Doctors' Opinions About Water Birth

The attitude of doctors towards water births is not always negative. There are doctors who do not reject this theory outright, but try to objectively evaluate the idea of ​​water birth from a medical point of view.

Here is the opinion given on the website

There are no particular advantages to giving birth in water compared to the generally accepted method. Childbirth in water usually limits fetal monitoring capabilities due to the frequent lack of necessary underwater equipment (for recording CTG, fetal pulse oximetry). Therefore, if labor is complicated and there is a risk of acute fetal hypoxia, then this can be considered as a contraindication or at least a significant limitation.

And here is a description of the theory of water birth from the point of view of doctors on the site

Water helps reduce labor pain. For water births, a special pool is used, tap water without pre-treatment, to which sea salt can be added. It is possible to use a hydromassage unit, which has a pronounced sedative and relaxing effect.


  1. The duration of the first stage of labor decreases.
  2. A high analgesic effect is achieved.

A very similar opinion is offered in the article Painless CHILDREN, published in the Family Doctor newspaper. Professor Evgeniy Chernukha notes that staying in a warm bath can significantly alleviate the condition of a woman in labor during the first stage of labor.

Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, author of the book 1001 questions about IT, has a liberal opinion about water birth: “There are active defenders of this method, and there are also opponents. The future will show.”

As you can see, the opinions of experts are divided. I don’t dare to draw any conclusions. I leave it to you.