Sacroiliac Ligament Posterior Short

The short posterior sacroiliac ligament (lat. ligamentum sacroiliacum posterius breve) is one of the ligaments of the human pelvis. It is a flat ligament located behind the joint space between the sacrum and the ilium.

It arises from the iliac tuberosity and attaches to the posterior surface of the sacrum. Strengthens the sacroiliac joint in the back. Innervated by branches of the sacral plexus. It is supplied with blood through the branches of the internal iliac artery.

The ligament plays an important role in providing mobility and stability to the sacroiliac joint. Damage or weakening of the ligament can lead to pain in the lumbar and sacral spine.

The sacroiliac ligament connects the sacrum and ilium and is one of the most significant stabilizers of the lumbosacral spine. Its deformation, injury or problems with functioning can lead to problems such as impingement syndrome, arthrosis of the lumbosacral joint, as well as dysfunction of the pelvic organs and lower extremities.

The short sacroiliac ligament has an important function in stabilizing the connection of the sacrum with the iliac arches, that is, the upper part of the femur, which provides strength and stability in the posture of sitting, walking, jumping, running, etc. Without ligament, the bones can become unstable or shift when performing any physical movements.

The ligament material of the ligament stretches easily, only at a very small level this may be a problem for some people. But ligament problems are more often associated with physical overload, injury, or growth abnormalities of the sacroiliac joints. For example, after surgery to correct low back deformities, adolescent impingement syndrome or several related injuries or diseases occur with disruption of ligament function and mobility of the sacrosciatic and sacrofemoral joints.

The focus is on stretching. These may be emotional reasons such as fear, stress, anxiety, depression, anxiety, an inability to feel in control of one's life or to have self-confidence. A sprain can also occur when a person is struggling with their emotions or going through something that seems overwhelming and experiences a panic attack. Although the result may seem sad, the main thing in this situation is that the person opens himself to a broader and fuller perception of life, including negative, painful, scary, difficult or problematic things.