Doctors recommend exercise for pregnant women

Slender mothers give birth to children who are not prone to obesity. If excess weight is a problem in your family, know that physical activity during pregnancy will help you cope with your genes. What American scientists have experimentally proven.

Active women who continue to lead an active lifestyle throughout pregnancy give birth to children who are not prone to overeating and have a well-established metabolism. In addition, such babies are less fond of sweets and fatty foods than children of lazy mothers. Which protects them from gaining weight, even in families where obesity is determined by genes. Based on these observations, scientists concluded that the physical activity of the expectant mother significantly reduces the harmful effects of heredity.

True, researchers from the University of New South Wales conducted experiments on rodents. Professor Morris, who was responsible for the series of experiments, believes that the similarity of metabolic processes in rodents and humans makes it possible to transfer the results of this study to humans.

Author: Maria Lukina