Do stretch marks appear when losing weight?

Why do they say that stretch marks appear from losing weight? Is it possible that if you lose weight suddenly, stretch marks might appear? I thought that, on the contrary, they appear because the body is bursting with fat and the skin cannot stand it and cracks. experts

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I don’t know how it is for anyone, but I got them during pregnancy because I gained as much as 45 kg! Before giving birth, I weighed 42 kg), now I weigh 52, but the stretch marks are terrible, a nightmare. No tops, nothing low-waisted, etc. So it goes .

Author, stretch marks are a hormonal phenomenon. This is why some people can gain weight by 40 kg, but then lose weight and won’t have stretch marks. And others seem to be not full at all, but with stretch marks.
If a person has a predisposition to stretch marks, no cream or anything else will save you from this. Stretch marks can appear even during adolescence under the influence of hormones, maybe during pregnancy (hormones again), or from the use of hormonal drugs.
This has nothing to do with cracking skin. I have always been thin, 47 kg, and didn’t use anything during pregnancy. No stretch marks. Now I’m walking with the second one, my stomach is like a globe, there are no stretch marks. The most important thing here is predisposition, and this is often hereditary. My mom doesn't have it either.

I lost 5 kg in a week due to stress. Stretch marks appeared because... the skin does not have time to “tighten” so quickly. But during pregnancy and after - not a single one. Although I gained 13 kg.

The causes of stretch marks (stretch marks) are hormonal imbalances, with the predominant role of adrenocorticotropic, thyroid-stimulating hormones, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands and gonads.

The appearance of stretch marks outside the period of hormonal “shake-ups” (or periods of unstable weight) should be alarming. The formation of numerous stretch marks may be a manifestation of Cushing's syndrome. With this disease, there is an excessive release of hormones from the adrenal cortex, which, in turn, is most often associated with the presence of a tumor. If you begin to notice a change in your figure, expressed in the movement of fat deposits from bottom to top, over the course of several months or years, as well as the appearance of excessive hair and stretch marks, be sure to consult an endocrinologist. (With)

If stretch marks are caused by hormones, then why do they appear when losing weight? Does diet cause your hormonal levels to fluctuate? I don't understand.

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It depends on what caused the weight loss. If after pregnancy, then you understand, it’s hormonal. Stress is also a riot of hormones. If you suddenly lose weight, it is a huge stress for the body and the metabolism suffers, and there may be stretch marks. And if you lose half a kilo in a week, then you will have nothing. If you do not have a hereditary predisposition to stretch marks, then such people will not gain any stretch marks by abruptly losing a lot of weight; the body will cope. And if there is a predisposition, then in any case there will be stretch marks. Another thing is that a number of simple rules can minimize these stretch marks. But it won’t work to remove them or whatever they don’t appear at all. At least I have never seen such miracles before.

There were no stretch marks from pregnancy (several on my hips). although I gained a lot of weight + 35kg. And when I was losing weight, there was a period when I lost 12 kg in a month - and they immediately appeared on both my chest and stomach. And so they still are. And no new stretch marks appeared, although she continued to lose weight

7, what if I lose a kilogram a week or even 1.5? I didn’t have a goal to lose weight, and dramatically. I just have to go on a diet because of sore joints, and I began to lose weight. worried ))
I eat 3 times a day, sometimes at night, and I’m full, but I’m still losing weight and losing weight, because I can only eat vegetables.

what to do against stretch marks?

First, try to keep your weight at a stable level. A rapid increase in body weight, even with its subsequent decrease, will inevitably lead to the development of stretch marks.
Secondly, eat right. Sweet, starchy and other carbohydrate foods are permissible only in moderation, and for some only in small quantities. But the body should receive plenty of proteins from which collagen and elastin are synthesized, as well as vegetables containing vitamins and carotenoids.
Third, be smart about your exercise routine. It is better to exercise under the guidance of an experienced trainer, especially when it comes to stretching, since the load should increase gradually so that the growth of the skin keeps pace with its stretching.
To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, it is better to use bandages. It is optimal if you contact a specialist with a request to choose a prenatal bandage for you, and then a bandage for the postpartum period. These devices help reduce the load on the spine and abdominal muscles and prevent the appearance of a saggy belly and stretching of the skin. Considering that during pregnancy the skin often becomes dry (which, by the way, can cause acne to disappear), its elastic properties decrease. Therefore, before going to bed, the places where stretch marks are supposed to appear should be lubricated with rich cream or vegetable oil.
Breastfeeding women need to wear a bra, and it is good if it is made from natural materials. Washing your breasts daily with water at room temperature and drying them with a rough towel not only prevents the occurrence of mastitis, but also hardens the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.
Among other preventive measures, massage is very useful. It is best to use a massager or a brush with stiff bristles for this activity. Regular skin massages also have another goal - the fight against cellulite.

Stretch marks on the body indicate a lack of collagen and elastin, disturbances in their synthesis, hormonal imbalance, and endocrine diseases. Will scars appear when you gain weight, and will stretch marks disappear if you lose weight?

Why do they appear?

Stretch marks are narrow, winding stripes on the skin that appear in places where the skin is stretched the most. Microtraumas of skin tissue and subcutaneous tissue cause the appearance of stretch marks, another name for stretch marks.

Their color varies from pale white to bright red-plum. The stronger the stretch, the richer the shade of the defect. Over time, stretch marks fade and become less noticeable, but do not disappear completely.

The greatest role in the appearance of stretch marks is played by hormonal levels and genetic predisposition factors.

Scars do not cause physical discomfort. They are only a consequence of the presence of some diseases, so stretch marks need not only to be prevented, but also to monitor your health.

Places where stretch marks appear on the human body:

What types of striae can be:

  1. small pinkish-white grooves;
  2. whitish thread-like “stripes”;
  3. burgundy-blue scars.

Since human skin has high elasticity and flexibility, mechanical stretching of the skin does not cause the appearance of stretch marks. This skin defect appears only due to hormonal changes in the body.

The point is not that the belly grew larger during pregnancy and stretched the skin, or that the teenager grew up and his skin stretched, but that the hormonal levels changed, which led to the occurrence of these skin defects.

Factors that contribute to the appearance:

  1. hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. lack of collagen and elastin, disruption of recovery processes;
  3. sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss, as a result of which a person’s skin does not have time to “adapt” to internal changes;
  4. hypercortisolism syndrome - excessive production of hormones by the adrenal glands of a growing body, or other endocrine diseases;
  5. dehydration stimulates skin aging, loss of elasticity and the occurrence of microtraumas;
  6. taking hormonal medications;
  7. predisposition to obesity;
  8. genetic predisposition.

The appearance of scars is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. high blood pressure;
  2. rapid weight gain;
  3. excessive growth of hair.

The appearance of scars on the body can be prevented if possible by monitoring your hormonal levels and weight.

Education mechanism

Stretch marks on the human body appear due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Due to excessive tension in the skin, the elastic fibers are damaged. In place of the subcutaneous tissue, ruptures occur.

If the production of elastin and collagen in these areas decreases (they are produced by the fibroblasts that make up this connective tissue), the connective tissue fills the areas of the tears.

Renewal of the epidermis, the outer layer of skin, occurs as usual. But subcutaneous tissue is no longer produced and is replaced by connective tissue.

Connective tissue scars differ significantly in color from human skin, despite the fact that they are not on the surface of the skin, but inside it.

Over time, the color of the healed tears brightens, fades and narrows, but does not completely disappear, since the connective tissue differs in structure from the original subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, even if you lose weight, stretch marks will not disappear.

The rich color of connective tissue is given by the capillaries that penetrate it. Over time, both human skin and the capillaries that are in the skin age and die. Therefore, the color of the stretch marks becomes more faded.

According to another version, scars lighten due to the growth of connective tissue, which over time fills or covers the vessels. After lightening, the scars acquire a pearlescent hue.

The depth of striae may vary. It depends on the intensity of tissue stretching.

Hair will no longer appear on the affected areas, in addition, this area is deprived of sweating.

Losing extra pounds is healthy and healthy. But, often after a strict diet, a new problem appears - stretch marks (striae). Is it possible to get rid of them at home or in a beauty salon, or will you have to put the open swimsuit in the back drawer forever?

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Why they appear and what they may look like


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The main reason for the occurrence of this cosmetic defect lies in the low elasticity of the skin, and, as a result, poor ability to regenerate. In places where the smallest fibers are stretched and torn, connective tissue begins to form, which is noticeable in the form of stripes of different sizes and shades (from white and pink to blue).

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What can reduce the elasticity of the dermis:

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  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. diseases of the endocrine system (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, adrenal tumors, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism);
  3. taking certain medications (hormonal medications, steroids);
  4. constant weight fluctuations;
  5. poor nutrition, lack of microelements and vitamins.

Many experts believe that longitudinal stretch marks may appear due to problems with excess weight. While transverse ones are most often an external manifestation of hormonal problems. Others argue that no one can predict in advance what they will be like or whether they will be there at all. After all, too many factors influence this: personal care, habits, nutrition, genetics, whether there was a pregnancy, whether hormonal medications are taken, and so on.

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Interesting fact: Striae do not tan and are very noticeable on dark skin. This is due to the lack of melanin in connective tissue (there are a few exceptions).

They can look different even between twins. Appearance depends on:

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  1. amount of weight lost;
  2. individual skin characteristics;
  3. hormonal levels;
  4. age of the cosmetic defect;
  5. depth of change in the layers of the dermis.

Interestingly, fresh stretch marks are usually pink and their color will gradually change and eventually turn beige or even white. But this may take years. The relief and size also vary: some find only small white stripes on the body, while others are forced to hide deep furrows under clothing.

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How to get rid of it at home

To remove stretch marks after losing weight, you don’t have to spend money on a beauty salon or plastic surgery clinic. Home cosmetic procedures are not able to deal with them 100%, especially with deep and old ones. But you can try to smooth them out and make them less noticeable.

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Stretch marks can come in different sizes and shades

Daily care plays a huge role: not only the face needs nutrition and hydration. The body also requires care, especially during diets, when the supply of necessary substances is limited. Losing excess weight should be taken seriously: it is better to lose weight gradually, avoiding strict diets, while at the same time strengthening the replenishment of the dermis with high-quality care. Otherwise, strict prohibitions in the usual menu will quickly deprive the skin of internal sources of nutrition and will only worsen the situation.

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The secret of Japanese beauty. Camellia oil is a good source of moisture for the entire body. Japanese women use it for their hair, face and body all their lives. They believe that even oily skin needs constant hydration. Thanks to this secret, most Japanese girls have never seen stretch marks and recover quickly even after childbirth.

Proper care

The main task is to improve the elasticity of the skin, nourish it with useful substances, moisturize and tone it as much as possible. A contrast shower will do a good job of this. It also improves immunity, energizes you before a difficult day and reduces orange peel.

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Before a shower, cosmetologists advise doing a dry massage with a special brush of medium hardness. All problem areas are massaged with energetic, circular movements. The brush does not need to be moisturized; dry massage literally awakens the skin. Such irritation of the epidermis before a shower or bath allows the cells to be more actively saturated with moisture.

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It is useful to do a full self-massage twice a week. The procedure increases blood flow, helps the skin renew itself more actively, increases firmness and elasticity. It will help get rid of stretch marks and reduce the appearance of cellulite and fat deposits. It is advisable to do this procedure using oils and immediately after a shower, when the layers of the epidermis are saturated with moisture and it needs to be kept inside.

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You can prepare massage oil yourself by combining:

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  1. olive or baby oil (it is better to take as natural as possible, do not skimp);
  2. 2-3 drops of wheat germ oil;
  3. 2-3 drops of orange and almond oil;
  4. a drop of tea tree or mint oil.

Instead of oils, you can also use special creams, which you can read about below. The movements should be harsh enough to cause slight redness, like after a bath. Do not pull the skin so as not to aggravate the problem.

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Massage movements should follow the blood flow. This is the main rule. For example, the skin on the abdomen can be massaged in circles, and the legs should be kneaded from the bottom up (following the blood flow to the heart), avoiding the inner thighs and the area under the knee.

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Areas with stretch marks are massaged more forcefully and rhythmically. Various massage brushes, jars, and rollers give a good effect. You can buy them in almost any shopping center, as well as in pharmacies and beauty salons.

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The secret of model Bar Refaeli (27 years old). “To keep my body in good shape, I walk every day for 45 minutes and take Omega acids and oils in capsules every day. For each of us, excess weight is prohibited.”

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Home treatments

Today, any cosmetic product can be bought at a cosmetics store or ordered online. But, only homemade recipes are 100% natural and do not contain any harmful impurities, fragrances, or allergens. In addition, daily procedures are quite a tedious task, and preparing homemade creams allows you to be creative in your everyday routine, as well as adjust the composition to suit the needs of your skin type and seasonal conditions.

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To improve the appearance of stretch marks after losing weight, the skin must be regularly rid of impurities and particles of dead cells. A scrub will do a great job with this. It is used after a bath, when the body is steamed. To make a good scrub at home, you need to mix:

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  1. base (regular or special gel for stretch marks, sour cream or vegetable oils);
  2. large, massaging particles (ground coffee, coarse and fine salt, sugar);
  3. additional ingredients (honey, mumiyo, chocolate, royal jelly);
  4. essential oils (tea tree, grape seed oil).

It is better to take coffee from the grounds, that is, the coffee that is usually thrown out of the Turk or coffee maker. And if you mix coffee grounds with fresh ground coffee grounds, the massage effect will increase several times.

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Oils should be selected according to skin type and individual tolerance. Each of them has its own effect and beneficial properties. For example, lavender oil is calming and useful to use before bed.

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This procedure helps with stretch marks and cellulite, and is also often used for weight loss. The general condition of the skin improves. But you need to be careful with wraps: the epidermis does not breathe during the procedure, so you should not get carried away and leave the “compresses” overnight. Sufficient time is 30-60 minutes, 1-2 times a week.

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The recipe is simple. Mix honey, olive oil, coconut oil, and grape seed oil in equal proportions. You can add a few drops of mint, lemon balm or tea tree oil. The mixture is warmed up a little and set aside. In the meantime, apply a little honey to the palm and actively slap the problem area. Not strongly, but rhythmically. Soon the honey will be absorbed, and the skin will begin to turn red and the palm will begin to stick. It's time to apply the prepared mixture and wrap the area with cling film. To prevent anything from leaking out from under it, you can tie unnecessary fabric on top.

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The secret of model Lineisy Montero. “I just mix some cane sugar and flower honey and apply it to my body. When it hardens, I begin to roll it with my hands. This is the best scrub I have ever come across. After that, run to the shower, and then apply a thick layer of cream or oil. It’s better to remove the excess with a napkin, this is the only way the skin will take as much as it needs.”

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Stretch mark creams on store shelves


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  1. Mumiyo (up to 100 rubles)

A folk remedy used to treat many diseases. Sold in stores and pharmacies. Mix with oil or baby cream and apply to the body daily.

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  1. Vichy Body Cream for Stretch Marks (about 2000 rubles)

Reviews are mixed, however, there are many more positive ones. Some people are delighted with this cream, others openly criticize it. Contains thermal water, glycerin, silicon, basia oil, tocopherol or vitamin E, hydroxyproline.

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  1. Contractubex gel or ointment (up to 1000 rubles)

This is a remedy for scars. The instructions indicate that it can be used to combat stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss. Quite good reviews, but it will require several courses of application and a good supply of time.

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  1. Retinoic ointment (up to 300 rubles)

The remedy for acne and wrinkles also turned out to be effective in the fight against stretch marks. The main active ingredient of the ointment is isotretinoin. Prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers. It helps if stretch marks itch (usually itching is either a harbinger of their appearance or increase in number).

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  1. Zeraderm Ultra (up to 4000 rubles)

A remedy for scars, which, judging by the reviews, is excellent for stretch marks. The effect becomes noticeable after 4-5 weeks, but the price is steep (at least 2 packages are needed for a course of treatment).

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What do clinics and beauty salons offer?

Laser resurfacing

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The specialist literally evens out the skin using a laser. The top layer is removed (almost painlessly), the skin color is evened out and after the first procedure the defect no longer stands out much against the background of the body. Thanks to the laser, the skin renews itself 100 times faster than naturally. Therefore, you cannot do without redness and swelling. After a week, the color will be restored and the result will become obvious. Care after laser treatment is prescribed by the cosmetologist who performed the procedure.

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Important: Laser resurfacing can only be carried out in winter, and after the procedure, solarium is prohibited.


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It is carried out with the introduction of active substances into the layers of the epidermis. With the help of myolifting, the fight against stretch marks occurs from the inside, which means that the effect of the first procedure will be very pronounced. The active ingredients are administered using microcurrents.

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Deep peeling

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The procedure is beneficial for the general condition of the skin and helps to smooth out existing problem areas and avoid the appearance of new ones. You can choose from: chemical, acid and ultrasonic types of deep peeling. Cleansing the skin reaches deep enough layers, so you don’t have to worry that stretch marks will remain after completing the course. Deep peeling may be painful, but the results are worth it. The skin gets rid of a huge amount of toxins, impurities, and begins to breathe. After the recovery period, it will resemble the skin of a baby.

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One of the reasons why stretch marks appear is problems with skin elasticity. Mesotherapy can easily cope with this (how it works can be seen using the example of mesotherapy for cellulite). At first glance, the procedure is painful, but the needles are so small that it is more like mosquito bites. It will take about 10 procedures.

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Home and salon methods for combating stretch marks are presented in abundance. Every year cosmetologists replenish their stock of methods, new creams, lotions, injections, and procedures are developed. However, there is a much more effective way. It is better not to fight the problem, but to prevent it. Sports, proper and moderate nutrition, proper care and regular hydration of the whole body - all this is not so difficult and expensive, but it gives an amazing effect.

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