Posture for the Beach

How sometimes you want to show off your beautiful figure, especially when you go to the beach, and many appraising glances follow you to the very edge of the tropical coast... But in the whirlwind of working days, we often don’t find time to take care of ourselves, and we remember this right there , on the shore of that same coast, under the “fire” of the views of vacationers.

In order not to regret the irretrievably lost time, try to make every effort to at least meet the “fire” with broad shoulders, especially since this position of the upper shoulder girdle will give you the required posture, mitigating your guilt for idleness in the fitness room. Therefore, today we will focus on the back muscles.

In order to adequately cover the distance from your location on the beach to the water's edge, you will need a rubber expander or, in extreme cases, a tourniquet, which is sold at any pharmacy or sports store.

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take the expander in your hands and lift them at shoulder level. Inhale and as you exhale, try to spread your arms to the sides until the expander touches your chest. Then, exhaling slowly, return to the starting position. Throughout the entire exercise, try to maintain a vertical position of your body in space, without leaning forward or leaning back.

Perform 2-4 sets of 15-20 reps, focusing on bringing your shoulder blades together. If you do it easily, fold the expander in half. The main thing is to remember: success in the battle on the beach depends on how early you begin to prepare for it. Good luck.