How to choose the right treadmill for your home?

So, you have decided to take one step closer to your health and longevity - buy a personal treadmill! But how to do it correctly? How to choose the right treadmill for your home? After all, there are so many of them now on the market of modern sports equipment! How not to make a mistake with the choice? And not overpay? What points do you need to pay close attention to so as not to get a “pig in a poke”? – we’ll talk about all this in this article...

  1. The very first and most obvious thing that comes to mind is the size. Since the treadmill is purchased for the home, and not for a sports club (where the room can be incredibly large), we have some limited space, and therefore one of the key points for us is the dimensions of the machine. However, if with a bicycle ergometer or orbitrek the situation is much better in this regard (they can also be super compact), then you can’t make the running track much smaller - in any case, it will definitely take about two meters for itself. So don't even bother here. If you decide to take it, then prepare an appropriate place for it. Because, of course, you can choose a narrower and shorter machine, but then you will not be at all comfortable working on it. But then why buy it at all?

  2. The weight of the person exercising. This is truly one of the key points. The research carried out by our specialists has proven that most of the tracks fail over time solely due to the significant overload of people exercising on them. Therefore, analyze in advance: which of your family members, as well as friends, guests, relatives, even theoretically, will study it. At the same time, take a track with an impressive margin in this indicator. The stingy one here will pay twice.
  3. Manufacturer and warranty. We recommend purchasing exercise equipment exclusively from proven, well-established brands, even if they are much more expensive. If you pay half the price for a “Chinese counterfeit”, you won’t even work half the term on it, because the cheap plasticine parts will fly out like autumn leaves.
  4. Reliability and maintainability. It is important to understand: any complex equipment sooner or later fails. And sooner or later it will have to be repaired somewhere. It’s good when there is an appropriate service center in your city, or you can contact the seller or supplier at any time, and he will kindly take care of all these problems. Therefore, buy only from trusted places that value their reputation.

  5. Track functionality. When jogging on such a simulator, it is very good to be able to increase the level of load. And not only with speed, but also, for example, with an incline - running uphill. It’s also a good idea to have your statistics in front of your eyes:
    1. mileage traveled,
    2. average speed,
    3. calories burned
    4. heart rate indicators,
    5. arterial pressure
    6. etc.
  1. Training safety. Do you know that, according to statistics, the most common injuries in the cardio areas of modern gyms and fitness clubs are injuries resulting from falls from treadmills?

    Yes! Yes! Alas, the cardio machine we are considering is very dangerous! Therefore, when buying a track, try to ensure that your sample is extremely safe: it must contain an emergency stop button, safety handrails, and other passive safety elements. This is extremely important, especially if children will train on the device!

These are, perhaps, all the main points that we would like to draw your attention to when choosing a treadmill for your apartment or private house. We hope that the recommendations outlined above will help you make the right choice of a cardio machine that is worthy in every sense among the huge variety of sports equipment that now abounds on the shelves of modern sports hypermarkets and online stores.

Write in the comments about all the pros and cons of your purchases - we’ll be happy to discuss! Stay with us, we still have a lot of interesting things...

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