Vitamins with zinc for acne reviews

External skin care is not always enough to make it look fresh and beautiful. Sometimes you need to treat problems from the inside. Most often, the appearance of acne signals some kind of internal problem.

Periodically, it is necessary to replenish the supply of vitamins so that the skin feels great and does not become covered with unpleasant rashes.

Now there are a lot of individual vitamins and vitamin complexes. If you choose the right vitamins for your skin against acne, after some time they will go away completely.

Signs of shortage

It is easy to determine by a person’s appearance that he lacks vitamins.

The most common signs:

  1. The skin may become dry and sensitive, sometimes flaking. In some cases, you may become fatter than usual. Various rashes and inflammations appear. Cracks and wounds may form in the corners of the lips. Excessive skin pigmentation occurs.
  2. Hair becomes brittle, thin, dull and falls out a lot. Dandruff can appear even in those people who have never had it.
  3. Nails break and peel, become dull, lose their shine and turn yellow.
  4. The eyes are constantly red, irritation and itching are felt. There is a lack of moisture. At night and in the evening, visual acuity decreases.
  5. Any pressure or touch causes bruises to appear on the skin.
  6. Gastrointestinal problems: nausea, diarrhea.
  7. Dryness of all mucous membranes: mouth, nose, eyes, etc.

What foods make your skin worse?

Products that are best avoided or minimized to avoid bad skin changes:

  1. alcoholic drinks;
  2. foods containing sugar, simple carbohydrates;
  3. fried and fatty foods, fast food;
  4. White bread;
  5. coffee and black tea;
  6. smoked meats;
  7. canned food;
  8. non-natural products - sausages, chips, soda;
  9. too spicy dishes;
  10. semi-finished products.

Vitamins for acne skin

Groups B

Most often, acne appears on oily or combination skin.

Therefore, these vitamins are best suited:

  1. B2 helps speed up metabolism and maintains the normal condition of the upper layers of the skin. Found in almonds, buckwheat, eggs, broccoli.
  2. B6 contributes to the production of hemoglobin and essential fatty acids. Included in liver, nuts, fatty fish, carrots.
  3. B12 helps the formation of red blood cells. The main sources are meat, eggs, liver.

These vitamins have an antibacterial effect, so acne will gradually stop appearing.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is necessary in the fight against acne, as it accelerates tissue healing, relieves inflammation and improves skin turgor.

Ascorbic acid slows down the aging process, takes part in the formation of collagen, and destroys harmful toxic substances.

Contained in citrus fruits, sweet bell peppers, rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi.


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that promotes skin hydration and regeneration. Normalizes skin immunity, which leads to a reduction in rashes. Protects skin from external damage.

Found in fatty fish, nuts, carrots, vegetable oils and butter.


Vitamin A promotes skin restoration and renewal. Makes its relief more even. Helps collagen be produced faster and prevents the appearance of new acne.

Present in oily fish, carrots and butter. It is absorbed only in the presence of fats, so it is worth adding vegetable oil to carrots.

PP (Nicotinic acid)

Belongs to the B vitamins (B3). Removes inflammation, gets rid of acne at an early stage of formation. Reduces sebum production. Accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead cells and helps pores breathe.

Can be found in tomatoes, milk, rice, liver.

D (Calceferol)

If you don't get enough sun exposure, you need to take extra vitamin D. It dries out inflammation, normalizes oily skin, and prevents the formation of new acne.

Contained in egg yolk, fish liver, seafood, cottage cheese, cheese.

How to take complexes

It is necessary to take vitamins for the skin against acne in courses. With constant use, an overdose occurs, and side effects will not keep you waiting.

Vitamins can be taken at any time of the year. But depending on the season, one or another vitamin may be more lacking than others. They are worth focusing on. All vitamin complexes should be selected by a doctor. You cannot self-medicate.

What to do about a pimple on the inside of the cheek? More details here.

Merz special dragee includes many vitamins and minerals to maintain the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

The drug contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E, PP (B3), H, iron, calcium, cystine. Yeast extract promotes rapid delivery of all components throughout the body.

Vitamins are pink, convex on both sides, 60 tablets in one package. Packaged in a glass matte opaque bottle.


Skin, Nails and Hairs contains red algae extract (contains silicon), ascorbic acid, copper, zinc, amino acids proline and lysine.


Aevit capsules contain retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). They are fat-soluble, so they contain soybean or corn oil as an excipient.

Using these vitamins together gives greater effect. They enhance each other's action, helping the skin get rid of acne faster.

Directions for use and dosage

Merz Dragee should be taken by adults 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Solgar Skin, Nails and Hairs should be consumed 1 piece 2 times a day with food.

Aevit is recommended to take 1 capsule per day, preferably with a meal containing fats, for 30-40 days.

Which ones are useful?

The most useful vitamins for acne skin are A, C, E and group B. When searching for the necessary vitamin complex, you should pay attention to their presence in the composition.

For better absorption of vitamin A, the complex must contain zinc. It will help retinol be absorbed faster and in greater volume.

Video: Vitamin E for the face in capsules from the pharmacy

Recommendations and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of vitamins or complexes include:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. increased sensitivity to individual components of vitamin complexes;
  3. first trimester of pregnancy;
  4. vitamin A is prohibited during pregnancy;
  5. taking vitamins without consulting a doctor.

The best drugs

With B vitamins, Pentovit is considered the best drug. It contains vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9, B12.

The drug Citravit contains ascorbic acid, which helps eliminate the harmful effects of sunlight.

With zinc

The best drug containing zinc is Zincteral. Many cosmetologists and dermatologists prescribe it for acne caused by zinc deficiency. Most often used by teenagers.

With sulfur

Brewer's yeast contains sulfur and is considered the most effective in the fight against acne. They can be used by diabetics, as they help insulin to be produced better.

Yeast with sulfur helps normalize the oiliness of the epidermis, helps the skin breathe and accelerates blood circulation.

In ampoules

They should be used immediately after opening; leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. It is best to use B vitamins; they are best absorbed in liquid form. They are usually used as a component of homemade face masks.

For women

The vitamin complex Complivit Radiance is aimed at solving skin problems. It contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, folic acid, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium.

The Perfectil complex contains vitamins A, C, E, B5, B6, B12, chromium, manganese, zinc, biotin, iron, silicon. This complex helps the skin maintain immunity and has an antibacterial effect, preventing acne from spreading.

For men

The Duovit vitamin complex for men contains zinc, iron, ascorbic acid, iodine, copper, magnesium, folic acid, retinol, and B vitamins.

Photo: Before and after

For teenagers

The Zincteral complex is best suited for teenagers, since most often it is zinc that is lacking in a teenager’s body.

Positive reviews in most cases come from those people who took vitamin complexes selected by a doctor.

When using vitamins on your own, cases of overdose or an incorrectly selected complex are often observed. This makes the skin even worse.

Causes of internal acne on the chin. Find out further.

Internal acne what to do? The answer is here.

When using pharmacy vitamins, you should not rely on products containing them. In this case, an overdose may occur, even if the complex is used correctly.

I've been drinking for a year. One tablet a day, sometimes I miss it. Only on a full stomach. There is a lot of new hair. They grow very quickly. Very little falls out. Three tablets a day is tough. If you really want it for prevention, then every other day one at a time - that’s it. And keep in mind that zinc removes copper from the body - which means gray hair and loss of collagen. So don't overdose

The first time Zincteral was prescribed to me by a dermatologist Conda, I had alopecia 2 years ago, he helped me, I decided to turn to him again because I stopped taking birth control, I was afraid my hair would grow for prevention, I started taking it, and in fact the skin was clear, the hair did not grow thicker, these pills and hormonal levels they are recovering, I felt sick a couple of times and there are no side effects

Dear girls, this is all individual! If you don’t read reviews, consult your doctor; well, the drug may not cause such side effects immediately after taking it, don’t “self-hypnize”

I’ve been taking Zincteral for a week: no side effects, my nails have stopped peeling; I don’t know, after a week, it’s probably too early to see the result)

It is also important to prescribe tablet medications! But here you cannot do without the help of a specialist, because you need to look at both the blood picture and the condition of the internal organs. Do no harm! - the motto in all branches of medicine! Used: from antibacterial drugs? Doxycycline, Amoxiclav, Cefotaxime. Antimicrobial? Metronidazole (Trichopol, Klion). Drugs that improve blood circulation? Cinnarizine, Actovegin, etc.? Vitamins and microelements are very important! Very good multivitamin preparations? Dragee Merz, Berocca plus, Supradin. Zincteral? a very good drug, but when prescribed 3 times a day and used for a very long time (about 6 months or more). In severe forms, is the drug used? Roaccutane (systemic retinoid), which has a large number of side effects! There is a lot of information about it on the Internet and many consider it one of the most powerful and effective drugs in treating acne once and for all, but I can assure you that I used it with my mild to moderate degree and nothing good came of it - terrible dry skin and mucous membranes, depression, hair loss, which I have been treating for more than 4 years, because I also have this problem, if you are interested, I can tell you about the treatment of alopecia. Therefore, unless you have severe acne, do not use these medications. Their cost is high, they need to be used for a long time (from 3 months). The effect of it: positive - reduction of sebum production, negative - side effects, acne has not decreased. But I stopped drinking it because complications forced me to do so!

But I know that you can’t take Zincteral with dairy products at all, because... zinc is practically not absorbed... I took Zincteral for 2 months and tolerated it normally. I took it after meals. and if I ate dairy, I drank it 2 hours after eating. I felt a little nauseous, but it was tolerable) I have only positive reviews about Zincteral.

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Good afternoon I had a problem with a small subcutaneous rash on my forehead and temples. After consulting a dermatologist, they diagnosed “vulgar rash”, it turns out that this also happens)) The dermatologist prescribed a very good complex: mash (made according to a prescription at the pharmacy) + Aevit + Zincteral + Skinoren gel. The result of an integrated approach is obvious. Be sure to see a dermatologist before self-medicating. The fact that you drink yourself and have been struggling with the problem for years can be solved in a shorter time.

So my cycle is out of whack. It's been a week late. The doctor told me that Zincteral increases the level of testosterone in the body (this is a male hormone), which is why there is a delay

It is also important to prescribe tablet medications! But here you cannot do without the help of a specialist, because you need to look at both the blood picture and the condition of the internal organs. Do no harm! - the motto in all branches of medicine! Used: from antibacterial drugs? Doxycycline, Amoxiclav, Cefotaxime. Antimicrobial? Metronidazole (Trichopol, Klion). Drugs that improve blood circulation? Cinnarizine, Actovegin, etc.? Vitamins and microelements are very important! Very good multivitamin preparations? Dragee Merz, Berocca plus, Supradin. Zincteral? a very good drug, but when prescribed 3 times a day and used for a very long time (about 6 months or more). In severe forms, is the drug used? Roaccutane (systemic retinoid), which has a large number of side effects! There is a lot of information about it on the Internet and many consider it one of the most powerful and effective drugs in treating acne once and for all, but I can assure you that I used it with my mild to moderate degree and nothing good came of it - terrible dry skin and mucous membranes, depression, hair loss, which I have been treating for more than 4 years, because I also have this problem, if you are interested, I can tell you about the treatment of alopecia. Therefore, unless you have severe acne, do not use these medications. Their cost is high, they need to be used for a long time (from 3 months). The effect of it: positive - reduction of sebum production, negative - side effects, acne has not decreased. But I stopped drinking it because complications forced me to do so!
Roaccutane is a drug prescribed abroad after a series of examinations, especially those related to the human psyche.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Pair Lion Effective elimination of acne, an innovative drug for adults
2 SKIN, NAILS & HAIR Solgar The best vitamins for acne, balanced composition
3 Radiance Complivit Protection against UV rays and free radicals, collagen synthesis
4 Aevit Powerful antioxidant effect, the most versatile drug
5 Tocopherol Ensuring high skin tone, eliminating redness
6 Pentovit Improving the general condition of the skin, strengthening the nervous system
7 Zincteral The best drug for problem skin, preventing rashes
8 Supradin The most delicious vitamins, enriched with macroelements
9 Alvitil Regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, different formats
10 Aerovit Best value, getting rid of superficial acne

Acne is a serious problem that can be faced at any age. One of the most effective means in the fight against them are vitamin-mineral complexes. Especially for you, we have prepared the TOP 10 best vitamins for acne, allowing you to restore the health and beauty of your skin.

TOP 10 best vitamins for acne

10 Aerovit

Aerovit is the most affordable vitamin complex that allows you to cope with acne. Despite its low cost, it has a rich composition. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, A, E, C and PP. The drug not only replenishes the supply of useful elements in the body, but also improves the condition of the skin: eliminates flaking and redness, evens out the complexion, and gets rid of superficial acne.

Reviews say that these vitamins are available in convenient packages of 10 and 30 pcs. Daily dosage – 1 tablet. After just 5-7 days of use, the first results are noticeable: the face becomes cleaner, the reserve of strength is restored, and sebum production is reduced. Pros: low price, a complete set of vitamins for skin health and beauty, simple dosage regimen. Cons: Aerovit is prohibited for people under 18 years of age and has many contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation.

9 Alvitil

The multivitamin preparation "Alvitil" contains a complex of vitamins necessary to restore your skin: A, D3, E, C and group B. They eliminate not only inflammation, but also the cause that caused it: they regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, replenish the deficiency of useful elements, etc. The drug reduces acne and blackheads, so your skin looks even more beautiful and healthy.

The Alvitil complex is also recommended for neuropsychic and physical stress. It is available in tablets and syrup, so you choose the convenient format yourself. The advantages thanks to which it entered the TOP 10: for adults and adolescents, it replenishes vitamin deficiencies, stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Before taking, we recommend consulting with a specialist; allergic reactions are possible. Contraindication – hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.

8 Supradin

Vitamins "Supradin" increase vitality and also restore the condition of skin, hair and nails. This is a unique drug that contains vitamins B, C, D3, A, as well as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. Providing a complex effect, they fight the spread of acne and restore the skin's protective barrier. The drug strengthens the immune system and activates metabolic processes.

"Supradin" is available in regular and effervescent tablets. They are very tasty and have a pleasant orange aroma. Without synthetic additives and impurities. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. Pros: reduce fatigue, contain the most useful macroelements, have a simple dosage regimen. Cons: cannot be taken on an empty stomach, high cost.

7 Zincteral

"Zincteral" is an excellent remedy for problem skin. The zinc-based formula stimulates metabolic processes and has an antioxidant effect. This microelement is a component of more than 70 enzymes on which the beauty and health of the skin depend. The drug is usually prescribed for pustular and purulent acne, as well as for ulcers that do not heal well. An excellent choice for preventing rashes during long-term hormone therapy.

Judging by the reviews of specialists, Zincteral provides the desired therapeutic effect in 99.8% of cases. Most patients immediately note that their skin condition has improved significantly since starting to take this drug. The optimal dosage is 1-2 tablets daily. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days. Pros: replenishment of zinc deficiency in the body, availability, ease of use. The downside is possible side effects such as nausea and heartburn.

6 Pentovit

One of the most effective drugs in the fight against acne is Pentovit. It is based on a vitamin complex consisting of thiamine chloride (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) and nicotinamide (B3). The drug not only improves the condition of the skin, but also prevents the development of diseases of the central nervous system. An excellent choice for those who suffer from insomnia, depression, and anxiety.

One of the advantages of the drug "Pentovit" is a minimum of contraindications. It should not be taken only if you are hypersensitive to the components included in the composition. The recommended course is 3-4 weeks. Pros: non-addictive, very good effect, helps strengthen the nervous system. The downside is the complex dosage regimen. Every day you need to take 4-6 tablets orally at different times.

5 Tocopherol

If you want to quickly get rid of acne and increase the natural moisture of the skin, we recommend choosing vitamin E. Tocopherol prevents the penetration of toxins into the cells of the epidermis, so taking it reduces the number of blackheads and inflammation. Fat-soluble vitamin E reduces the rate of oxidative reactions and ensures high skin tone. It is a strong antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin E is available in blisters of 10 capsules. Their key advantage is ease of administration. You can take the capsules orally or add their contents to lotions, masks and creams. With regular use, the result is noticeable within 7-10 days: redness decreases, acne disappears, pores become much narrower. The best choice for those who want to get rid of post-acne. The recommended course of treatment is 10-14 days. Among the advantages: allowed during pregnancy and lactation, improves skin tone, does not contain synthetic additives.

4 Aevit

The complex vitamin preparation “Aevit” has a powerful antioxidant effect. The main active ingredients are vitamins A (18.7%) and E (40%). They take an active part in tissue regeneration processes, improve capillary circulation and eliminate inflammation. Vitamin A stimulates the proliferation of epithelial cells, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Vitamins are sold in individual blisters of 10 capsules and in packages. The tablets are round in shape, coated with a gelatin shell, and have a light oily aroma. Easy to swallow and does not cause side effects. Reviews say that the first results are noticeable after just a week of taking vitamins: the number of acne decreases, flaking disappears, and facial tone evens out. The contents of the capsules can be added to skin lotions and creams. Among the advantages: low cost, ease of administration, improved overall well-being.

3 Shine Complivit

If your skin is prone to acne, the best choice to combat inflammation would be the “Shine” vitamin and mineral complex. Its formula consists of 11 vitamins, 8 minerals and green tea extract, which helps improve the condition of the skin. The complex reliably protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays and free radicals. It supports collagen synthesis and stimulates tissue regeneration.

The vitamin-mineral complex is available in plastic jars with a convenient lid of 30 and 60 tablets. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. After just a few days of use, the condition of the skin improves: inflammation disappears, acne is reduced. Pros: excellent effectiveness, restorative effect, convenient format. Cons – the complex is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


SKIN, NAILS & HAIR – developed by the best Solgar specialists. The vitamin complex was created specifically for women who want to improve the condition of their skin, hair and nails. The balanced formula contains vitamin C, essential amino acids, silicon, copper and zinc. 100% organic dietary supplement. Does not contain artificial flavors or colors. It maintains the necessary level of collagen and stimulates the production of elastin fibers, low levels of which provoke the development of acne and decreased skin elasticity.

Reviews say that vitamins from Solgar with an improved formula are available in brown glass bottles. The tablets have a smooth coating and are easy to swallow. Result of intake: inflammation and black spots are reduced, peeling is reduced, an even and healthy complexion is restored. Pros: balanced composition, improved condition of hair and nails, no side effects. The only negative is the not very pleasant smell.

1 Pair Lion

Dull skin color, pimples and the red spots left behind by them - the Pair vitamin complex, included in the TOP 10 products, will help you cope with each of these problems. It is designed specifically to combat acne in adults, so it allows you to quickly get rid of subcutaneous and superficial acne, restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the number of blackheads. Innovative drug No. 1 for eliminating acne from Japan.

The high effectiveness of the complex is ensured by its composition, which includes vitamins (B2, B6, B9, B12), amino acids and plant components. The first results are noticeable after 10-14 days of use, but to consolidate the achieved effect, it is recommended to take the supplement for 2 months. One package contains 120 tablets, which is enough for a full course. Pros: suppression of excessive sebum secretion, restoration of lipid metabolism, complete elimination of acne. The only negative is the high cost.