Depressive phase

Depression is a mental disorder associated with mood disturbances and loss of interest in life. Depressive disorders are based on impaired serotonin metabolism in the brain, which leads to problems in regulating emotions and mood. Today, most scientists believe that the causes of this disease are psychological and psychological factors such as genetics, family history, stress and biological disruptions also play an important role.

Most people tend to believe that depression is a purely seasonal disease, however, statistics effectively demonstrate that the disease can peak at any time of the year. There are a number of studies demonstrating the influence of the environment, including high humidity or low temperature, on the prevalence of depressive disorders. With all this, it is currently not possible to establish exactly what exactly influences the occurrence and development of depression: lack of sunlight, lack of vitamins or a decrease in serotonin receptors

Depression is a common form of mental disorder, which is characterized by a general decrease in mood and mental activity, loss of interest in usual activities, inhibition of thinking and depressed mood. From this definition, it can be understood that the symptoms of the depressive phase are generally quite simple, although they can vary significantly in severity. The syndrome may include both physical and psychological symptoms. In this article, I will talk about some of the physical and psychological symptoms of depressive disorder.

One of the most noticeable physical symptoms is a loss of interest and interest in usual activities or goal-oriented activities, especially if this negatively affects the patient. They may also feel tired and lazy to perform tasks or functions that they usually perform easily. It's no surprise that many factors, such as lack of motivation, stress, lack of sleep and lack of communication, affect your performance and well-being. Other physical symptoms include sleep disturbances, circadian rhythm, headache, sweating, tremors, loss of appetite and deterioration of the digestive system. The physical phase of the syndrome is often accompanied by physical pain in the abdomen and muscles, as well as painful sensations in the chest. Therefore, seeking help is important immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Mental symptoms of depression include loss of self-control, guilt, anxiety and lack of energy. Feeling inadequate or unwanted can be draining and leave a person vulnerable and in need of support. He is experiencing extreme fatigue