How to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks

Naturally, the presence of even the smallest stretch marks makes you want to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks as soon as possible. This can be done in various ways, from traditional methods to surgical intervention.

An important point, without which it is not possible to remove stretch marks from the thighs, is proper nutrition - consumption of the necessary substances for skin elasticity. These include seafood, fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, and herbs. Drink plenty of fluids.

Even the ancient Greeks knew how to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks using olive or almond oil, and wheat germ oil also helped. Check out the flavored oils: lemon, orange, rosewood. Experts from the Beauty Institute recommend neroli and rosemary oil for removing stretch marks from the buttocks. They will not only help you get rid of the hated stretch marks, but will also lift your mood.

A very effective folk remedy are scrubs made from ground coffee (or coffee grounds), salt and sugar. Add olive or other vegetable oil or sour cream. Rub the resulting mass into the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with a contrast shower.

A common remedy for getting rid of stretch marks among women is a mixture of mumiyo: 1 g. Dissolve the mummy in 1 spoon of boiled water and add 80 grams. baby cream Rub once a day into the buttocks area.

Try preparing this composition: take half a glass of aloe juice, the same amount of olive oil, 5 drops of vitamin C and 5 drops of vitamin A. Mix well and apply twice a day to the buttocks area.

At home, you can also prepare a special mixture for rubbing. Mix 19 drops of jasmine, rosemary, lavender extracts, lemon juice, orange oil and 100 ml of jojoba oil. Leave the resulting mass for a day in a dark, closed container. Rub into the buttocks area or use as a massage to help your stretch marks disappear faster.

Do regular massages using almond, orange, rosemary and walnut oils.

Try home wraps using various cosmetics with collagen, cocoa butter or elastin. Wrap yourself in film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Lie like this for a while.

Quick results in eliminating stretch marks from the buttocks can be achieved by contacting specialized salons, where wrapping is carried out using therapeutic mud, gels and algae. They also offer other methods of getting rid of stretch marks: laser removal, mesotherapy, ultrasound correction, anti-cellulite massage.

For rough stretch marks, chemical peeling using phenolic, triacetic acids, and alpha-hydroxy acids helps. Under their influence, the deep layers of the epidermis are burned, and stretch marks disappear with them.

An ideal body is the dream of most girls. To achieve this requires hard work and a lot of effort. Not everyone has been given proportional parameters by nature, especially since life often forces volumes to change and not always in the desired direction.

On the path to perfection, other obstacles often arise, for example, unaesthetic stretch marks on the buttocks, which occur most often in women. Such phenomena make you feel ashamed of your body and feel uncomfortable.
Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on your own and why do these hated defects still occur? Let’s try to figure it out together.

Causes of stretch marks on the buttocks

Such phenomena do not occur spontaneously. The causes of stretch marks or stretch marks, in medical terms, must be sought not only in external manifestations, but also in the state of internal systems.

It has been noticed that such defects often arise due to heredity, and in people of both sexes. During periods of active growth or weight gain, marks may appear on the skin, so do not think that this is a purely female problem. Men, of course, forgive such unaesthetic marks more easily than women, but they also interfere with external attractiveness.

Why stretch marks appear on the buttocks:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth. Most often, complaints about such phenomena are received precisely during such important periods in the life of every woman. It is logical to assume that with weight gain and hormonal changes, many changes occur in the body, and not always positive.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. Taking birth control pills, hormonal treatment, and simply problems with the thyroid gland and endocrine system can cause such symptoms. In such cases, this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a serious signal of danger, so medical attention may be needed, including hospitalization.
  3. Weight gain or loss. Both situations are equally harmful to the skin, especially when the process is too fast. “Instant” diets and fat-burning drugs, in addition to their dubious effectiveness, can cause severe sagging skin.
  4. Poor nutrition. Moreover, we are talking here not just about weight gain, but about nutritional errors that cause sagging skin and deterioration of its condition.

In addition, hereditary factors, constant stress and basic lack of self-care also play a role.

All negative changes manifest themselves immediately as a whole set of problems. Typically these are stretch marks, cellulite and sagging skin, but vascular changes and dermatological problems may also occur. All this makes you feel ugly and unwanted, because fashion canons have long prescribed what a beautiful body should look like. It is possible and necessary to combat such manifestations, but for this it is necessary to be properly armed with useful information and all the necessary means.

In teenagers

Puberty often tests the strength of both the body and psyche of young people. For some, this time passes quite safely, while others are “lucky” with acne, disproportionality of the body, and even stretch marks on the buttocks. This is due to the complex effects of hormones and growth rate.

Typically, between the ages of 13 and 16, many changes occur and the child reaches the size of an adult, but not all organs can withstand this rate of growth.

Unfortunately, there is little that can be done in this case. For particularly severe situations, hormonal treatment may be necessary, but usually the recommendations relate more to preventive measures.

How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Strong physical activity.
  3. Regular cosmetic procedures.

It is better to carry out all activities together, otherwise the effect will be subtle. It is very important to accustom a teenager to regular skin care, and this applies to both sexes. Show by personal example the importance of physical activity, especially if there is a predisposition to such conditions in the family. This will make the child’s future life much easier and will educate him physically and mentally.

In men

The stronger half of humanity is also prone to the appearance of unaesthetic stretch marks on the butt. This is most often caused by hormonal fluctuations, especially during adolescence.

In addition, taking steroid medications will be a risk factor, especially during intense physical exertion. The rapid growth of muscle mass literally “tears” the skin, causing stretch marks and scars.

In this case, only plastic surgery can help, because other methods will have too little effect.

Fluctuations in weight in any direction have an extremely negative impact on the condition of everyone’s skin. In this regard, men are a little “secured” by the denser structure of the dermis, but when stretch marks occur, this plays a disservice, because the scars become more noticeable, and getting rid of them is worse than for women.

The fashion for impeccably smooth skin, devoid of any vegetation, came to us from the East and is increasingly gaining popularity. A beautiful and smooth body is in fashion. We invite you to read our article about permanent hair removal methods.

Learn about the causes of freckles and how to prevent their appearance from this article.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the butt at home

It is simply impossible to completely remove stretch marks on the skin on your own. At the same time, if you regularly use traditional methods, the result will be elastic and tightened skin, a reduction in cellulite and visible signs of skin stretching. It is necessary to use such methods in combination, otherwise the effect will be invisible. Basic recipes for successful use at home are given below.


Physical activity is a priority in such matters. Training your muscles will help tighten your skin, which means it will increase collagen production and make stretch marks less noticeable. The “side” effect will be a toned body and a great mood, because playing sports contributes to the production of the happiness hormone. You can look up a set of exercises on the Internet, but it’s better to sign up for a gym so that you have additional motivation for regular exercise.

For you, a video with the best exercises for a beautiful butt

When used regularly, milk will prevent the harmful effects of external factors, and the skin will look well-groomed and healthy, without blemishes, during the warm period. Read more about using body milk.


Even unprofessional self-massage procedures will significantly improve blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. This will also have a beneficial effect on smoothing out stretch marks. And if you involve a loved one in this process, the effectiveness of the massage will increase significantly.


Homemade compositions can be made based on particles of ground coffee, salt, soda, sugar and crushed cereals. There are many such recipes; for the laziest, you can buy a ready-made one, it’s better if it has a warming effect. When performing complex activities, it is necessary to regularly clean the skin. Its relief will become smoother and the surface will be smoother.

Get coffee body scrub recipes at home.


Home wrapping procedures will also be of great importance. For this, seaweed, honey, clay and many other compounds are used. To enhance the effect, additional heating is usually used, and the skin must be cleansed with a deep scrub and steamed before the procedure.

Composition options for home wraps:

  1. Homemade cream with mumiyo. To do this, add 1 gram of the product dissolved in a spoonful of water to the baby cream. For scent, you can add a couple drops of mint or lavender. Can be used as wraps, or you can simply treat problem areas.
  2. Mix half a glass of olive and palm oil and add the same amount of fresh aloe juice. You can additionally add a few drops of pharmaceutical vitamins A and E to the composition. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Coffee wrap also has a good scrubbing effect. To do this, you need to use a mixture of ground coffee (you can use the grounds) and olive oil (you can replace it with almond or palm oil). The resulting mixture is rubbed into problem areas, and then a wrap is performed.
  4. Dilute pharmaceutical clay with warm milk until the desired consistency is obtained. Coat the thighs and buttocks with a thick layer and wrap with film. The simplicity of the method, however, is highly effective and also perfectly tones aging skin.
  5. Mustard wraps have a good fat-burning effect, but cause some discomfort when used. To do this, dilute dry mustard powder with natural oil (grape seeds, almonds or wheat germ), or you can take the aforementioned olive oil. Keep it on the body for up to half an hour; if the burning sensation is too strong, wash it off earlier.

Wraps are not recommended to be performed more than twice a week, and it is better to limit too active formulations to one-time use. After such procedures, you can additionally moisturize the skin with cream or light milk.


Homemade mixtures are also widely used at the same level as store-bought ones. To do this, you need to choose effective ingredients, such as fermented milk products, honey and natural oils. You can also add vitamin components, aloe juice, and essential oils to the composition.

Anti-cellulite massage cream Vitex “Bath Massage Sauna” has a very soft and delicate consistency, a pleasant smell and the color of baked milk. Read user reviews about it.


Olive oil is considered the most useful for various skin problems. It is suitable for any skin type and is also an excellent base for most well-known essential oils.

Nutrient Recipe: two tablespoons of olive, one each of almond, lavender. Add a couple of drops of rosemary, fir or orange essential oil to the mixture (you can take whatever you like). Rub this mixture into the problem area daily, combining application with massage.

You can also use ready-made creams for stretch marks, which often contain the above components.

In addition, a contrast shower, rubbing with a rough cloth and the use of home massagers will help. The main thing is not to lose heart and wait patiently for the result, because the effect will not be noticeable the first time. Complex procedures necessarily include proper nutrition and drinking enough fluids. You should limit your bad habits to a minimum, and also impose a ban on obviously “dangerous” products, for example, sweet carbonated drinks, flour and candy.

The video talks about using oils for stretch marks

Salon treatments

If traditional medicine is powerless, it is more advisable to turn to professionals. In beauty salons and some medical centers there are special procedures that help get rid of stretch marks on the skin.
Depending on the qualifications of the performer and the range of services, the most active sessions for skin health are distinguished.

Professional treatments against stretch marks

  1. Seaweed wrap. Perfectly tones the skin and helps fight cellulite. Used for mild stretch marks and skin changes. The cost of a session will be from 1,500 rubles, but at least eight procedures will be required to obtain the effect.
  2. Ultrasonic exposure. It is performed with special equipment and requires an individual approach and a course of several procedures. It works best on “fresh” stretch marks, the cost will be around 90 thousand rubles.
  3. Mesotherapy will also help cope with the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. It has a number of contraindications, for example, urolithiasis. The cost will be from 7,500 rubles per session.
  4. Chemical peeling is somewhat painful to use and is therefore not suitable for everyone, mainly due to the need for local or general anesthesia. The price for one session will be approximately 35 thousand rubles.
  5. Laser peeling is characterized by the highest effectiveness; it can be used to remove even deep marks from stretch marks. However, the method has many contraindications and high cost (from 180 thousand rubles). Pain and high price are the main “cons” of such an effect, especially since in some cases visible marks from the laser may remain on the skin.
  6. Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove skin and subcutaneous fat from certain areas of the body. Its cost will vary depending on the scope of work and location. Approximately this will be from 140 thousand rubles. This procedure has many contraindications, a certain period of rehabilitation and many side effects, so it is used only in extreme cases.

Watch a video about folk recipes against stretch marks



Before pregnancy, more experienced friends often frightened me about the possibility of stretch marks appearing on my stomach and butt. Throughout the “pregnant” period, I used special creams (quite expensive, by the way) and tried to control weight gain. As a result, I went through pregnancy with a neat tummy and without the slightest trace of stretching on the skin, but after giving birth I fully experienced all the delights of motherhood. In addition to cellulite and sharply gained weight (more than 25 kg), terrible stretch marks and simply sagging skin appeared on the buttocks. So nature played a cruel joke on me and I went through the entire period of breastfeeding like a monster. After finishing feeding, she actively took care of herself, fortunately, her daughter soon went to kindergarten. Physical exercises and diets helped a lot, as well as special creams that my sister brought me from Germany. Now the skin is more or less healthy, there are no too noticeable marks left, but the former marks on the tanned skin are still slightly visible.

Stretch marks on the buttocks are not just a cosmetic defect, but an alarm signal from the body. If something is wrong inside, it is immediately reflected on our skin, so such symptoms cannot be ignored. There can be many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, so it is very important to arm yourself with all the necessary information in time and take measures to eliminate it. What are the main causes of stretch marks and how to eliminate them - all the necessary information on this topic is presented in our article.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with the rating of stretch mark creams for pregnant women.

Stretch marks are not the most pleasant thing. They represent internal ruptures in the layers of the epidermis. Parts of the body most susceptible to them are the abdomen, chest, thighs, and buttocks. How to get rid of stretch marks on the butt if this appetizing area has undergone the appearance of stretch marks on it? There are a large number of ways to do this. But first you need to figure out why stretch marks appear on the buttocks in the first place.

Stretch marks on the buttocks: causes of appearance

The answer to the question of why stretch marks appear on the butt may vary in each individual case. The most common reasons for this problem are:

  1. Poor nutrition. Stretch marks can be a consequence of overusing fatty, floury, and sweet foods. Sweet carbonated waters and alcoholic drinks also have a negative impact on the skin.
  2. Sudden weight fluctuations. If a person quickly loses weight or gains weight, the skin cannot keep up with this speed, so it sags, losing elasticity. Stretch marks are a direct consequence of this. Therefore, experts strongly advise against losing or gaining weight quickly. You can change your weight back, but dealing with stretch marks will be much more problematic.
  3. Professional sports. Athletes often “earn” stretch marks by quickly gaining muscle mass.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. If hormonal imbalances occur in the body, a number of hormones affect the elasticity of the skin. Its upper layers usually become thinner, and physical activity, even minor, provokes the appearance of stretch marks. At first they have a red-violet color, which is explained by the fact that connective tissue replaces breaks in the skin; over time they turn white.
  5. Pregnancy. In the process of carrying a baby, women actively gain weight, and the body undergoes hormonal changes. The skin physically cannot quickly adapt to these changes. All this may be the answer to the question of what causes stretch marks on the butt.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks

Having figured out why stretch marks appear on the butt, you can begin an active fight against them. Please note that it must be comprehensive. Special remedies, homemade and store-bought, will help you in the fight against stretch marks, but the main thing you should focus on is your diet and lifestyle, without correcting which you will not be able to achieve success.

Proper nutrition in the fight against stretch marks

The condition of the skin is largely determined by whether the body receives all the components it needs. In the question of how to remove stretch marks on the buttocks, proper nutrition is very important, and in particular its following components:

  1. Vitamin A. Takes an active part in the process of restoring and restoring the skin, helps make it firm and elastic, and promotes cell renewal. Sources of this component are carrots, broccoli, fish oil, and offal.
  2. Vitamin C. It has a healing effect, promotes healing of wounds and scars, accelerates collagen synthesis and takes part in the connective processes of the skin. Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, berries, herbs, rose hips, bell peppers.
  3. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known as the beauty vitamin. It helps maintain metabolism, rejuvenates, has a wound-healing effect, and is an antioxidant. The main sources of vitamin E are nuts, dried fruits, and vegetable oils. Avocados also contain a lot of it.
  4. Zinc. This microelement is important because it takes part in collagen synthesis. If there is enough of this substance in the body, the risk of stretch marks is significantly reduced. This mineral is found in cocoa and dark chocolate, lean meats, offal and edible gelatin.

Also remember to drink enough water. It is recommended to exclude foods that are harmful to the skin from your diet, such as fast food, fatty foods, etc.

Removing stretch marks on the buttocks with exercise

Physical activity also plays an important role in the fight against stretch marks. Simple exercises help supply the problem area with oxygen and blood. Because of this, the skin becomes denser and tighter, and stretch marks on the buttocks will become narrower and less noticeable. You can pay attention to the following set of basic exercises:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, keeping your body straight. Grasp the edges of the chair with your hands and begin to move your legs up and down. Repeat the exercise about 25 times, for a total of three approaches. This exercise strengthens the muscles in the thigh area.
  2. You need to lie on the floor, lift one leg up so that a right angle is formed and you feel the tension in the muscles. Repeat the same for the other leg. Do at least three sets of 15 reps for each leg.
  3. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides. First, lift your right leg up, then lower it down. The same goes for the left leg. Try to extend your leg as high as possible. The movement should be slow and smooth so that you feel the maximum tension in the muscles. Do a couple of sets of 10 reps for each leg.
  4. Position – lying on the floor. Legs are bent at right angles. Lift one leg up, while trying to bring your hip toward the ceiling. Hold the top position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the same for the other leg. In total, it is recommended to perform a couple of approaches 10 times for each leg.

Homemade scrubs and creams for stretch marks on the buttocks

In the question of how to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks, scrubs and creams can be the best helpers. You can pick up ready-made options in cosmetic stores, or you can prepare them at home. Homemade recipes are attractive due to their naturalness, as well as the fact that you can select the composition specifically for yourself. Let's look at several effective recipes.

Hollywood scrub

It is believed that this remedy is used by Hollywood stars to combat stretch marks. We can also use this recipe.

To prepare it, you need to take pre-ground natural coffee, brown sugar or coarse sea salt, as well as any massage oil, including baby oil.

Mix all ingredients together in a deep container. The mixture should be viscous, not too thick or runny. Place the mixture in a nylon sock, then gently rub it into problem areas for ten minutes. Rinse off the remaining scrub with warm water. The product should be used three times a week. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to notice clear changes for the better.

Scrub for stretch marks with salt and glycerin

For this scrub you will need coarse sea salt, liquid honey and glycerin.

Add a teaspoon of glycerin and honey and half a teaspoon of salt to the container. Mix the mixture thoroughly and immediately apply it to the buttocks. Rub the scrub in using massage movements for five minutes. Then wash off any remaining residue with a washcloth and body wash.

Scrub with oil and tangerine peels

A very unusual recipe, but quite effective. For it you will need olive oil, carrots and tangerine peels.

In a kitchen blender, blend half a carrot, tangerine peel and four tablespoons of oil to form a thick puree. The product is rubbed into damp skin with massage movements, then washed off with warm water. After finishing the procedure, lubricate the skin with moisturizer. The finished product can be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator for five days from the date of manufacture.

Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo

The product with mumiyo is considered one of the best in the fight against stretch marks. It will be especially effective if the stretch marks are red and have recently formed.

You only need any moisturizing or regular cream, as well as mummy, liquid or in tablets. Soften the mummy in water and mix with the cream. Rub the resulting product into the buttocks with massage movements. It should be completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure twice a day for a month. This will help shrink the stretch marks and make them less noticeable.

Salon methods for removing stretch marks

If home remedies cannot cope with stretch marks, you can resort to the services of specialists by visiting a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic. There are a large number of procedures for removing stretch marks. This is done by laser, ultrasound, ozone, special massage, mesotherapy and so on.

For more advanced problems, deep chemical peeling using acids may be required. Although the procedure is quite strong, it is very painful and traumatic, since along with stretch marks, superficial burning of the inner layer of the epidermis occurs. Also keep in mind that each of the procedures has a number of contraindications, and a specialist should choose which one is suitable specifically for your case.

Stretch marks on the buttocks: prevention

Stretch marks on the butt, how to get rid of which, you already know, are the result of various reasons. Moreover, even if you remove them through an expensive salon procedure, this does not guarantee that they will not appear again. It is important to take care of the prevention of stretch marks.

Everything is quite simple. Important eat right and exercise. Also avoid sudden weight loss and gain – including muscle mass. Pregnant girls are advised to protect their skin with oils and special creams. For prevention, you can use various home wraps and scrubs. Additionally, they can help tighten the skin and get rid of cellulite.

The main thing in the fight against stretch marks on the buttocks is an integrated approach and regularity. Choose for yourself the most suitable ways to eliminate them and don’t give up. It may not be possible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but in any case they should become less noticeable.

Video tips on how to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks