Vitamin E at night

We have known about the beneficial effects of vitamins on a living organism for a long time, and today it has already been proven that a lack of these substances in the diet leads to serious disruptions in vital processes. Let's look at the benefits for humans hidden in vitamin E, and how its use will affect your beauty and health.

What is vitamin E good for?

In its natural form, this organic compound is a combination of substances similar in composition and action: tocopherols and tocotrienols. The composition of the synthetic product, which is sold in pharmacies, mainly includes only one form of vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol. This drug is often also called tocopherol acetate. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, so it should be consumed in recommended doses to prevent it from accumulating in excess. But with its deficiency, the body feels a lack of resources for the correct flow of many processes.

The most important quality of vitamin E is that it is an antioxidant and protects cells from oxidative processes. This substance helps fight premature signs of aging. Capsules of this drug are often prescribed for conditions where it is necessary to accelerate skin regeneration. It is also useful for the functioning of the circulatory system: it increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the increased permeability of capillaries and the destructibility of red blood cells. There are additional benefits for different genders from taking advantage of the beneficial properties of vitamin E.

For men

A normal level of intake of this substance into the body helps the stronger sex to be active and resilient. Vitamin E for men is one of the hormonal regulators and is involved in the secretion of testosterone. It is often prescribed to regulate the processes of the reproductive system, as it has a beneficial effect on the composition of seminal fluid. In men who smoke, taking this drug reduces the risk of prostate cancer. According to scientific research, vitamin E prevents bladder cancer and can also slow down age-related changes in the retina.

For women

Vitamin E capsules are very often prescribed by gynecologists when planning pregnancy; it is often even called the fertility vitamin. It is involved in the production of hormones that stimulate the functioning of the ovaries, helps the egg to form correctly, and the uterine cavity to prepare for the attachment of the fetus to it. Often, capsules of this substance are prescribed for use during pregnancy if there is a threat of its termination. Vitamin E for women is also very useful for beauty: it has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity, good complexion, and strengthens hair.

How to take vitamin E

Before you start using such a synthetic substance in capsules, tablets or in the form of oil drops, do not neglect to consult a specialist. An experienced doctor will help you choose the dosage of the drug depending on the expected effect and the presence of certain diseases. This way you will prevent unwanted side effects and be sure that you are taking the vitamin based on your age and health conditions.

For nails, hair and skin

The use of this product in capsules is often found when recommending additional personal care, but do not forget that beauty is also an external manifestation of health and good physical shape. When starting to take care of your appearance, first of all think about a diet that contains a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamin E. In such an accessible biological form, it will bring the greatest benefit to your appearance and the whole body for a long period.

You can use such beauty recipes that have received positive responses from many girls.

  1. To strengthen your nails, moisten them twice a week for 2 months with an oily liquid of vitamin E or the contents of capsules, rubbing the composition into the nail plate.
  2. To soften the skin and prevent the harmful effects of sun rays on it, periodically use vitamin E in liquid form instead of cream.
  3. To improve the condition of your hair, use a mask of heated burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l. and vitamin E – 1 tsp. It should be rubbed into the roots and washed off with shampoo after 20 minutes.


Vitamin E for facial skin in sufficient quantities is one of the main factors in maintaining its youth. When taken orally, such capsules harmonize the work of the ovaries and the production of estrogen - a hormone that helps the skin to be tightened, elastic, and radiant. To delay the aging process and the rapid appearance of wrinkles, in addition to the drug in capsules, pay attention to multivitamin complexes. The combination of vitamin E with other antioxidants and microelements is a real rejuvenating cocktail for your appearance!

For facial skin against acne

The use of such a remedy as a medicinal one to get rid of acne causes conflicting responses. For some people, taking vitamin E capsules orally or applying an oily solution externally helps get rid of the rash, while for others it may even cause it to spread. It is important to establish exactly why the skin has become problematic: due to hormonal imbalance, skin irritation, digestive disorders, etc. The use of vitamin E capsules is justified if it can influence the source of irritation.

When planning a pregnancy

An exact recommendation on what dose of vitamin E will help you conceive a child should be given by your gynecologist, taking into account the characteristics of your body and medical history. It is not worth experimenting on your own in this matter, because we are talking not only about the health of the woman, but also the unborn baby. In most cases, according to the recommendations of doctors, the dosage of the substance for women who want to become pregnant is 100 mg, but according to individual indicators it can be increased to 200 mg for 1-2 months.

Instructions for use of tocopherol

It is important to remember that independent, uncontrolled, high-dose and long-term use of vitamin E is self-medication, which can bring harm, rather than benefit, to your health. Stop taking the drug if an allergic reaction occurs. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of the substance, this will cause decreased performance, weakness in the body and will only harm the body.


The daily dose of vitamin E depends on the purposes for which you will use the drug. In most cases, doctors recommend the use of capsules containing this remedy. Injections with such an active substance are rarely used due to their pain. According to general recommendations, it is undesirable to take more than 100 mg of vitamin E at a time and 200 mg per day, but sometimes for a short period doctors can prescribe a single dose of 400 mg and allow daily intake of 1000 mg of the substance per day. For children, this drug can be prescribed upon reaching 12 years of age at a dosage of 100 mg per day.

What time of day is best to take vitamins?

It is important to know when to take the drug during the day so that the effect of vitamin E capsules has the greatest benefit. The product should be taken after meals with water. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble substance, so the food you eat must contain fat. Taking such capsules, for example, after a fruit snack, will not have the desired effect. If the dose is 100 ml, then it is better to drink the vitamin in the morning. If your doctor has prescribed a larger dosage, you can take the second capsule in the evening - this way the body will be protected by antioxidants evenly throughout the day.

Find out more information about the benefits of vitamin E for skin.

Video: vitamin E for wrinkles


Marina, 27 years old I believe that this drug helped my husband and I conceive a long-awaited baby. After all, I didn’t have any special problems in gynecology, but nothing worked with the child for six months. On the recommendation of the doctor, I started drinking vitamin E, and the second (after starting to take the capsules) menstrual cycle did not occur, but two lines appeared on the test! Now I'm pregnant and happy!

Tatyana, 32 years old I have sensitive skin and during the off-season, when it often rains with gusts of wind, even the richest protective cream does not help my face. After reading the information, I decided to support my body with benefits from the inside and chose the Aevit vitamin complex. I used the drug for a month, the impressions were positive, the peeling of the skin went away.

Olga, 41 years old It’s not for nothing that vitamin E is called feminine! An amazing product: inexpensive in price, but simply excellent in effectiveness. I remember that the doctor prescribed it to me during my first pregnancy, it helped me bear my son normally. I have also been taking this drug for several years at least twice a year in courses for skin elasticity and hair strengthening.

The benefits of various minerals and nutrients for the body are undeniable. Vitamin E for hair is practically a panacea for all known problems of the scalp and curls: it is used for hair loss, thinning, and dandruff.

Benefits and harms

Tocopherol or vitamin E is a nutrient that can be used to treat various hair and facial ailments. It has good conductive properties. That is why it is recommended to add it to shampoos and conditioners: thanks to its action, microelements and extracts from professional products are absorbed better and faster.

How vitamin E is beneficial for the scalp and hair:

  1. It is hypoallergenic and completely non-toxic. This is a truly unique property of this vitamin. There is practically no excess of it in the body, with the exception of problems with the endocrine system. Even if the permissible dosage is exceeded, there are no side effects;
  2. Tocopherol promotes deep tissue hydration;
  3. This is one of the most powerful antioxidants, along with magnesium and potassium. It binds and removes free radicals from the body along with natural secretions, thereby preventing the development of various diseases, including cancer;
  4. Tocopherol can be either applied superficially or drunk. This only enhances the effect of the compound, then the body is healed both externally and internally;
  5. When used superficially, keratin is restored in the strands, this helps even in the treatment of severely damaged curls;
  6. Under the influence of tocopherol, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, which helps get rid of dandruff and normalize hair type.

But still, the use of vitamin E for hair treatment at home should be taken with caution. Of course, it does not cause allergies, but if there is a possible excess, unpleasant side effects may appear:

  1. Itching and increased sensitivity of the skin. It goes away a few hours after stopping the use of the vitamin;
  2. The appearance of a small pink rash on the face and head. One of the most common side effects of excess. It will go away only in a couple of days, you will need to drink a lot of fluids and completely eliminate vitamin E.

Video: The importance of vitamin E intake

Essentials for nutrition and hydration

Vitamin E for hair comes in liquid form (in ampoules or solution) and in capsules. You can buy it at any pharmacy, the average price of the drug is $0.5 per bottle. The easiest way is to use the substance in its pure form – externally. A small amount of vitamin is collected on a cotton pad or pipette, after which it is rubbed into the roots of the hair. This will help moisturize and nourish it. Keep the product for 20 minutes, repeat every other day.

To treat the ends you will need a nutrient solution of warm honey and 5 ml of vitamin. This amount of substance is taken per spoon of sweetness. The product is thoroughly mixed and applied exclusively to the roots. If desired, you can add one egg and peach oil. Rub thoroughly into hair and leave for 40 minutes. The uniqueness of this recipe is that it can be used even if you are allergic to honey. because here it does not come into contact with the skin and is not absorbed into it. Repeat twice a week.

Photo - Capsules

A mask with vitamin E and A has excellent reviews. This vitamin cocktail will help solve almost all known problems of curls: hair loss, split ends, exhaustion. You can do this at least every day, keeping the mixture for no more than 20 minutes.

For many girls, it is very convenient that it is possible to use vitamin solutions together with professional hair care products. In particular, vitamin E can be added to shampoo and hair conditioner. One ampoule is taken per one shampooing procedure. Each time a new solution is prepared, because vitamins evaporate very quickly.

Use of vitamin for hair growth

The most common options for using oil solutions of vitamins A and E are preparing mixtures for hair growth. Tocopherol acetate and pure tocopherol combine well with other various oils. Burdock is very good for adding thickness to your hair.

Burdock ether (2 parts) is heated in a water bath. It is recommended to add 1 part of red (capsicum) pepper tincture and the same amount of vitamin E to it. Rub the mixture only into the roots, then cover your head with plastic and a towel. Leave for an hour. If it gets too hot, you can wash it off earlier; next time just make a solution with less pepper. Repeat twice a week.

Castor oil has an excellent effect. The solution is prepared similarly to burdock, but when using castor oil it is not necessary to add capsicum. You can apply the mixture to the entire length of your hair, leave it on for at least an hour, and leave it on overnight. Sometimes experts recommend adding retinol to this mass - then all the beneficial substances are absorbed faster.

The secret for quick rinsing: citric acid neutralizes the effect of oils, so for effective rinsing you must first rinse your curls in a solution of 1 liter of water per 2 tablespoons of acid.

Photo – Vitamin E

For those with oily or combination hair, a hair growth mask with mustard and vitamin E is best suited. In order not to dry out strands that are depleted or damaged by dyeing, you can add glycerin to the mixture. Cooking instructions:

  1. A spoonful of mustard is combined with the same amount of water;
  2. The resulting mixture is mixed with an ampoule and 10 grams of warm honey;
  3. Apply the mixture only to the roots, rinse off after an hour.

Treatment continues for at least 3 months, after which the course must be interrupted. During this time, hair density will significantly increase and hair growth will improve. The result is up to 12 centimeters.

Good reviews about a hair growth mask with substance E and cognac. This is a gentle warming mixture, ideal for dark curls. The recipe is very simple: combine two parts of alcohol tincture with two ampoules and a spoon of flower honey. Apply everything to dry strands and leave for 40 minutes.

The main properties of cognac are that it warms the scalp, improving the penetration of nutrients and providing increased blood circulation. Nutrients from honey and tocopherol are absorbed better and faster. After this product, the curls look thicker and stronger, with vibrant shine and elasticity.

For all of the above uses, pure vitamin is most suitable; it can be purchased in pharmacies. But if you want to influence your curls more extensively, we recommend purchasing ready-made complexes at once, for example, Aevit or Alpha.

You should always take care of your skin. At a young age, it is enough to maintain hygiene, but after 25 years, you should pay strict attention to:

  1. Care must be constant.
  2. In the morning, gently wash your face to remove any oil released during sleep.
  3. At the end of the day, cleanse the skin of dirt and dust more thoroughly than in the morning.
  4. Final stage before bedtime: Cleanse your face with lotion and apply moisturizer.

The crown bearer of all vitamins of beauty and youth is vitamin E. The skin of the face needs creams containing vitamins, and vitamin E oil is unique in its usefulness, is a luxurious product and renews the skin in the shortest possible time. Tocopherol, and this is vitamin E, with other compounds in creams, smoothes out fine wrinkles and roughness of the epidermis.

If there are age spots on the face, circles and bags under the eyes, pimples, puffiness, dryness, sagging skin, then an oil solution of vitamin E at night will have a positive effect.

Attention! Don't forget to do an allergy test: apply a drop of oil to the inside of your wrist, wait 10-15 minutes, if there is no redness, then you can use it.

So that your eyes shine like a pure spring...

Special attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes - the most delicate and unprotected place on the face. In order for the skin of the eyelids to shine with youth and health, you should take more care of it. After 30 years, the restoration of skin cells slows down, the skin becomes thinner, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, because the skin here is devoid of fat. Wrinkles are added by bad habits, emotionality, environmental factors and poor cosmetics. Therefore, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Go to bed at your own time and get enough sleep!
  2. Carefully but gently remove makeup using special products that do not include alcohol. Use toner and vitamin E oil
  3. Get a light massage regularly
  4. Use high-quality creams and serums
  5. Apply the cream with light movements without stretching the skin!
  6. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and eyelids from ultraviolet radiation

Vitamin E masks

Nourishing eye masks with vitamin E are best done at night, for 15-20 minutes in a calm, relaxed state, an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime.

The easiest way to apply vitamin E at night is to break an ampoule with a solution and gently apply the oil to your face.

You can puncture a capsule with the vitamin and rub it overnight into places where there are wrinkles, crow's feet or wrinkles on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose, above the lips. The skin should be thoroughly cleansed first.


The simplest recipe for skin rejuvenation: mix vitamin E oil with olive oil and wipe your face in the morning and at night.

Against dark circles and bags

good mask against dark circles and bags under the eyes: infuse nettle and chamomile, mix 2 tsp of strained broth with black bread crumb, add vitamin E oil - 1 tsp.

With bread and milk

A simple mask, but with a crumb of white bread, softened in warm milk, squeeze out a vitamin E capsule there.

With milk and honey

A more complex recipe for deep wrinkles. 1 tbsp each of cottage cheese, warm milk, honey and two capsules of vitamin E oil.

With ice made from herbs, fruits, vegetables, yogurt

The ice treatment revitalizes the skin and look. Ice is prepared from herbal decoctions, fruit and vegetable juices, and fermented milk products. Water must be filtered or distilled. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening, without overcooling the skin and without wiping it. After some time, you can apply vitamin E cream at night, prepared at home.

How to make cream

An oil solution of vitamin E, purchased at a pharmacy under the name "Alpha-tocopherol acetate", 50% solution, mixed with olive oil in equal proportions, add sea buckthorn oil or cocoa butter. Gently, using a cotton pad, apply the cream to your eyelids for about 20 minutes, blot off the excess with a soft cloth, or, if possible, rinse with warm herbal infusion.

Glycerin mask

Vitamin E masks with glycerin are now popular. In a bottle with glycerin 25g. squeeze out 10 - 11 capsules of vitamin E. Apply this simple mask to cleansed facial skin, then you can sleep for an hour. Glycerin will cleanse and moisturize the skin, and vitamin E will nourish it with beneficial substances.


Prepare a mask that refreshes the skin as follows: dilute finely ground oatmeal in equal proportions with honey, add 10 drops of tocopherol and apply for 20 minutes.

How often to apply

If masks with vitamin E are done regularly: 2 times a week for young people and 3 times for older people within a month, then the rejuvenating effect will not disappoint. Next, you should take a break for two weeks, and then repeat the procedures again.

For medicinal purposes


Enlarged pores can become clogged with epidermal scales, which leads to acne. If you add tocopherol to a regular face cream, then you can prevent pore expansion.

Tocopherol can be used to treat acne. It is good to cleanse your face of sebum, and on dry skin, in problem areas where there are acne, gently rub vitamin E oil after 30 minutes. the skin will absorb the beneficial substances, after this, wash and scrub your face.

It’s also better to make the scrub yourself: ½ teaspoon of vitamin E, 1 tsp. olive oil, 100 gr. Sahara.


At the first sign of herpes, you need to apply a cotton swab soaked in vitamin E oil as often as possible during the day.

Let's sum it up

With regular use of vitamin E oil on the face, you can achieve good results: get rid of cosmetic imperfections and gain a healthy complexion. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that this drug is a medicine and its use must be careful, you must carefully follow the recommendations of specialists, then the result will not keep you waiting.

To see the effect of facial skin rejuvenation, you need to be consistent, as in all matters. Sometimes women believe that in order for their skin to look healthy, it is enough to spend money on expensive creams. But this is not the only key to achieving beauty. Proper skin care involves daily, systematic efforts.

Don't lose your beauty throughout your life, stay healthy!

All information is provided for reference purposes. Seek help from professional cosmetologists and doctors.