Fundic glands

Fundic glands

The glands of the stomach are appetite glands: they serve to produce gastric juice. It is necessary for the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates during primary food processing. They also play an important role in regulating the digestive system and metabolism.

ZhF secrete parietal, acid-forming and additional secretions: 1. Pancreatic juice and bile enter the stomach, where they combine and turn into chyme (the basis of gastric contents). This occurs at the bottom of the stomach, due to the enzymes of pancreatic and bile juice, the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins occurs, i.e. primary processing of food, the resulting chyme passes into the pylorus of the duodenum through the fundus of the stomach. Secondary food processing occurs in this department. Here are glands with external secretion, like hypertrophied goblet cells that synthesize mucus; Grenevsky, producing an antiperistaltic secretion that slows down the contractile activity of smooth muscles - protective factors against food entering the intestine in an insufficiently processed form; the main glands that secrete the specific enzyme pepsinogen. Protein digestion begins after the chyme comes into contact with mucus and gastric juice from the main glands. The gastric glands are activated under the influence of gastrin produced by G-cells of the fundus and body of the stomach, and accompany the digestion phase. The process of secretion of the main cells is stimulated by chemical stimuli - food processing products (first of all, stimulants (cholecystokinin, bombesin), then parasympathetic mechanical ones (stretching the wall of the gastrointestinal tract).

2. Hypertrophied pancreatic tissue is present in the fundus, is called non-oaspolympectomal and secretes the proteolytic enzyme - chymotrypsin. An important gland for protecting the mucous membrane is the peristaltic secretory pouch. This pocket is a pouch-like groove or collection of mucous glands secreted at the mouth of the pylorus. The secreted discharge contains a mucus-like non-protein protein -