You can sunbathe in a solarium during your period

Modern girls often wonder whether it is possible to go to a solarium during menstruation.

It is no coincidence that menstruation is called “critical days.” At this time, the woman does not feel well, she may even experience pain - in a word, this condition seriously “unsettles” her for several days.

A woman always wants to look good. With a light tan you can give your skin a healthy and rested look. Is tanning beneficial during menstruation?

The benefits of ultraviolet light

In addition to the aesthetic appeal, tanning, according to professional cosmetologists, eliminates acne, treats psoriasis, various eczema and dermatitis. A big plus is that, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, more vitamin D and the joy hormone - serotonin are produced.

Despite the fact that the filters do not allow the most aggressive rays of the C spectrum to pass through, this procedure is safe only for absolutely healthy people. What to do on critical days, when they coincide with the schedule for visiting the solarium? Is it possible to sunbathe during menstruation?

Solarium during menstruation

Still, the majority of gynecologists and specialists are 90% inclined to the opinion that it is impossible to go to a solarium during menstruation. This is not so critical and urgent; you can always skip it, otherwise you can rearrange the schedule. But neglecting this recommendation can lead to very harmful consequences.

Possible complications when visiting a solarium during menstruation

Critical days already complicate life enough: pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, increased sensitivity of the endocrine system, mammary glands, skin, nausea, weakness, headache. What are the harms of tanning during menstruation? Solarium on menstrual days can lead to:

  1. A sharp drop in blood pressure. The condition is characterized by dizziness, nausea, spontaneous weakness up to loss of consciousness.
  2. To more pronounced pain during menstruation.
  3. Increased volume of secretions. Exposure to high temperatures leads to overheating of the body - blood circulation increases, therefore, bleeding increases. It is not for nothing that they warn that in such a delicate time one should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, taking hot baths, and visiting saunas. Even the presence of ventilation in a solarium cannot protect against excessive discharge.
  4. To the occurrence of any infection, since a warm favorable environment is created for the growth of bacteria.
  5. Violation of the monthly cycle. Exorbitantly abundant discharge may occur in the next month or, conversely, too scanty. There may also be a complete absence of menstruation.
  6. Allergic rashes, age spots (vitiligo), irritation and inflammation on the skin are caused by solarium during menstruation. The fact is that the natural dark pigment melanin is produced much less during this period and the skin may react inadequately to exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  7. Pityriasis versicolor, which is common in people living in hot climates. There is a possibility that it is after solarium that a yeast-like fungus begins to progress, disrupting the synthesis of melanin. Papillomas can also grow.
  8. Disruption of the female genital organs. The development of pathologies, serious gynecological diseases and even infertility is possible.
  9. Complications of existing gynecological diseases: endometriosis, fibrous mastopathy, cyst, cervical erosion. The condition may become more complicated.

These manifestations can be attributed to the side effects of solarium, since they do not occur to everyone, but the likelihood of manifestations exists. We can definitely say that you should not go to a solarium if you have gynecological infections and diseases. If you are confident in your body and health, then to be on the safe side, consult a leading gynecologist who can give specific recommendations.

You should not rely only on reviews, for example, from friends who did not experience any negative reactions after UV rays. It is not a fact that inflammatory processes have not begun, which will make themselves felt in the future.

How to prepare for a solarium?

There is no clear answer to the question - is it possible to visit a solarium if you have your period? It happens that the situation is urgent and if you are still planning to go to the solarium during your period, then it is worth considering some nuances. To reduce the risks of negative consequences, you should take into account:

  1. It is better to avoid visiting the salon in the midst of discharge. Wait until their number decreases somewhat, for example, you can postpone the trip to the 3rd–4th day of menstruation.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, use a tampon, and after it, change the tampon to a pad. This will help avoid the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
  3. To sufficiently moisturize the skin, water procedures 2 hours before exposure to ultraviolet rays and 3 hours after will be useful. You shouldn't take a shower right away. Heated skin can be brought back to normal with an after-sun cream with a cooling and moisturizing effect.
  4. Do not use standard tanning creams. Give preference to cosmetics designed specifically for artificial tanning.
  5. Protect delicate areas: lubricate your lips, stick a sticky on your areolas and nipples, put glasses on your eyes, a cap on your hair, and leave your intimate area in underwear.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. After the session and shower, try to avoid physical activity and take time to rest in a lying position to avoid excessive bleeding.

Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but it is not necessary to make such a big sacrifice, because a solarium is not even a trip to the sea. You can walk at different time intervals. All the same, after one procedure you will not get a full, even tan, and a short break is unlikely to have a significant impact on the quality of the tan as a whole.

It is difficult to say 100% accurately whether it is possible to visit a solarium on menstruation days. Firstly, permission or prohibition is based on what age the woman is and the condition of her skin. It is worth considering the characteristics of menstruation itself.

Why you should not sunbathe during your period:

  1. Due to an increase in temperature, pressure may increase, therefore, the discharge will be more abundant and may provoke painful (or simply unpleasant) sensations.
  2. According to some reports, excessive visits to the solarium during menstruation can lead to infertility. However, there is no clear evidence for this.
  3. A tan during hormonal changes will not lie evenly, but in spots. This is due to the fact that the ability to produce melanin is inhibited when menstruation occurs.
  4. A tampon filled with blood during menstruation, under the influence of temperature, turns into a “breeding ground for bacteria”, which will harm your overall health.
  5. We must not forget that all hormonal changes are reflected on the skin, and UV rays can dry out the already sensitive epidermis.

How to visit the solarium on critical days, if it was not possible to postpone:

  1. The tampon used during tanning must be replaced with a pad immediately after the procedure. The pad does not interact with the vagina itself, so the chance of continued “infection” after the procedure is significantly reduced.
  2. We must not forget about the cream that protects against the harmful effects of radiation: excessive exposure can damage the skin and leave a burn on it. Moreover, there is no particular point in being inside the cabin due to the inhibition of melanin synthesis.
  3. To make you feel better during your period, you need to drink a lot of clean water. Firstly, it will help cool the body and, therefore, recover after the procedure. Secondly, it will have a beneficial effect on the passage of critical days, since consumption can prevent fluid retention and the appearance of edema. Thirdly, it has an excellent effect on the general condition of the skin and improves it.
  4. For a speedy recovery you need rest.

According to experts, if you visit the solarium on your menstrual days, then only at the very beginning and end.. Bleeding during this period is not so profuse as to harm the body.

The most favorable period for visiting a solarium is the end of menstruation, since melanin will again begin to be produced in the same quantities.

What to do if, after visiting a solarium, menstruation becomes heavy:

  1. Take a warm (but not hot) shower some time after finishing the procedure. If protection cream has been applied to the skin, this can only be done after 2 hours. For a better effect, you can gradually lower the temperature of the water, but in no case should you suddenly cool the body, as this will lead to a huge load on the blood vessels.
  2. Increase the volume of fluid consumed. It accelerates blood circulation, which means it helps remove all harmful substances from the body.
  3. Lie down and rest (it’s better to even try to sleep), so that during relaxation the body recovers from stress and accumulates strength to fight the consequences.

Since after a solarium the volume of discharge may increase, it is worth stocking up on hygiene products in advance. You should also visit your gynecologist as soon as possible so that the specialist can rule out diseases. He will prescribe the necessary medications to reduce the level of blood secreted or recommend certain therapy.

Read more in our article about whether and how to sunbathe during your period.

Read in this article

To the question of whether it is possible to visit a solarium on critical days, experts do not have a clear answer. Firstly, permission or prohibition to visit the salon is based on the woman’s age and the condition of her skin. The body undergoes significant changes during menstruation, so “sunbathing” should be approached with caution.

Why you should not sunbathe during your period:

  1. Due to an increase in temperature, pressure may increase, therefore, the discharge will be more abundant and may provoke painful (or simply unpleasant) sensations.
  2. According to some reports, excessive visits to the solarium during menstruation can lead to infertility. However, there is no clear evidence for this.
  3. A tan during hormonal changes will not lie evenly, but in spots. This is due to the fact that the ability to produce pigment, which is responsible for protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation and for the appearance of a “delicious” shade, is inhibited when menstruation occurs.
  4. A tampon filled with blood during menstruation, under the influence of temperature, turns into a “breeding ground for bacteria,” which will further harm your overall health.

Cosmetology expert

The choice of whether or not to undergo the procedure remains with the individual girl who is going to the salon, but dark skin is hardly worth risking her health.

And here is more information about whether a nursing mother can sunbathe.

If you have not been convinced of the need to sunbathe in a solarium during your period, you should at least follow some rules, capable of slightly slowing down the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body:

  1. The tampon used during tanning must be replaced with a pad immediately after the procedure. Due to the fact that any hygiene product is heated due to the high temperature inside the cabin, it will perform the same role for bacteria as soil does for plants. Unlike tampons, the pad does not interact with the vagina itself, so the chance of continued “infection” after the procedure is significantly reduced.
  2. We must not forget about the cream that protects against the harmful effects of radiation: excessive exposure to radiant lamps in the cabin can damage the skin and leave a burn on it.

Moreover, there is no particular point in being inside the cabin due to the inhibition of melanin synthesis.

  1. To make you feel better, you need to drink a lot of clean water. Firstly, it will help cool the body and, therefore, recover after the procedure, secondly, it will have a beneficial effect on the passage of critical days, since its use can prevent fluid retention and the appearance of edema, and thirdly, it has an excellent effect on the general skin condition and improves it.
  2. For a speedy recovery you need rest. Quiet time spent reading a book or your favorite TV series without any physical or psychological stress can help the body recover as quickly as possible from the negative impact of a beauty session.

The duration of menstruation varies among women, however, according to experts, if you visit a solarium on your menstrual days, then only at the very beginning and end. This is explained by the fact that bleeding during this period is not so profuse as to harm the body, therefore this approach to artificial tanning is the safest relative to the rest of the period.

Cosmetology expert

If blood loss increases after the procedure, the following sequence of actions is recommended:

  1. Take a warm (but not hot) shower some time after finishing the procedure. If protection cream has been applied to the skin, this can only be done after 2 hours. For a better effect, you can gradually lower the temperature of the water, but in no case should you suddenly cool the body, as this will lead to a huge load on the blood vessels.
  2. Increase the volume of fluid consumed to help the body not only outside, but also “inside”. Drinking water accelerates blood circulation, which means it helps remove all harmful substances from the body.
  3. Lie down and rest (it’s better to even try to sleep), so that during relaxation the body recovers from stress and accumulates strength to fight the consequences.

Watch the video about whether you can go to the solarium during your period:

Heavy bleeding means the need to constantly change sanitary products: it would be great to take care of an additional pack of pads or a pack of tampons before visiting a beauty salon. If you don’t do this, you will have to go to the store or look for a “helper” when you feel worse.

You should also visit your gynecologist as soon as possible so that the specialist can rule out the possibility that any disease has begun or recurred in the body. He will prescribe the necessary medications to reduce the level of blood secreted or recommend certain therapy.

And here is more information about solarium after Botox.

“Ultraviolet baths” during menstrual periods can not only not be beneficial, but can also cause harm. However, if the desire to tan in a solarium during menstruation, even if unevenly, has become so ingrained in your head, you should at least follow the “safety precautions” rules, which will help reduce the likelihood of such an unpleasant thing as heavy bleeding.

Doctors give mixed answers to the question of whether a nursing mother can sunbathe. In general, she can get a beautiful tan both in the solarium and in the sun. But you should take into account the rules for staying under the rays when breastfeeding.

When buying a product, many people wonder whether it is possible to tan with sunscreen. For example, if you smear it on the beach or for a walk. The answer is yes. However, it is important to understand how the rays penetrate the cream when choosing different SPF.

Initially, sun tanning cream is intended to protect the skin from burns, and only after that to obtain a chocolate shade. Choosing the best products to boost protection while delivering intense, quick color isn't easy, especially for your legs. How to choose and use cream depending on your phototype?

There are proven means for a beautiful tan. Choosing the best can be difficult for staying in the sun in the city or traveling to the sea. Some use store-bought products for a beautiful tan, others use folk remedies.

Mostly after the sun, the skin itches due to an allergic reaction from being on the beach. The reasons may be a burn (then it itches, turns red, blisters appear), as well as infections after sunbathing on a public beach.


The solarium is a gift from the age of modern technology. With its help, even in cold and snowy winters you can become the owner of a bronze tan. There is only one thing that can overshadow this circumstance - menstruation. Everyone knows that at this time it is not allowed to visit the solarium. The recommendations are based on observations by gynecologists of the reaction of the female body in certain situations.

Should you refrain from visiting the solarium during menstrual periods?

Some experts disagree on this issue, but most agree that exposure to artificial sunlight during active discharge may cause harm to health. This result is observed in 90% of cases.

The intensity of menstruation is related to the individual characteristics of the body and the ambient temperature. The warmer the air, the higher the speed of blood flow in the vessels.