Anti-cellulite massage with cups: vacuum massage technique

Anti-cellulite cupping massage is one of the most effective methods of combating cellulite. Also in massage terminology, this type of massage is called vacuum anti-cellulite massage. This method of combating cellulite has become very popular and is used by millions of women around the world. Many beauty salons offer a vacuum massage procedure for cellulite to their visitors.

Anti-cellulite massage with cups

Through anti-cellulite vacuum massage with cups, lymph and blood circulation is normalized, which contributes to the beautiful appearance of the skin

The procedure is carried out using a special device, or ordinary massage cups, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Cupping massage for cellulite can be easily performed at home.

The benefits of vacuum massage for cellulite

In the fight against cellulite, many women used various methods: body wraps, massage, diets, exercise. But, Vacuum massage for cellulite has proven itself to be the most effective means of eliminating “orange peel”. Regular sessions will definitely give positive results.

The effectiveness of this method is explained by the fact that through certain cupping techniques, blood circulation improves, which further promotes excellent circulation of interstitial fluids under the skin. Subsequently, lymph and blood circulation is normalized, which contributes to the beautiful appearance of the skin.

During the anti-cellulite massage process, active stimulation of the upper layers of the skin and nerve endings located close to the skin occurs. This leads to activation of lymph flow and blood flow. The movements performed during the procedure affect blood flow. Subsequently, the flow of arterial blood, oxygen and nutrients increases.

I would like to say that this massage is painful. After several sessions, bruising and severe redness may form in the area. As a rule, they form after the first 2 sessions. The remaining sessions are less painful, and the bruises disappear and do not appear again. All this indicates that the procedure normalized blood circulation in the tissues, eliminating congestion.

The benefits of cupping massage for cellulite

The vacuum procedure has proven itself to be the most effective means of eliminating “orange peel”

Massage algorithm

The massage procedure can be carried out in beauty salons, where you will be offered a hardware massage, or at home using massage cups.

A large number of medical centers and beauty salons offer their visitors the procedure of hardware vacuum massage. Unlike anti-cellulite massage with cups, hardware massage has a number of advantages:

  1. Accurate pressure;
  2. Several operating modes (pulsating and constant);
  3. Additional devices (massage rollers);

Now let's talk about how to do this procedure correctly. It is necessary to apply massage in the area where cellulite is most pronounced. It is worth remembering that you cannot massage the inner thigh and popliteal cavity.

Warming up

You should start by warming up the area being treated. To do this, you just need to perform basic massage actions with your hands until slight redness forms. As a rule, vacuum massage is performed in the buttocks and thighs. These are the areas where cellulite most often occurs.

To warm up your thighs well, you need to place your foot on a chair and, alternating circular rubbing movements with straight rubbing movements, perform movements from the knee to the stomach. The entire palm should be involved in the process. To warm up the buttocks, it is necessary to perform rubbing and kneading movements. Finish with light tapping movements.


After you have completed the procedure of warming up the required skin surface, we proceed to lubricating the selected area. At best, you need to use a special anti-cellulite cream. If this is not the case, you can use regular olive oil. Do not skimp on the oil, lubricate it generously so that the jar glides well over your body.


We clean our hands of any remaining oil and take a clean, dry massage jar. Then we lie on our side, bending our knees. We apply the jar tightly to the thigh, press on it, retract the skin and begin to move it slowly from bottom to top, trying not to stop or tear off the jar. First we carry out linear movements, then wavy, spiral and end with zigzag movements.

The skin should not be retracted no more than 1-3 cm into the jar. Pulling too hard can cause disruption of blood vessels. If you still retract the skin too much, you need to press on the neck of the jar, letting in a little air. Massage one area for no more than 15 minutes.


The final stage of the procedure is to moisturize the skin. You can use any moisturizer for this.

Vacuum anti-cellulite abdominal massage

By means of a vacuum anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen, you can get rid of fat deposits and also tighten the skin of the abdomen. For this you need a massage silicone jar and olive oil.

  1. Lubricate the abdominal area with oil, then “suck” the jar to the skin in the stomach area. With careful clockwise movements we move to the lower abdomen, then up. It is enough to go through 3-4 laps to get the desired result.
  2. After the circular movements are done, we begin to massage the abdomen with circular movements with our hands. You can also use a roller to massage the abdomen.
  3. Cupping massage for cellulite should be performed every other day so that the skin has time to recover.

Be sure to read the instructions before you start using massage cups. In addition, vacuum massage has a number of contraindications. If you have any doubts, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for anti-cellulite massage

Before you begin the procedure, be sure to read the contraindications

Main contraindications for use:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  3. Increased skin sensitivity;
  4. Increased capillary fragility;
  5. Phlebeurysm;
  6. The presence of malignant and benign tumors;
  7. Cardiovascular diseases;

The cupping procedure is indeed a very effective weapon in the fight against “orange peel.” If you want to see a positive result in practice, just read the “cupping massage for cellulite reviews”, where you will see with your own eyes numerous amazing results.

The vacuum procedure, if performed correctly and during the course of treatment, will give a very effective result. Don't forget to take preventive measures so that cellulite doesn't come back to you again.