
Yawning is a reflex action characterized by the involuntary wide opening of the mouth and drawing air into the lungs, and then slowly removing it from them.

The reason a person develops yawning can be drowsiness, fatigue or boredom. When a person experiences one of these conditions, their brain sends a signal to their muscles, causing them to involuntarily open their jaw and inhale air.

This action helps bring the body into a more alert state by increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and muscles. However, the causes of yawning are not entirely clear, and there are various theories about its biological function and evolutionary origins.

Some researchers believe that yawning helps cool the brain when it's overheating. Others believe it has to do with regulating arousal levels in the brain or helping to stretch the jaw and facial muscles.

Yawning can also be contagious - when people see a person yawning, many of them have an irresistible desire to follow his example. In general, yawning is a natural neurophysiological process that is important for the normal functioning of the body.

Yawning, or ʏaʊniŋ (from the English yawn - yawning), is a reflex process consisting of involuntary opening of the mouth, followed by rapid inhalation and slow exhalation of air. The process is based on the body's reaction to the loss of oxygen, which can occur under the influence of various factors, such as drowsiness, stress, boredom and other factors.

When studying the nature of the yawn, it was found that the yawning process involves the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal wall, the occipital muscles, which are involved in turning the head, and the facial muscles, which produce a mask-like movement. In addition, the neck muscles, intercostal muscles and tongue are involved in the yawning process.

Also called yawning in the literature, it serves as an important mechanism for restoring oxygen levels in the blood. It has been found that pharynx helps to quickly restore oxygen levels in the body and improves the condition of blood vessels. It is important to note that yawning can serve as an alternative to falling into deep, long sleep, allowing you to relieve