Sexual Kung Fu - Sexual Energy Massage (Part 1)

According to Taoists, sexual energy can be used to heal internal organs and glands, develop mental abilities and create a “microcosmic orbit.”

According to them, sexual energy is identical to brain energy. In addition, they believe that this type of energy is absorbed by the bones, so they consider it useful to cleanse the bone marrow using the exercise “spinal (bone) marrow breathing.”

Sexual massage is part of the practice of “spinal (bone) marrow breathing.” It stimulates the reproduction of sexual energy (jing qi) and promotes the release of latent energy and its distribution in the body. Massage ensures blood flow to the genitals, which relieves prostate problems in men and eases the menstrual period in women. It also increases the concentration of hormones in the brain, which activate its higher activities associated with the functions of the pituitary and pineal glands.

Taoists believe that stimulating the pituitary gland prevents the formation of aging hormones and helps a person stay young.

The technique of sexual massage for men is fundamentally different from the technique of massage for women. Therefore, we will consider them in different sections. If for men the object of massage is the genital organ, then for women it is the breasts.