How to get rid of deep nasolabial wrinkles

Nasolabial folds are longitudinal wrinkles that start from the wings of the nose and end at the corners of the lips. They range from barely noticeable fine lines to deep and pronounced ones.

These folds visually add years; a person looks older than he really is. However, these wrinkles can be combated by will remove nasolabial folds. The best method for home: special exercises, massage, folk recipes.

Causes of nasolabial folds

The first appearance of nasolabial folds does not depend at all on a person’s age; experts say that they are formed by the age of 30-35, and this is influenced by a large number of factors, including the emotions experienced by a person.

Also The severity of folds is influenced by heredity, sudden weight loss, and improper care of delicate facial skin., the presence of bad habits, even an incorrect bite can cause wrinkles.

Removing nasolabial wrinkles is quite simple at home; for this you do not need to contact a professional cosmetologist.

It should be noted that losing weight, especially sharply, is another reason for the appearance of this problem, while at the same time, on the contrary, when a person gets better and gains weight, these folds smooth out and disappear.

There are many methods of dealing with them, but there is no universal one; everyone can choose the one that will best suit them. Yes, you can really get rid of nasolabial wrinkles without resorting to special cosmetic procedures. To do this, you need to know the true reason for their appearance.

There are main reasons that contribute to the worsening of these folds.

The main reasons for deepening nasolabial folds
Weakening of the soft tissues of the face Age-related skin aging Fading muscle tone of the face

The formation of nasolabial wrinkles also has other causes.

Causes of formation of nasolabial wrinkles
Sleeping on your stomach reduces the elasticity of your facial skin, causing wrinkles and bags under your eyes. If you drink a lot before bed, the skin begins to stretch, resulting in nasolabial wrinkles. The bad influence of the environment causes significant harm to the skin of the face. People living in big cities or industrial centers are most susceptible to negative influences If you deal with nasolabial wrinkles incorrectly, the opposite effect occurs - they only become more pronounced

Is it possible to get rid of nasolabial folds on your own (the best method at home)

Removing nasolabial wrinkles is quite simple at home; for this you do not need to contact a professional cosmetologist.

To remove nasolabial folds, you need to act in 5 stages:

Stage 1. Relaxation of facial muscles and maintaining their active tone.

Stage 2. Improvement of skin, its softening.

Stage 3. Stimulating the circulatory system to saturate facial cells with blood.

Stage 4. Supports elastin and collagen levels.

Stage 5. Saturation of the dermis with nutrients and tissue hydration.

Basic recommendations for getting rid of nasolabial folds

In order to remove nasolabial folds at home, it is better to adhere to certain methods, rules and recommendations:

  1. Drink 2 liters of clean water daily. It has been scientifically proven that this helps rid the body of waste and toxins and maintains skin tone. It is worth remembering that it is better not to drink liquid at night to avoid swelling of the skin.
  2. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side. For example, if you constantly sleep on one side, the wrinkles on that side will be deeper.
  3. The use of sunscreen cannot be ignored. Ultraviolet rays damage the dermis, and this is reflected in its appearance. This makes the question of how to remove nasolabial folds, what is the best method to choose at home, become especially acute.
  4. By using cosmetic oils daily, the epithelium is saturated with moisture and becomes elastic, which gives the skin a delightful appearance.
  5. 2-3 times a week use cosmetic natural face masks.
  6. To refuse from bad habits. This will get rid of nasolabial wrinkles and generally improve the well-being and tone of the whole body.
  7. Do a facial massage daily. There are a lot of massage options, which allows you to choose the most effective one, as well as combine different types of massage at the same time.

Effective exercises to remove nasolabial folds

Facial exercises against nasolabial folds are effective not only for existing wrinkles, but also for preventing the occurrence of wrinkles.

Regular facial gymnastics includes the following actions:

  1. Inflate to the end and deflate your cheeks.
  2. Without closing your mouth, pronounce vowel sounds.
  3. Imagine that lips are a horn, and pull them out as much as possible.
  4. Protrude the lower jaw as far as possible, purse your lips tightly, then release.
  5. Inhale through mouth and rinseas if there was water instead of air.
  6. Inhale deeply through your nose, puff out your cheeks and be sure to hold your breath. Exhale gradually through your mouth in small bursts.
  7. Do the same as in point 6, but while holding your breath, pull your cheeks in.
  8. Inhale relaxingly through your nose and just as calmly exhale through your mouth.

Gymnastics against nasolabial folds from Carol Maggio

Gymnastics from Carol Maggio will help you remove nasolabial folds at home.

Facial exercises against nasolabial folds are effective not only for existing wrinkles, but also for preventing the occurrence of wrinkles.

To achieve the best effect, such gymnastics should be done using the following method:

  1. Press your lips tightlyso that they press against the teeth.
  2. Mentally draw a dot in the center of both lips.
  3. Open your mouth like this, so that a long oval appears, and the mental points are located on the same line. Inhale through your mouth.
  4. Press along the nasolabial folds up and down with your index fingers until a burning sensation occurs.
  5. Exhale through the mouth.

If you do the exercises daily for 10 minutes, then after 2-3 weeks the first result will be noticeable.

Gymnastics against nasolabial folds from Greer Childers

This kind of gymnastics is done by massaging the active points of the face.

All exercises are done while holding your breath for 8-10 seconds, in 8-10 approaches:

  1. Take a deep breath through your mouth. Press the points in the corners of the mouth, then move your fingers about 1 cm closer to the nose to avoid sagging corners of the lips.
  2. The next step is to apply pressure points at the wings of the nose.
  3. Then move to the points on the sides from the nose and press. This is done for nasolabial wrinkles.
  4. Next, the points on the outer corners of the eyes are massaged, so that there are no crow's feet.
  5. Followed by massaging moves under the eyes.
  6. Inner corners of the eyes massaged against sunken eyes.
  7. Points in front of the ear are massaged to eliminate jowls, that is, preventing wrinkles around the ears, so that the cheeks do not sag.
  8. Temple massage gives tone to the entire upper part of the face.

This set of exercises will help eliminate any wrinkles and prevent pronounced age-related changes in the face.

Massage techniques for nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds can be easily removed with massage. There are such effective techniques as shiatsu, Indian massage, Asahi, which can be performed at home.

Shiatsu massage: step by step guide

This is a Japanese massage, which involves the following actions:

  1. Press the corners of your mouth with two fingers and hold for a couple of seconds;
  2. moving from the center of the lips to the corners of the mouth, press on them for half a minute;
  3. the nasolabial folds are pressed several times;
  4. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Indian massage: step by step guide

Indian massage is done as follows:

  1. warm up your face with light strokes along the massage lines;
  2. press with two fingers for five seconds. on nasolabial wrinkles;
  3. Run your fingers along the folds several times in a circular motion;
  4. perform twisting movements with your hand along the same nasolabial fold;
  5. Pull the folds with two fingers;
  6. leave one finger on the fold, stretch the skin with the other hand, making movements in a semicircle;
  7. Place your fingers on the fold again, stretch the skin and hold it there for 10-15 seconds.

Asahi Technique: Step by Step Guide

This massage affects the deep layers of the epithelium, therefore causing unpleasant painful feelings. You should not be afraid of this, as even experts say that this massage is very useful.

Asahi massage consists of the following exercises:

  1. place your fingers on the wings of your nose;
  2. make 5 movements in the form of the number 8, pressing along the folds;
  3. repeat the procedures, but without pressing;
  4. place two fingers on the bridge of the nose;
  5. run your fingers from the corners of the eyes to the cheeks, stretching the skin;
  6. repeat the previous step, but without pressing;
  7. do all steps 5 times.

Traditional recipes against nasolabial folds

When you need to quickly remove nasolabial folds, the best method at home is masks, compresses and creams made with your own hands from folk remedies.

Bay leaf mask

For her you will need 15 bay leaves, they need to be filled with ¼ tbsp. boiled water and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and 1 chicken egg white and 1 tbsp are added. l. olive oils.

This The mask should only be applied to cleansed skin. For greater effect, you can moisten the bandage in the pulp and stick it with a plaster to the place that requires special attention.

Keep this mask for 20-40 minutes, then simply rinse with water. The mask is made for 3 days, then a break is necessary.

Berry mask

Strawberries are best. You can take other berries, as long as they are fresh. Mash them into porridge and pour in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Olive oil can also be used instead of lemon juice.

Apply to areas where there are wrinkles and leave for 15-20 minutes., then rinse with plain water.

Gelatin face mask

This requires 2 liters. gelatin. Wait until the mixture swells, add a few drops of vitamin A and ½ tsp. lemon juice.

Keep the mask on for 30 minutes. Do it 8 times a month.

Fish oil mask

Due to the presence of omega-3 in fish oil, this product is considered in cosmetology one of the most effective means in the fight against wrinkles.

When you need to quickly remove nasolabial folds, the best method at home is masks, compresses and creams made with your own hands from folk remedies.

Mix olive oil with starch, 1 tsp each. 1:1 and add ½ tsp. fish oil. Apply for 20 minutes.

Clay mask to remove nasolabial folds

For mature women, you should choose pink or green clay. Add phyto-decoction or warm water to 1 spoon of clay until sour cream thickens.

A herbal decoction is made from mint, chamomile or sage. A string, coltsfoot or St. John's wort would also be suitable. If desired, you can even mix in a couple of drops of argan, coconut or peach.

Apply only to cleansed face and keep until the clay dries. Make these masks every other day.

Cosmetic ice for facial skin tone

This is ice made from decoctions of medicinal plants. Ice from frozen sage, calendula or St. John's wort is rubbed on the face to improve skin tone and cleanse it.

In order to make such ice, you need to mix 250 ml of boiling water with a couple of spoons of plants and leave for 30 minutes to infuse. After this, the broth is filtered and poured into ice molds. Ice can be used 2 times a day.

Cream with added honey

Heat 30 g of wax and honey in a steam bath and add ½ tsp. onion juice and a teaspoon of aloe. Apply this mask while warm for half an hour. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water.

Lifting from spirulina

Spirulina algae is often used in lifting cosmetics. Removing nasolabial folds at home in this way is the best method.

You should take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, add 50-70 ml of water. Let it sit for 30 minutes until it swells. At this time, add 2 tablespoons of water to 4 spirulina tablets until completely dissolved. You will get a thick mixture.

After swelling, place the gelatin in a steam bath, and add 2 drops of vitamin A and ½ tsp to the spirulina. lemon juice. Then mix gelatin with spirulina.
The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated every 3 days for a month.

Nasolabial folds are an unpleasant age-related defect, but they can be easily eliminated at home, without the help of specialists and plastic surgeons. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and not skip procedures.

Useful videos about methods for removing nasolabial folds on the face

E. Malysheva in her program talks about how to remove nasolabial folds:

Getting rid of nasolabial folds: the best method at home:

From the age of twenty-five, skin aging begins at the biological level. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of the substance responsible for the production of cellular energy is reduced. The levels of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, also decrease.

One of the very first signs of aging is the appearance of wrinkles near the nose and around the lips. They are also called expression wrinkles. If you do not start the process, but take the necessary measures in time, then it is possible to completely get rid of this trouble. How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles? There are plenty of ways to eliminate this kind of wrinkles. In order to choose the right one for you, you need to know the reasons for their occurrence.

Causes of nasolabial wrinkles

The cause of the appearance may not only be the biological processes of aging occurring in the body.

  1. Anatomy. This may be a predisposition to the appearance of deep and clear lines, or a special facial structure or unusual placement of the muscles responsible for facial expressions.
  2. Bad habits also have an adverse effect on the skin.
  3. Ecology. As a rule, the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles is observed in residents of large cities with a large number of industrial enterprises.
  4. Drinking too much water at night causes stretching of the skin, resulting in the appearance of folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  5. Sleeping at night in a position on your stomach can lead not only to the appearance of wrinkles, but also bags under the eyes.
  6. An incorrectly chosen tactic to combat this nuisance inevitably leads to aggravation of the problem.

Ways to combat nasolabial wrinkles

The problem of nasolabial wrinkles affects every second woman who has reached the age of thirty. What is the best way to get rid of it, at home or trust the professionals? Now there are a huge number of ways to get rid of facial wrinkles. These are specialized procedures that require experience, knowledge and skills. Creams, lotions, serums, masks that are used independently. It is important to choose the right treatment method so as not to worsen the situation.

The most effective and long-lasting remedies for nasolabial wrinkles, every woman will tell you how to get rid of them easily and simply. These are considered procedures carried out in specialized salons using specific equipment. This can be a gel or, specially treated, adipose tissue of the patient himself, injected under the skin, as well as various devices and massagers.

Cosmetic procedures and traditional methods

Special cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, Q10, collagen, and other auxiliary substances will help you get rid of nasolabial wrinkles at home. These substances have a tightening and smoothing effect. The skin acquires elasticity, firmness, and folds become completely invisible.

  1. In order to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles at home, you can also prepare a mask yourself from improvised means that every housewife has in her kitchen. For example, gelatin, whey obtained from milk, essential oils.
  2. Gymnastics. How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles in this way? Easily! Blow up a balloon twice a day. Important - before the exercise, apply the cream to your face, having previously cleansed it with a scrub. An exercise in which you have to lift a bottle of water with your lips will also be effective. You can also perform other exercises that will tone your muscles. Experts advise performing a light massage every time you wash your face. And enrich your creams with natural essential oils and vitamins.

At the moment, the problem of nasolabial wrinkles is quite common. How to get rid of them at home? Watch the video instructions for the Zogan massage, which is now quite popular and the cheapest way to get rid of this problem.

Salon treatments

Contour plastic

The fastest and most reliable way to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles for a long time. The essence of the method is that a special gel is injected under the skin, which smooths out even very deep wrinkles in a few minutes. The effect lasts about a year. The downside is the need to periodically resort to repeated administration, because over time the administered substance breaks down into water and other substances that do not pose a threat to health.


Plasmolifting (lipofilling). The principle is the same as in the first method, only it is not the gel that is injected under the skin, but adipose tissue taken from the patient and pre-treated. Fat is taken from the waist or hips. This is a rather expensive procedure, but very effective.


Roller with needles. Its use ensures that lymph flows to the problem area and fills the folds with collagen. The result will only come with regular and constant use.

How to prevent nasolabial wrinkles from appearing

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. This case is no exception. It would not be superfluous to know the methods and methods of preventing the problem from occurring, so that later you do not have to think about the question of how to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles?

You must:

  1. Drink a lot of water, not tea, coffee, juices, but clean water. Ideally, you should drink at least two liters a day, but it is better to avoid large amounts at night.
  2. Change your sleeping position. It is preferable to sleep on your back, since resting on your stomach or side provokes the appearance of unwanted folds and if measures are not taken, it will not be easy to get rid of nasolabial grooves.
  3. The composition of the cream for the problem area should contain alpha hydroxy acids, which promote cell regeneration.
  4. Apply natural oil to the nasolabial triangle every day. Thanks to them, the skin will become elastic and sufficiently moist.

If this problem has not yet affected you, then now is the time to begin preventive measures. But if you already have nasolabial wrinkles and you are thinking about how to get rid of them, then know that nasolabial wrinkles will soon recede, feeling the attack from all sides. Comprehensive implementation of procedures and measures will allow you to achieve results faster and consolidate them for a long time.

Any woman at absolutely any age wants to be attractive, but it is impossible to defeat age, because wrinkles, unfortunately, will appear sooner or later. Nasolabial wrinkles are considered the most unaesthetic “symptom” of age-related changes. Unfortunately, they can occur not only in older ladies, but also in young girls. Before you can reduce nasolabial folds at home or in the clinic, you need to learn about reasons for their appearance.

Main reasons

Some suggest that nasolabial folds are expression wrinkles, but not only age-related changes in the body can lead to their appearance, there are other reasons:

  1. Quite often, girls, trying to get rid of extra pounds, notice the appearance of nasolabial folds on their face. This is due to the fact that with intensive weight loss, the subcutaneous fat layer becomes smaller, and the epidermis simply does not have enough time to adapt to this kind of change. Therefore, in places where not so long ago there were chubby cheeks, the skin begins to sag.
  2. The epidermis is also affected by external conditions. Poor environmental conditions, temperature changes, exposure to UV radiation and wind - all this affects the condition of the skin adverse influence.
  3. Heredity is another common cause of nasolabial folds.
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking can also lead to this problem.
  5. Early wrinkles can also be caused by resting “face down on a pillow.” It is better to sleep lying on your side.
  6. Incorrect or untimely facial care can also cause formation. nasolabial wrinkles. For example, excessive tension of the skin during massage or excessive application of cosmetics.
  7. The appearance of nasolabial folds may be a consequence of dehydration. An adult’s body requires at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  8. The anatomical features of the skull and face are also of great importance. An incorrect bite or prominent cheeks can cause nasolabial folds to form at an early age.

Salon services

If there are shallow grooves on your face, you can reduce or get rid of them with the help of creams, masks, massage procedures and special exercises. However, pronounced wrinkles require radical intervention. This is exactly what cosmetologists do. How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles in the clinic, and what methods are used for this?

One of the most popular procedures is lipofilling. It is in many ways reminiscent of contour plastic surgery, but much longer and more complex. In this case, instead of a gel filler, your own tissues are used. The material is collected, for example, from the abdomen. It is cleaned and subjected to special treatment. However, lipofilling may entail side effects, after all, this is still a surgical intervention in the body.

A surgical lift can also remove nasolabial folds. This is the best method, but it is expensive. If your financial situation allows it, then you shouldn’t hesitate, because a facelift helps quickly and say a good goodbye with nasolabial folds.

How to clean at home

If you do not have the desire or money for procedures in a clinic or salon, then you can use folk remedies that are safe and completely natural.

The main thing is to provide your skin with regular and proper care:

  1. It is recommended to prepare masks two to three times weekly;
  2. cream formulations should be applied twice a day;
  3. Before peeling, scrubbing and other procedures, the face should be cleansed with milk or toner.

Gelatin mask

This tool includes the following components:

  1. 4 dessert spoons of edible gelatin;
  2. 100 g warm water;
  3. 4 drops of vitamin A;
  4. 7-8 tablets of spirulina;
  5. one dessert spoon of lemon juice.

The effectiveness of the mask is based on the action of these ingredients. For example, gelatin is natural collagen, but it copes with its tasks only on the surface of the skin. Spirulina contains a lot of vitamins, amino acids and other essential compounds. Lemon juice - excellent antioxidant.

To create a mask, add gelatin to water and leave the mixture for thirty to forty minutes to swell. Spirulina should also be placed in warm water and infused, and then lemon juice and vitamin A should be added to it.

Gelatin needs to be slightly heated in a microwave oven and mixed with spirulina. As a result, the product must have jelly-like consistency. The mask should be applied to the décolleté and facial skin for about 20 minutes.

Mask with added bay leaf

This product has the following composition:

  1. 7−8 bay leaves;
  2. 20 g warm water;
  3. one chicken egg;
  4. one tablespoon of olive oil.

Bay leaf contains essential oil that can smooth out wrinkles. The egg contains protein and retinol, which works great against wrinkles. Olive oil provides skin useful substances and moisture.

First you need to make a decoction of bay leaves. Cover them with water and let them simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. The mixture must be cooled and strained thoroughly. Beat the egg and add the resulting bay mixture and olive oil to it. This mask is characterized by a liquid consistency, so it is more convenient to apply it with gauze or cotton wool. The period of action is from 20 to 40 minutes.

Herbal compresses

Cold compresses perfectly tone and nourish the skin, while warm ones make it smoother. To prepare them, special herbs are used that are suitable for a particular skin type. Often, coltsfoot, calendula, St. John's wort or chamomile are used to prepare compresses. You can also use herbs combine with each other.

Such home remedies also accelerate collagen synthesis in the skin. In addition, you can use them every day.

The effectiveness of cosmetics and gymnastics

Upon reaching the age of thirty, all representatives of the fair sex must provide their skin with regular and proper care - everyone knows about this. And here cosmetics come to the rescue. It is clear that even expensive cream formulations will not be able to solve the problem of nasolabial wrinkles, but they will help maintain good skin condition. Good cosmetics should contain the following substances:

  1. collagen;
  2. retinol;
  3. amino acids;
  4. proteins;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. coenzyme q 10.

In addition, the cream should be selected depending on the type of skin and age. For example, for women aged 60, the “20+” drug is unlikely to be suitable.

Nasolabial wrinkles are a very insidious enemy, so you need to use all methods to combat them. Masks and creams are not a complete list; you also need to use special exercises, the purpose of which is to increase tone and normalization of blood circulation.

  1. "Tube". Curl your lips into a tube and hold in this position for a short time, then relax your muscles. The exercise must be repeated at least seven times.
  2. "Ball". Buy a balloon and inflate it daily, this will strengthen your facial muscles.
  3. "Bottle". Pour a small amount of water into a bottle (soda or juice). Try to lift it by grabbing the neck with your lips. Hold the position for fifteen to twenty seconds. If the heaviness is too great, pour some water out of the container.
  4. Standing in front of a mirror, clearly pronounce all the vowel sounds of the alphabet.
  5. Pull your cheeks in and stay in this state for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  6. Take air into your cheeks and roll it from one to the other.
  7. Open your mouth wide, forming an “o” symbol with your lips. Hold for a few seconds.
  8. Try to reach your chin with your upper lip.

Doing these exercises is very simple. Plus, it doesn't take much time. If you repeat them regularly, positive changes can be noticed within ten to fifteen days.

Massage against nasolabial wrinkles

Massage also helps get rid of this type of wrinkles. Its benefits are especially noticeable in old age. To reduce nasolabial wrinkles, it is best to use the Japanese technique.

  1. Rub along the wrinkles in different directions with the pads of your fingers. 6 repetitions will be enough. However, some experts recommend rubbing on wrinkles until a burning sensation appears. This massage technique is called Shiatsu and is considered one of the simplest.
  2. Stretch the skin from the corners of your mouth with your fingers, and then begin to massage it.
  3. Using your palms, stretch the skin from the very center. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.
  4. An excellent remedy is massage, supplemented by treating the skin with oils.

Remember that wrinkles occur due to lack of moisture in the skin. Therefore, it needs to be treated with special creams as often as possible. This is especially true after sunbathing.

The lightest massage is considered to be rubbing the skin with ice cubes from a herbal decoction.

Prevention measures

Don't forget that wrinkles are much easier to prevent than to get rid of them in the future. In order to remain attractive, you need to follow some prevention tips:

  1. Don't drink a lot of water before going to bed. The daily fluid intake should be consumed before 18-20 hours.
  2. Try to get enough sleep. Oversleeping or lack of sleep has a very detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. It is clear that it is impossible to control your position while sleeping, but you should try to fall asleep on your back or side.
  4. A nutritious diet is also important for skin health. Avoid junk food and smoked foods. It is better to replace them with berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain many vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Use sunscreen before going outside.
  6. Do not resort to too strict diets, as rapid weight loss will instantly cause wrinkles.
  7. Moisturize and cleanse your skin every day. Do treatments at the salon or at home at least once a week.
  8. Rub your wrinkles every day with ice cubes.
  9. Use high-quality cosmetics in accordance with your age category.
  10. Do exercises regularly to strengthen and improve your facial muscles.

If you have made a firm decision to say goodbye to wrinkles, then you need to be patient and not stop halfway. Only regularity and diligence, coupled with proper care, will ensure your face looks attractive and fresh.