
The secret hormone SECRETIN is one of the smallest active substances in our body. The name suits it very well, because it is secreted from specially located glands - the thyroid gland, but is also present in small quantities in the cells of the stomach. Secretion is regulated by endocrine cells of the nervous system and neural impulses transmitted by the gastroentamine nervous system.

Scientists first discovered secretin only 36 years ago. It was discovered by enzymologist Oscar Alcalde, who is also the founder of the English Institute of the Digestive System (GI Research Foundation). It was further studied by Dieter Wunderlein and Wolfgang Kern, who are better known as the founders of Novo Nordisk. They first examined fecal secretion of the immunoreactive peptide because secretion tests lacked specificity. Only 15 years after its discovery, this peptide was named secretin, and two decades later, the Novo Nordik company began producing the first human growth hormone.

Functions and operation

In the biliary tract, it regulates the production of bile. When production decreases or composition changes, bile secretion decreases. In the intestines, it increases the speed of movement of food masses and the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, which helps to reduce the size of the intestines, since waste from fatty breakdown accumulates in it along with mucus. Stimulates the production of gastric secretions. Accelerates the release of carbohydrates from fats by influencing the release of insulin in response to increased blood glucose levels. Reduces the concentration of ketone bodies, stimulates protein digestion. Under the influence of the hormone, the production of thyrotropin by the pituitary gland is suppressed. Neutralizes harmful substances and hydrogen ions formed as a result of digestion. By stimulating kidney function, it reduces the concentration of ammonia in the urine. Regulates the sensitivity of taste buds. Increases appetite and increases the amount of food consumed. Suppresses the feeling of fullness, making it possible to consume excess amounts of food and liquid. Also produced by the pancreas - regulates the activity of endocrine cells of the pancreas and stomach walls, enhances peristalsis