
Anthropophobia is the fear of people in the broad sense of the word. This is a complex mental disorder in which a person has obsessive fears that others are hostile towards him. It is usually not related to a specific situation, person or people, and is constantly felt as a major problem in life. An anthropophobic person, in principle, experiences fear of the world around him, but considers it the object of his obsessive fear.

Since the human race itself has created completely absurd foundations for the formation of world culture, given our excessive sensitivity to social norms that require ritual embodiments, such formations as anthropophobic thoughts have a very large influence on our behavior. This is why it is important to learn to behave in a way that distinguishes our reasons for engaging in anthropophobic behavior from the feelings we associate with our everyday emotions. Being honest and direct with yourself is the key to recognizing and overcoming such thoughts. How to get rid of anthropophobia? First, be honest with yourself: evaluate yourself and promise yourself to reconsider your fears if you are confident. Second, consider individual psychotherapy or group therapy aimed at freeing the individual from the tendency to interpret positive human qualities in a negative way