How to deal with very oily skin

Oily skin is one of the common skin types, which is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, a rough, loose texture with enlarged pores, an unhealthy color and an oily sheen. It should be noted that this is one of the four existing types of dermis, i.e. a variant of the norm, and not as a separate disease.

Very often comedones (blackheads), acne, sebaceous gland cysts, seborrhea appear on such skin, i.e. there is a tendency to these negative phenomena, but oily skin does not mean problematic skin; with proper care, all these troubles can be avoided.

Oily facial skin - causes

  1. Genetic predisposition. In this case, the dermis does not change throughout life and remains oily, but such cases are few, only 5-8% of all cases.
  2. Adolescence . Most often, teenagers are the owner of this feature, but by the age of 25-30, oily skin turns into combination skin.
  3. Increased work of the sebaceous glands. This may be due to hereditary predisposition, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), hormonal changes, nutrition (indulgence in spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), work in conditions of elevated temperatures and dust, exposure to cigarette smoke, sunlight radiation.
  4. Hormonal reasons. Oily skin is typical during puberty, the second phase of the menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy, and prolonged stressful situations. It also happens against the background of hormonal treatment or long-term use of oral contraceptives, as well as abrupt cessation of taking hormones.
  5. Endocrine system disorders. With hypothyroidism, there is a general dryness of the skin and oily dermis on the face.
  6. Immunity impairment. A decrease in the body's immune defense can also manifest itself as this symptom.
  7. Improper hygienic care: aggressive cleansing of the skin with alcohol-containing cosmetics and scrubs, constant degreasing of problem areas, use of fatty creams, etc. Removal of the surface lipid layer leads to even greater compensatory work of the sebaceous glands. Frequent exfoliation injures the epidermis and activates the production of sebum, which is produced to protect the damaged surface. Oily creams clog pores even more and mix with sebum. Therefore, you should start looking for the answer to the question of why facial skin is oily from yourself.

Diseases in which one of the symptoms is oily skin:

  1. diabetes mellitus is a multisystem pathology that affects all organs and systems;
  2. cachexia, exhaustion in women - lack of building material for the synthesis of female hormones, against the background of which the level of male hormones increases;
  3. obesity – oily skin as a result of poor nutrition and excessive sweating;
  4. ovarian tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome - the phenomenon, again, is a consequence of increased levels of male hormones;
  5. hyperandrogenism in men - increased levels of male hormones in representatives of the stronger sex against the background of a passion for bodybuilding, sports and the use of synthetic testosterone for muscle growth;
  6. hypertrichosis is a disease characterized by excessive hairiness and changes in hormone levels, which, again, causes oily skin;
  7. liver diseases, such as fatty degeneration, hepatitis, since the liver performs an intoxicating function, including removing excess hormones. A characteristic symptom is oily skin of the nasolabial folds and forehead.

When to see a doctor

Actually, you should consult a doctor in all cases when such a symptom occurs for no apparent reason, especially in adulthood. All complications require treatment - boils, carbuncles, phlegmon.

The fact is that sebum is an excellent breeding ground for the development of bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus, propionobacteria and streptococcus. By causing local inflammatory processes and actively multiplying, bacteria can infect healthy tissues and spread throughout the body, causing an extensive infectious process that can be fatal.

Characteristics of oily and combination skin


Most often these are the T-zones on the face: forehead, chin and nose. On the body - back and chest. Often accompanied by oily hair.


Oily, thickened, rough, unkempt and shiny and uneven surface of the skin, with a grayish, dull color. Often the appearance resembles an orange peel - the pores are clearly visible and, with proper care, practically gape or are filled with liquid fat. With insufficient or improper care, pores become clogged - comedones, as well as acne and milia, form. Seborrhea and thaleangiectasia are possible.

Oily skin has its advantages: the constantly present natural oily mantle protects the skin from adverse external influences, prevents photoaging and loss of elasticity. It has been proven that people with this type of dermis age more slowly - wrinkles appear later and are less noticeable.

What should those with oily skin do?

  1. First of all, the negative influence of aggressive and inappropriate cosmetics and cleaning methods, which we discussed above, in the causes of the problem (alcohol-containing products, frequent peeling, etc.) is eliminated to the maximum.
  2. Fatty, fried, salty, smoked, pickled and sweet foods are excluded from the diet, or at least limited.
  3. The basis of the diet should be lean fish, white meat, veal, vegetables, fruits, bran.
  4. Under no circumstances should you go to bed with decorative cosmetics on your face. Ideally, you should cleanse your face immediately after returning home.

How to get rid of oily skin on the face - treatment

The solution to this problem is always complex, and there is no universal tablet that would normalize the condition of the skin. Treatment always begins with a blood test (for sugar, hormones), studying hereditary predisposition, medical history, etc.

How to care for oily skin

Daily care has several goals:

  1. removing excess sebum (but not overdrying);
  2. opening and cleansing pores;
  3. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Care for oily skin can be divided into professional, which is carried out in beauty salons and beauty salons, and home, accessible to everyone.

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

Like any other type, oily skin needs cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

  1. You should wash your face 2-3 times a week using a special mousse, foam or gel for oily skin. These products have a sebum-regulating and cleansing effect, eliminate inflammation without overdrying.
  2. When cleaning, do not use various washcloths, sponges, as well as alkaline soap and too hot water. Initially, the effect will be very good, and the cleansed dermis will delight you with matteness. But after 10-15 minutes the oily sheen will appear again, because... both hot water and mechanical stress further stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is ideal to do everything with your fingertips or a cotton pad, without fanaticism, using warm or cool water.
  3. Instead of water, you can use an infusion of herbs: chamomile, mint, nettle, linden blossom, or use bottled water.
  4. After washing, the face is dried naturally and treated with a suitable tonic or lotion.
  5. The final step is to apply cream for oily or combination skin. A good cream has a light texture, absorbs quickly, leaves no residue and must protect against UV radiation.
  6. Deep cleansing - peeling - can be done once a week. But for cleansing, it is not recommended to use scrubs in the form of compositions that need to be applied to the skin and actively massaged. It is better to use film masks that effectively remove fat, dead epithelium, dirt, without injury or activation of the sebaceous glands.
  7. 1-2 times a week you can make homemade masks for oily skin from green or blue clay, which have an adsorbing effect, as well as fruit masks based on apples, kiwi, with the addition of lemon juice, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Oil from raw potato pulp has a positive effect.
  8. Weekly lotions with sea salt, which are made using melt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of water) and left for 5-10 minutes, have a good effect.
  9. You should choose decorative cosmetics with special care, especially foundation and makeup base - the products should also be light, quickly absorbed and easily washed off. It is best not to use foundations and powders.
  10. During the day, you should not touch your face with your hands, because... dirt and bacteria from their surface easily penetrate the pores and aggravate the situation.

The salon care procedure includes the following steps:

  1. removing makeup using special bactericidal emulsions;
  2. cleansing and toning with tonics and lotions;
  3. deep cleansing of the facial skin and elimination of hyperkeratosis using one of the following methods:
  1. Enzyme peeling – cleansing with a special enzymatic composition that breaks down dead particles of epithelium and impurities;
  2. Disincrustation - galvanic cleaning using special solutions that liquefy old comedones and blackheads;
  3. Vaporization - gentle exposure to a steam jet at 40-50 C for 20 minutes, which leads to the opening and cleansing of pores, softening of dead epithelium;
  4. Ultrasonic cleaning – exposure to ultrasonic waves to cleanse desquamated epithelium and comedones. Ultrasonic waves also provide micromassage, activating blood circulation and increasing tone;
  5. Instrumental cleansing - cleansing the skin of comedones, blackheads and whiteheads using tools - Uno spoon, loop, Vidal needle. In rare cases, a special brush is also used, but selectively, in the most clogged areas;
  6. Dry cleaning - the use of a gel with glycolic acid, which allows you to remove surface “plugs”, tighten pores, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
application of ampoule products, various serums; gentle facial massage (according to Jacquet, lymphatic drainage); applying a mask that has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, sebum-regulating, keratolytic and immunomodulatory effects; applying a special cream.

From hardware cosmetology, darsonvalization, chromotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, non-invasive mesotherapy, mud applications, biorevitalization, laser biostimulation, cryomassage have a good effect. These methods dry the skin, improve microcirculation and tissue nutrition, and also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

At the end of the session, the cosmetologist should advise products and methods for home care and determine the frequency of salon procedures.

Drug treatment for oily skin

Preparations containing the following active ingredients are used:

  1. Azaleic acid – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect;
  2. Zinc – keratolytic effect;
  3. Sulfur – suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  4. D-Panthenol, dexpanthenol – recovery after physiotherapy, cleansing, normalization of cell metabolism;
  5. Adapalene – prevention of comedones, anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. Benzoyl peroxide – exfoliating effect, promotes cell renewal;
  7. Copper – regulator of sebum production;
  8. Isotretinoid – breaks down the stratum corneum and inhibits fat synthesis;
  9. Bacteriocins and pyocyanins are metabolic products of microorganisms that increase the immune properties of the dermis and participate in its regeneration;
  10. Vitamins PP and group B have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis, blood circulation and fat metabolism.

Hormone therapy

Prescribed for menopause (Livial, Divina, etc.), hormonal imbalance (Belara, Yarina, etc.) for a course of treatment (see oral contraceptives - benefits and harms).

Antibacterial treatment

As a rule, antibiotics are not prescribed either locally or systemically, but only in case of bacterial and purulent complications. Antiseptics and exfoliants are used for local treatment.


Prescribed for local use. Concentrated plant extracts are diluted in cool boiled water and used as a lotion for wiping after cleansing procedures.

  1. Chamomile extract. Has an antiseptic, cleansing and softening effect. Eliminates inflammation.
  2. Sage extract. Characterized by a calming, regenerating, bactericidal effect.
  3. Calendula. Heals damage and has a regenerating effect.
  4. Oak bark has a tanning, drying effect.
  5. Green tea extract. Has an antioxidant effect, cleanses the surface of the dermis from toxins.

Oil for oily skin

The oil is used instead of night cream, applying it in a thin layer to the cleaned surface. It would seem, how can fatty oil itself improve the condition of the dermis? Oil compositions help cleanse clogged pores from dirt and hard fat, regulate sebum production, and help cell regeneration.

  1. Hazelnut oil is a basic base that can be used without additives or with the addition of other oils. Cleanses, tightens pores, smoothes and restores skin;
  2. Grapeseed oil – moisturizes the skin and tightens pores;
  3. Blackcurrant oil – has antibacterial activity, maintains skin elasticity, tones it.
  4. Sesame oil – normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.
  5. Almond oil – cleanses pores, reduces redness.
  6. Tea tree oil – relieves acne and normalizes the biocenosis of the dermis.
  7. Lavender oil mattifies the skin and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Hazelnut oil is taken as a basis (50% of the mixture) and other oils from the list above are added to it at 10%. You can also use essential oils (sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), but they should be added 1-2 drops to the base oil mixture.

With proper care and a healthy lifestyle, oily skin ceases to be a problem, but rather turns into a virtue, preserving the appearance of youth of the face and protecting it from adverse external influences.

The dream of those with oily skin is to forever get rid of excess shine and all the problems associated with increased sebum secretion. It is not always possible to fully realize this dream, but it is quite possible to significantly improve the situation.

  1. Causes of oily skin
  2. Signs of oily skin
  3. Oily skin care
  4. Errors when leaving
  5. Reducing oily skin: useful tips
  6. Oily skin and age
  7. Seasonal care for oily skin
  8. Care for men's oily skin
  9. Cosmetology procedures
  10. Cosmetics for oily skin

Causes of oily skin

Increased oiliness of the skin is usually associated with acne, but the skin itself, with enlarged pores and a greasy sheen, often becomes the subject of complexes and dissatisfaction. Don't be discouraged - in the modern world, experts already know why the skin produces more sebum and how to influence the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

During puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or after stopping oral contraceptives, the skin may produce more sebum. The result is oily shine, enlarged pores, acne.

Climate change and the use of too aggressive cosmetics are common causes of dehydration, which causes the pores to secrete more sebum.

Most people with oily skin have increased sensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to androgens, which manifests itself in increased greasiness and a tendency to rashes.

Signs of oily skin - excess shine, wide pores, tendency to acne and comedones © iStock

Signs of oily skin

It is known that oily skin becomes due to overactive sebaceous glands. Most often this manifests itself in the form of:

an abundance of blackheads on the face, especially in the T-zone;

dull, sallow complexion;

uneven skin texture;

tendency to rashes and inflammation.

Oily skin care

Dermatologists usually equate oily skin with problem skin. And they have every reason for this - the signs of both types are quite similar. When caring for oily skin, it is important not to skip a single step.


Oily skin needs daily cleansing like no other. The scheme is simple:

makeup remover using special products for oily skin or micellar solutions;

washing, for which products with a pronounced antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect are suitable;

deep cleansing twice a week using clay masks.


After washing your face, use a toner or lotion to restore your skin's pH.

Pour some into your palm.

Apply with gentle patting movements.

Let it absorb and only after 5-7 minutes proceed to the next stage of care.


Oily skin urgently needs hydration: the more moisture it receives, the more balanced the sebaceous glands work. For daytime care, use gels and fluids with mattifying, sebum-regulating and antibacterial substances. It is desirable that the product has an SPF factor.

In the evening you can use a richer cream. The main condition: the packaging must be marked “non-comedogenic”.

There are cosmetic procedures to reduce oily skin © iStock

Errors when leaving

Often girls with oily skin do not take care of it correctly. We'll talk about the most common mistakes that you should avoid if you know first-hand what shine, blackheads and constant inflammation are.

Improper cleansing

Most people with oily skin feel the urge to cleanse it squeaky clean. In fact, she needs as gentle a cleansing as possible.

Instead of alkaline soap, which disrupts the protective hydrolipid mantle of the skin, choose gels and foams with a pH level of 5.0–5.5, which corresponds to the normal pH of the skin.

Using a cloth towel

It is not recommended to wipe your face with a regular terry towel - this can cause new inflammation. It is better to use disposable paper napkins.

Washing with too hot water

For oily skin, warm water is suitable, but never hot or cold water.

Using scrubs and strips for blackheads

To quickly get rid of comedones, many use scrubs with large abrasive particles, which injure the skin and can cause infection.

The strips are glued to the face and then torn off along with the heads of the comedones. After the first use, they give a noticeable result, but irritate sensitive nerve endings, which can lead to an outbreak of inflammation.

The strips cannot be used simultaneously with retinoid-based cosmetics. During the period of adaptation to retinoids, the skin is prone to irritation and peeling, and it does not need unnecessary trauma.

Neglecting sun protection

It is believed that the sun reduces oily skin, but this is a common misconception. Ultraviolet light actually dries out acne, but after a while the skin turns on its natural defense mechanism and, as a result, thickens. And the sebaceous glands, under the influence of heat, begin to produce more sebum. As a result, sebum clogs the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, which leads to inflammatory processes.

Using sun protection products is a must! Look for products with a light texture, prefer combined filters.

Reducing oily skin: useful tips

It is impossible to completely get rid of increased fat content. But you can keep your skin in good condition by following some rules.

Exfoliate regularly

An important component of caring for oily skin is regular exfoliation and maintaining the acid-base balance at 5.5. For this purpose, products with hydroxy acids, including salicylic acid, are suitable. To strengthen the lipid barrier, exfoliants include ceramides and cholesterol.

Monitor your hormonal levels

It is believed that cosmetic preparations, which include:

extracts of soybean, wild Mexican sweet potato, damiana, clover, nettle, hops;

alpha-linolenic acid from blackcurrant, borage, and evening primrose oils;

Use anti-inflammatory drugs

Those with oily skin should remember about creams with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sebum-regulating effects. In the formulas of such products, look for:

plant extracts calendula, chamomile, birch, celandine and tea tree oil: in addition to antibacterial, these components contain many other substances beneficial to the skin;

peptides: they reduce inflammation, improve skin quality;

nicotinamide: The water-soluble form of vitamin B3 has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Those with oily skin should exclude salty, spicy, and sweet foods from their diet © iStock

Change your diet

If your skin is prone to oiliness and inflammation, pay more attention to the quality of food.

Try to exclude fatty, spicy foods from your diet. Dairy products are also not welcome.

Do not indulge in fried and too salty foods, as well as sweet and starchy foods.

Give preference to green salads, vegetables, meat and fish.

Remember to drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water daily.

Increase physical activity

Seek help from specialists

If oily skin begins to cause significant discomfort and the frequency of inflammation has increased, you should not self-medicate. A competent dermatologist, after examination and tests, will give the necessary recommendations for care.

Oily skin and age

If oily skin is hereditary, then over the course of life the situation will not change dramatically. There is good news - unlike dry and combination skin, oily skin ages much more slowly. Of course, with proper care.

Seasonal care for oily skin

You can provide this help to oily skin during the cold and warm seasons.

In winter, oily skin is close to combination skin © iStock

Under the influence of low temperatures, sebum production noticeably decreases, so in cold weather, oily skin experiences fewer problems, and sometimes the condition approaches combination skin. The main task of winter care is hydration and protection.

The warm season is a real test for those with oily skin. Heat outside and indoors, stuffiness in transport - all this provokes increased sebum secretion, which has a bad effect on the condition of the pores. To avoid overloading the skin, choose products with light textures: gel, fluid, serum, mattifying gel-cream.

Care for men's oily skin

Men's skin is much denser than women's, with wider pores and increased sebum production. All this suggests that men's skin is in most cases oily. Let's talk about the basic rules for caring for her.

90% of men have oily skin type © iStock

Cleansing with foams and gels - look for sorbents in their composition, for example, activated carbon or sea extracts, which rid the pores of excess sebum.

Toning helps tighten pores and has a mattifying effect. Healing components (panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol), soothing substances and vitamins (usually vitamin E, less often C) are usually added to tonics. But colognes and alcohol lotions are equally harmful to all skin types. Perhaps they can only be useful for disinfecting accidental cuts.

Salicylic acid cream Helps avoid oily shine and clogged pores.

Aftershave — for oily skin prone to inflammation, you need to choose a product with an anti-inflammatory effect (this will be provided by tea tree oil, aloe, triclosan) and a light texture (milk or fluid) that does not cause clogging of pores.

Cosmetology procedures

Recently, many truly effective methods have appeared in cosmetology that help significantly improve the condition of oily skin.


Several types of peeling are used in clinics and beauty salons:

All of them are performed by professionals according to a clear protocol. As a result, it is possible to even out skin texture, eliminate comedones, cleanse pores of excess sebum, smooth out fine wrinkles, and accelerate cell renewal.

Peeling, despite its effectiveness, requires great care and is not applicable in all cases.

Ultrasonic cleaning

This simple and most common procedure allows you to rid the skin of dead cells, cleanse pores, and improve skin tone.

Mechanical cleaning

One of the effective ways to care for oily and problematic skin. After preliminary steaming, the contents of the pores are removed with special tools.


For the treatment of oily and problem skin, mesotherapy is often indicated - an injection technique that delivers medicinal substances into the deeper layers of the skin, which is beyond the power of any cosmetic product. It is carried out in a course of several procedures and can only be used on problem areas of the face.

Cosmetics for oily skin

To cleanse oily skin

Product name Composition and features Rules of application
Normaderm 3-in-1 cleanser, Vichy Suitable for oily problem skin; Contains salicylic acid, kaolin. Can be used as a dirt remover, exfoliating scrub, cleansing mask. Suitable for daily use.
Micellar water for oily skin Effaclar Ultra, La Roche-Posay Micelles in combination with glycerin allow you to remove even stubborn makeup and moisturize the skin. Cleanses skin without water, removes makeup, mattifies, does not contain alcohol.
Cleansing mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and mattifying”, L’Oréal Paris Three types of clay (kaolin, ghassoul, montmorillonite) and eucalyptus extract deeply cleanse the skin and pores of impurities. Apply a thin layer to cleansed facial skin 3 times a week for 5–10 minutes.
Facial gel with brush “Clean skin, Active Exfopro”, Garnier The formula is enriched with salicylic acid and a regenerating phytocomplex to prevent breakouts and inflammation. Suitable for daily use.

For oily skin care

Product name Composition and features Rules of application
Antioxidant serum Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals L-ascorbic and ferulic acids and phloretin protect the skin from the effects of oxidative stress. Apply 4-5 drops to cleansed face in the morning. Also suitable for men's skin.
Cleansing night facial balm with Ylang-Ylang essential oil, Decléor Formulated with ylang-ylang, lemon and lavender essential oils, it purifies skin, reduces the appearance of pores and enhances radiance. Use in the evening. Regular use of the balm normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduces the number of comedones.
Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect Pure Focus, Lancôme Brown algae extract, salicylic acid, Dermo-Guide System complex help control sebum production and make the skin velvety. Apply morning and evening to a clean face, avoiding the eye area.

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  2. Anastasiia Malitskaia June 4, 09:00 My favorite product from laroche-posay is ANTHELIOS MILK FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN 50+. The very first and most reliable sunscreen for my child. In the first summer, I was puzzled by the issue of care and protection, and immediately began reading reviews on the Internet and reviews of specialists. I settled on milk. We used milk for the first time when our daughter was six months old. We flew to Egypt on vacation, where the sun is merciless, but thanks to the milk, the child returned without a tan at all. Relatives were even surprised. Of course, we did not go out into the open sun, we were always wearing a hat and a T-shirt, but even the arms and legs that laroche-posay protected remained white. The child received the necessary vitamins from being in the sun and warmth, from ripe fruits, but was not harmed. The milk is white in color, dense in texture, applied like a cream. very economical to use. A bottle lasted us for 2 years—for three trips. At first I thought that the price was steep, but when I compared the costs, it turned out to be very profitable! The milk leaves a whitish mark on the skin and is not completely absorbed, but you can see on the skin that we applied it. Very convenient with kids who are always spinning! If the product gets on clothes, it is also visible. But it washes well, even when washed by hand. In general, this product is my favorite, I’m not ready to change it yet. Maximum sun protection, no allergies. We continue to use it for the 4th year, even though the child is no longer such a baby. I apply it to my face on the area of ​​the nose and forehead, which always burns quickly without protection!

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Elena Pavlova • 10/03/2018

Oily facial skin means wide pores, oily shine and acne. It’s not for nothing that this skin is called problematic.

Properly selected care can combat these shortcomings. So, what needs to be taken into account if you have oily skin type – we’ll look at it in the article.

Signs of oily skin

It is not difficult to distinguish oily skin from other types. Characteristic features:

  1. large, noticeable pores;
  2. greasy shine;
  3. acne is typical.

Oily skin resembles an orange peel - thick, rough, porous. Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, it is difficult to apply makeup on such skin - it quickly begins to flow if you do not use special primers, and mattifying foundations and powders remove oily shine only for a while. Large pores quickly become contaminated, which leads to the formation of comedones and pimples. Sometimes rashes appear on the chest, arms, and back. Also, oily facial skin is often combined with oily scalp.

If you are not sure about your skin type, do a simple test. To do this, you need to wash your face, do not apply cosmetics, and after a few hours, apply a napkin to your face. The abundance of areas where traces of fat are visible (T-zone and sides) indicate oily skin.

Oily skin also has advantages - it is elastic, less susceptible to wrinkles, and retains youth longer.

Causes of oily facial skin

Oily facial skin is more common in young people under 25-30 years of age. Many people are familiar with the problem of excess fat and excessive acne in adolescence and young adulthood. This is due to hormonal changes. A high amount of male sex hormones stimulates the active functioning of the sebaceous glands - hence oily shine and acne.

More often, after 30 years, skin type changes to normal or combination. However, in some cases this does not happen - this means that in this case, oily skin type is determined by genetics.

The causes of oily facial skin include diseases of the ovaries, gastrointestinal tract, prolonged stay in dirty, dusty rooms and improper facial skin care. Nutrition in this case is indirectly related - some foods affect the hormonal levels of the body, and this affects the condition of the skin.

What to do if you have oily skin

Is it possible to somehow influence your skin type:

  1. Taking hormonal medications. If increased activity of the sebaceous glands and rashes have become a serious problem, it is necessary to combat it by taking medications. This can be done as early as adolescence. You shouldn’t wait for it to “go away on its own.” It is necessary to consult a doctor who will select medications taking into account the characteristics of the body. There are many hormonal drugs that are suitable for girls and do not cause harm to health.
  2. Competent care. Oily skin, like no other type, needs thorough cleansing, because dirty pores contribute to the appearance of new rashes and an abundance of secretion. You need to take care of your skin morning and evening with a special system of products. It is recommended to have your skin cleaned regularly by a cosmetologist. This will help unclog pores, control sebaceous gland secretions, and keep your skin fresh and clean.
  3. Time. If serious skin problems do not arise, then this period must be waited out. After 30 years, in most cases, hormonal levels stabilize, and the skin becomes closer to normal.

How to care for oily skin

What to do if you have oily skin type - choose daily care. Systematicity and properly selected tools help solve many problems.

It is necessary to choose products designed to care for oily and problematic skin. Their task is to deeply cleanse the skin, mattify it, fight oily sheen and regulate the secretion of glands. What does the care system include:

  1. Cleansing. Do not use regular soap to wash your hands! It will dry out the skin, adding new problems in the form of peeling. Use special gels and foams for washing or cosmetic soap. They must be applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, and massaged for a couple of minutes until foam appears.
  2. Masks. There are many mattifying clay masks that clean out pores. Charcoal-based film masks are also a good choice. It is enough to use 1-2 times a week.
  3. Peeling. Dead skin cells can cause clogged pores. It is recommended to remove them using peeling. It is important to use gentle products that do not injure the skin. Acid peeling and gommage are good options. Use no more than once a week. The peeling procedure can be replaced by professional cleaning by a cosmetologist.
  4. Tonics and lotions. Another important stage of care. These products not only give the face a feeling of freshness and mattify, but also remove the remnants of cleanser from the skin. Must be used after every wash.
  5. Serums. The most popular among those with oily skin is the pore tightening serum. An amazing effect will not occur from one week of use. The product must be used regularly, combined with thorough cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Serums have a light texture, so they are applied after the toning stage before moisturizing cream.
  6. Creams. They are necessary for oily skin, just like other types. Often, abundant secretion is needed to compensate for the lack of moisture. Therefore, the cream partially helps solve the problem of excess skin secretion. Choose water-based creams with a light texture. It is important to have not only a day cream, but also a night cream - it contains nutrients that are absorbed during the process of skin regeneration during sleep. Also, spot-on anti-acne creams will be a good addition to the care of problem skin.

It is better to wash your face with cool water - this helps to narrow the pores. It is also useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes.

What oily skin doesn't like

What is not recommended for oily skin:

  1. Fat creams. Excessive oiliness is of no use to such skin. You can use this cream only in frosty weather to protect your face. In your daily care, give preference to light, water-based products.
  2. Neglect hydration. Oily skin needs hydration. To maintain beauty, it is better to use light creams and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Lipid-based cosmetics. For oily skin, it is important to use non-comedogenic cosmetics that do not clog pores.
  4. Alcohol and soap. Both products dry out the skin. Dehydrated skin begins to peel off and becomes irritated. It is recommended to use gels or special cosmetic soaps for washing, and use alcohol only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  5. Squeeze pimples. This bad habit occurs in many people. When pressure is applied, the abscess that is under the skin ruptures and the pus penetrates deeper, causing more rashes to appear. Secondly, infections and dirt get into the wound. It is better to contact a cosmetologist who will perform professional cleaning.

Remember that proper care for oily, problematic skin will help maintain its beauty and freshness.