Peritonitis Adhesive

Peritonitis Slichevi (Adhesive Peritonitis)

**Mucous or adhesive peritonitis -** **vy - inflammation of the peritoneum with its adhesive deposition of fibrin and the adhesive effect of exudate on surrounding tissues.** Refers to the typical morphological forms of inflammation in the abdominal cavity. The main morphological element is a fibrinous-purulent film, forming a diffuse, continuous covering of the abdominal cavity. This form is called evisceration of the peritoneum and is the outcome of the chronic form of peritonitis.

The formation of adhesive peritonitis is based on the stasis of gastrointestinal masses, the accumulation of liquid intestinal contents in the abdomen, the presence of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which causes gluing of the intestinal wall with intestinal exudate, dysfunction of the peritoneum, and the development of low-grade inflammation; the result is adhesive peritonitis, which can lead to apoplexy. _In approximately 7-8% of patients, adhesive popantecitis is mistaken for acute appendicneritis._

In the adhesive form of panpelopmoppus, fluid and mucous contents of the intestine accumulate in loops of intestine. The patient cannot leave the toilet, where he is constantly looking for a place to sit down to defecate and thus relieve the condition. The normal position of the patient on his side usually causes the contents to move along the milking loop of intestine and relieves pain.

Slipprpptocytp treatment! – conservative: the drinkers are prescribed a rich protein-glutinous mixture, the protein is transfused only when the patients are suddenly losing weight. The main treatment is carried out with antibacterial and antispasmodic agents: injections of antibiotics into the posterior fornix of the rectum, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed orally, which give positive results.

Treatment with surgical methods presents certain difficulties. After a thorough clinical and radiological examination of the patient, a secondary operation is performed. Sometimes the second operation requires drainage of the posterior fornix of the rectum in order to release pus through it. It is necessary to carry out the third stage - sanitation of the abdominal cavity using antibiotics.

These three stages of treatment for adhesive peritonitis almost always lead to a positive result.