends the most ordinary kindergarten. Vice versa. If for some reason we sit at home with her for several days in a row, then my daughter begins to whine and tell how she misses her friends and teachers; puts away toys that you will definitely need to take with you to the garden to show the children. She remembers what beautiful shells her teacher Svetlana Grigorievna brought her, what fairy tale Svetlana Vasilievna read, and what wonderful hairstyles her nanny, Lyudmila Grigorievna, can do.

After listening to such recommendations from my daughter, I went to kindergarten No. 701 in Kiev to talk with its head, Olga Stepura, about whether a preschooler really needs a kindergarten. After all, among other things, this, albeit a small one, is still an additional expense item for parents. Can't a child learn the social skills he needs by playing with his peers in his yard?

“I think that a preschooler needs a kindergarten,” says Olga Ivanovna. —A grandmother, of course, can teach you to love, but, as a rule, in addition to her grandchildren, she also has many other concerns. And then, due to her age, she simply gets tired of the irrepressible activity of a baby exploring the world. And in the children's group of even the most ordinary kindergarten, the child learns a lot of new things - learns to draw, sculpt, make appliqués. In our garden, for example, almost all the children sing, dance, and read poetry. Our music worker Elena Lisovskaya happily prepares all kinds of matinees and tries to involve each child in them, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Well, the most important thing is that in kindergarten children learn to communicate with peers, get used to living and working in a team