Night eye mask

To get a good night's sleep and feel alert and rested in the morning, darkness is required. Thick curtains are not always able to protect the bedroom from the penetration of bright light from street lamps or advertising banners. Many people are annoyed by the glowing watch dial or beacons on the switch. An eye patch (mask) for sleeping will help protect your vision and nervous system from these troubles. The accessory is made of dense material that does not allow light to pass through even during the day.

Why do you need a blindfold for sleeping?


A properly selected mask ensures good sleep, because proper rest is extremely important for health. It is at night that the bulk of vital processes take place.

  1. Skin cells are restored and renewed;
  2. Collagen is produced, which is necessary for healthy joints and spine;
  3. Hormones are synthesized;
  4. Processing information received during the day and converting it into long-term memory;
  5. Enhanced removal of harmful substances;
  6. Improving brain, nervous and immune system function.
All these processes take place at night, and pitch darkness is a prerequisite for their implementation. Since melatonin is produced only in such circumstances, the slightest penetration of light onto the pupil leads to the destruction of the element.

Who needs a bandage?

A similar accessory is required for people suffering from disruption of the natural sleep cycle. The products are recommended for patients with high sensitivity to light. The mask is also ideal for the following cases:

  1. For those who, due to duty, are forced to spend a lot of time on business trips and cannot sleep in transport due to the light;
  2. People living in megacities where night lighting is very intense. Sometimes the thickest curtains cannot protect you from advertising signs and street lights;
  3. Spouses with different biological rhythms. For example, the husband is sleeping, and the wife is awake, turning on the light or TV;
  4. For those who work the night shift. They have to make up for the lack of sleep during the day;
  5. People whose bed is located opposite the window;
  6. "Owls." They cannot sleep well during the day; the problem is especially acute in the summer, when dawn comes very early.

According to studies, even slight light from the alarm clock screen can interfere with sound sleep.
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Types of masks


What is a sleep blindfold called? The second name of the accessory is night glasses, they are incredibly popular. Moreover, even doctors appreciated their benefits; they are sure that the eyecup is an excellent alternative to sleeping pills. There are many different models on the market, differing in price and quality. If you can’t buy a ready-made accessory, make it yourself.

The following types of sleep masks are in greatest demand:

  1. With a cosmetic effect. They are made of dense material and have small holes into which gel pads are inserted. They need to be pre-cooled. The accessory has a positive effect on tired eyelids, relieves puffiness, eliminates fine wrinkles;
  2. Smart masks. Equipped with a unique sensor that emits pulses. The product improves sleep quality and relieves stress;
  3. Night glasses. They fit tightly to the face and have reliable fasteners. In appearance they resemble protective optics.
It is better to purchase products made from natural fabrics. The most popular is the silk mask; it has a delicate and pleasant texture.

How to choose a mask?

There are products on sale made from different materials and with many additional functions. However, no matter what “bells and whistles” the manufacturer equips the bandage with, it should be:

  1. Comfortable;
  2. Good stretch;
  3. Keep light out;
  4. The inner side is smooth, made of delicate fabric;
  5. Equipped with a convenient and reliable fastening.

The mask can be decorated with embroidery and rhinestones, but this does not affect its functionality in any way. However, if such decorations improve your mood, then you can use any elements that do not interfere with normal head rotation.

The best materials for sewing masks are cotton, bamboo and silk. They do not cause irritation and are pleasant to the touch. Elastic bands or rubber bands are used for fixation. The most convenient option is a product with two fasteners, with the ability to adjust the length of the tape.

Some models are equipped with a soft cushion for the nose; such bandages fit more tightly to the face. Many people refuse to use eyecups because they make it uncomfortable to open their eyes. In this case, products equipped with bulges for the eye will suit you.

Overlays for women


For the fairer sex, it is important not only to get enough sleep, but also to get rid of cosmetic problems. Sleep masks equipped with unique inserts were developed especially for lovely ladies.

  1. The filler in the form of a gel copes with swelling;
  2. Night glasses with integrated magnetic disks will help you tidy up your skin and get a good night's sleep. They “trigger” biological active points, eliminate hypertonicity of the facial muscles and accelerate the process of epidermal regeneration. If you additionally apply a nourishing cream, the effect of using the bandage will increase;
  3. Masks with woven tourmaline threads tidy up the nervous system and improve blood circulation. Heat emanates from the human body, which triggers the work of tourmaline, it begins to emit infrared rays. As a result, black circles under the eyes disappear;
  4. Eye cups impregnated with copper oxide will be a good prevention against wrinkles. Daily use of the accessory will make your skin smooth and velvety.

Smart sleep pads

The latest invention that reads the impulses occurring in the brain and distinguishes between the “slow” and “fast” phases of sleep. Why is it needed? To spend less time on rest, but at the same time get a good night's sleep. At the end of the fast phase of night rest, the accessory sends a specific signal in the form of a gradually increasing light flux.

As a result, a person wakes up alert and rested, even if he has been in bed for three hours. The device can be set for naps and is ideal for regulating your sleep cycle in a disordered sleep pattern.

However, doctors do not recommend using the device regularly. Because all vital cycles require eight hours of sleep.

The relationship between the mask and melatonin

The retina of the organ of vision is able to distinguish light streams even through closed eyelids. At night, a person not only rests, during the same period active production of melatonin occurs. The hormone performs important functions:

  1. Slows down the aging process;
  2. Prevents the appearance of tumors;
  3. Helps a person adapt to changes in time and climate zones;
  4. Acts as an antioxidant, supplies tissues and cells with oxygen.

Without melatonin, the functioning of the immune system is impaired. Moreover, a decrease in hormone production is observed even with low levels of lighting, since the retina reads these impulses and transmits them to the brain. In such conditions, proper rest will not be possible. A person has problems sleeping, weakens the immune system, and weakens the nervous system.

Instead of rushing to the pharmacy for sleeping pills, it is better to buy a sleep mask. It prevents light from penetrating the retina, allowing you to fully relax even during the day.

What do experts think about masks?

Doctors specializing in the treatment of sleep problems believe that in some cases the bandage can replace sleeping pills. The bulk of the daily requirement of melatonin is produced at night. Light slows down this process and, as a result, the body produces less hormone than it should.

A lack of melatonin leads to problems falling asleep, psycho-emotional resistance to stressful situations decreases, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep are observed, and the body ages quickly.

An eye sleep mask helps create pitch darkness even during the day. As a result, there is no disruption in hormone production, a person can get a good night's sleep and feel refreshed in the morning.

The headband is an ideal option for people who work a lot at the computer. Darkness helps relieve fatigue accumulated during the day and relaxes the muscles of the organ of vision.

DIY sleep mask


Finding the perfect headband is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In addition, a high price is not always an indicator of quality. You can make a mask yourself.

To create an eyecup you will need:

  1. Natural fabric (chintz or cotton) for interior decoration that comes into contact with the eyes;
  2. Fabric for the front side. The owner chooses it according to her taste;
  3. Use fleece or non-woven fabric as filling. The first will give the accessory softness, the second will help maintain its shape;
  4. For convenience and as fasteners, select an elastic band thirty centimeters long and three centimeters wide.

You can find a template for a mask on the Internet or draw it yourself. To correctly determine the width, measure the distance between the left and right temple. Don't forget to allow one centimeter on all sides for the seams. When using non-woven fabric, glue the facing material from the inside.

If you choose fleece as a filler, then make it 0.5 centimeters smaller than the rest of the parts. Place all the elements right sides inward and sew. At the end, attach an elastic band. The mask is ready!


Melatonin increases a person's resistance to stressful situations and is responsible for good mood and vigor. However, its production occurs only in conditions of complete darkness. Light streams destroy the hormone, so in daylight, sleep will be short and restless. The mask will help get rid of this problem and give you the opportunity to sleep even on a bright sunny day.

Can a bandage help you sleep healthy and soundly? Find out the answer by watching the video.

Some people can only fall asleep if they are surrounded by complete darkness. It’s easy to achieve this at night, but what to do if fatigue overcomes you during the day. There is a solution - a sleep mask.

It is an indispensable attribute for travelers, especially for those who often change time zones and have trouble sleeping. In addition, by wearing a mask, you don’t have to ask to turn off the lights earlier, but can calmly fall asleep while someone is reading or working nearby.

There is a category of citizens who, for example, work at night. Therefore, they should rest during the day, and a sleep blindfold is good for helping them fall asleep.

What is a sleep mask


Some skeptics call this assistant useless, but this approach is fundamentally wrong. It allows you to fully relax and fall asleep faster.

According to scientific research, the deepest, longest and most restful sleep can only be in pitch darkness. It’s easy to disrupt your sleep cycle if you go to bed at the wrong time, and even during the day when the sun is shining.

This is easy to explain from a physiological point of view. The eye contains cells that react to the intensity of light radiation. As soon as they encounter a light beam, they send a signal that the body should wake up. These are subtle biochemical processes that have long regulated life cycles. They are responsible for the biological clock. That is why it is easiest for a person to get up at sunrise.

For those who have the opposite problem, that is, you need to get some sleep instead of getting up, you need to do the following. Buy thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through, remove or turn off additional light sources. If you follow these simple tips, your sleep will be much better. This means that the immune system will be completely strengthened. This is why it is important to use a sleep mask for those who have difficulty falling asleep on their own.

What it looks like, what it's called and how it works

Now it’s clear that you can only get a full night’s sleep if there is absolute darkness around you. At night, a sleep hormone called melatonin is produced. He is responsible for:

  1. good spirits;
  2. readiness for active action;
  3. fun mood;
  4. strengthening the immune system.

Everything is individual, but starting from about 10 pm, the hormone is produced. It will not begin to synthesize as long as there is light nearby. A pattern suggests itself: the more a person sleeps at night, the more melatonin the body produces.

Light radiation has a destructive effect on the hormone. If the night light is on, your sleep will no longer be restful. Accordingly, a person will wake up broken and tired. Even if you lie down to rest during the daytime, you can get the opposite effect. Often such short naps during the day bring even greater fatigue.

The night mask is a bandage. In its shape it resembles glasses. The most important thing is the fabric. It should be dense, not transmitting light, and made of breathable material. Now you can find many variations and forms, from the simplest in price and shape and higher. There are masks that simultaneously have a cooling effect.

When making a sleep mask, synthetic fabrics and nylon are used. To fix the device on the face, there is an elastic band at the back connecting the ends of the mask. It is worth noting that these models are inexpensive, but do not do a very good job of blocking light. You need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric so that it does not transmit light.

Despite their relatively low cost, such masks have another drawback - a non-adjustable strap. This means that it is quite difficult to choose the right model: one will press and the other will subside.

The next category of masks is made from more elastic fabrics, and additional foam rubber is sewn into the eye area. They cost a little more, but do a much better job of keeping out light. In addition, you can open and close your eyes with this mask. The advantages of such models include their low weight.

Satin masks are breathable. They are more comfortable because they have adjustable Velcro or fasteners. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for faces of different sizes. In addition to being very convenient to use, they provide comfort and help you fall asleep faster. Some models provide protection against external sounds.

Why and who needs a sleep mask


The mask is required for those people who have problems falling asleep. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Masks are ideal where a person is faced with unusual factors. These are flights, traveling on trains, waiting in well-lit rooms.
  2. With the help of a mask, the transition from winter to summer time will be smoother.
  3. This accessory combats eye fatigue. After all, they are always relaxed when there is darkness around. Don't be afraid of being uncomfortable. Everyone notes the quick fact of addiction.
  4. A person decides when to enjoy sleep. And no rays of the sun will wake him up if he wears a sleep mask.
  5. A mask can become an element of relaxation. That is, the development of a reflex: put on a mask and fall asleep.

The mask can be hypoallergenic and have a cooling effect due to gel pads. There are also cosmetic overnight masks.

Scented gel masks are popular among consumers. They should be selected according to your skin type. Cost from 1000 rubles and above. The advantages of such masks include the regulation of elastic bands and the presence of a cooling liner.

The most popular are regular cotton masks. The main thing is to choose the right size. Since they are made from natural materials, the delicate area around the eyes is not injured. Such masks cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.

How to choose a sleep mask, which one is better

These are the parameters by which the choice is made.


The variety of masks is amazing. They can be strict and laconic, black or, conversely, made of colorful fabrics, with decorative elements, in the shape of various animals.

You can order a personalized mask made from expensive materials. Girls prefer delicate pink colors, pastels, with cartoon characters. And for men, just a thick mask without any designer frills is enough.


The cost of the mask is affected by the material. A mask made from synthetics will be lower in price, and one made from natural fabrics will be higher. The best option would be to use cotton. Custom-made masks are made from satin.

You can choose models with embroidery, frills, openwork inserts, and quilted elements.


Synthetic winterizer is most often used as a filler. In cosmetic models - gel inserts.

Where to buy and how much it costs

As elsewhere, there is a division into cheap masks and expensive ones. Trusted companies that make masks from good fabric also set high prices for them. Therefore, the model can be bought for 500 rubles or for 3-5 thousand rubles. Budget options are made of cheap synthetic fabric and do not have adjustment straps.

If we talk about mid-priced masks, they have additional options. For example, eye niches, adjustable straps, fragrances. The cost fluctuates around 400-600 rubles.

Nowadays SMART masks with additional functions are gaining popularity; for them you need to pay from 2000 thousand and above.

Baby sleep bands


Children may also experience difficulty falling asleep. Therefore, starting from about 4 years old, children are allowed to use sleep masks. But all children are different - some may be afraid of the dark or refuse to wear a mask. Everything is individual here.

If the child agrees to use such an assistant when falling asleep, then why not. The main thing is to choose a suitable model together with your child, so that there is no pressure anywhere and it is comfortable. Now the choice of masks is simply huge; they can be with your favorite cartoon characters or in the shape of animals.

How and from what you can make it yourself

At the first stage, you should decide on the dimensions. The mask should be at least 20cm wide and 8-10cm high. In order to perfectly determine the desired size, you should draw a sketch on paper and cut it out. After that, try it on and decide whether it is chosen correctly or not.

At the second stage, the material is selected. The main criterion is convenience. If it is unpleasant to the skin, then the mask may not have any effect, since the material will cause discomfort. What you should pay attention to:

  1. cotton fabrics are breathable, hypoallergenic, lightweight;
  2. in second place are linen fabrics, they are denser, but due to this, maximum fit and density are achieved;
  3. if you use silk, then as a relaxation. The fabric itself is very light and delicate;
  4. Polyester masks are cheap, but they have both pros and cons. Polyester does not absorb moisture well and is not very pleasant to the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as the top layer of the product.

You can immediately select accessories, braid, fringe, openwork inserts, rhinestones, cords for tying or elastic.

First, a pattern is printed or drawn. It is better to use thick cardboard for these purposes. The template is applied to the material, two parts of the mask are cut out. Then you need to fold them, insert an elastic band and glue them. Sew the main parts of the mask. When the mask is ready, you can decorate it by gluing tape around the perimeter.

Sleep masks are popular not only among women, but also among men. Their rhythm of life is quite high, sometimes they need help to relax and fall asleep quickly. The men's mask differs in size and design. You can sew a simple black mask or find a suitable old fabric with a print (an old T-shirt) and use it as a base.

For an individual design, you can easily contact the photo department, where they will print out the desired print with the inscriptions:

  1. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable;
  2. reboot;
  3. the king is resting;
  4. loading dreams.

There are many options for custom tailoring. A mask can be an excellent unique gift that will stand out among others due to its individual design. It will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also put a person’s biorhythms in order.

Experts' opinion

Neurologists agree that lack of sleep or insomnia negatively affects the state of the body. It even leads to neurological problems. To prevent this from happening, life rhythms need to be adjusted: wakefulness and sleep.

A simple sleep mask does the job well. It blocks sunlight, the body relaxes, and the brain receives a signal that it is possible to sleep. The mask helps you fall into deeper sleep, which is very beneficial for the body. In addition, there is no need to use medications, which are far from harmless.


  1. Olga, 29 years old. My work involves flights, sometimes long ones. A sleep mask that comes with earplugs helps me quickly pass out on a plane. I wake up in another country, rested and cheerful.
  2. Konstantin, 36 years old. I am a programmer, I like to work at night. Of course, this disrupts my biorhythms, but what can I do? Previously, it was difficult for me to fall asleep during the day, the light was very disturbing. I never thought that a piece of cloth would help me sleep soundly, but it does. For anyone who has trouble sleeping, this will definitely help.
  3. Anna, 42 years old. Sleeping in a mask is already a habit that I will not give up. The reflex kicks in, I put on the mask and fall asleep. I have several models that I choose according to my mood. I advise everyone to try it.

Watch the video instructions on how to make your own sleep mask:

It doesn’t matter whether you bought the mask or made it yourself. The main thing is that the material from which it is made is soft, pleasant to the touch and hypoallergenic. The use of this accessory should contribute to a comfortable and peaceful sleep.
