
Insolation is the process by which the sun's rays hit the surface of the earth or building and cause it to heat up. This process is of great importance for the climate and human health.

Insolation is one of the main factors determining climate. The sun's rays affect air temperature, humidity and wind speed. In addition, insolation affects people's health, since the sun's rays contain ultraviolet radiation, which can cause skin cancer and other diseases.

In order to ensure insolation in buildings, several factors must be taken into account. Firstly, you need to choose the right place for construction so that the building receives enough sunlight. Secondly, it is necessary to use special materials for windows and doors that will let more sunlight in. Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account the climate and select suitable roof structures to ensure optimal distribution of sunlight within the building.

Thus, insolation plays an important role in human life and in the climate. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that influence this process in order to create optimal conditions for people’s life and health.

Insolation is called artificial lighting or ventilation with natural light. For example, the walls of a building can be used for insolation if the sun's rays freely pass through their façade and naturally penetrate into the room, thereby providing the necessary daylighting of the premises and natural ventilation. Light of natural origin is safe and has a positive effect on human health. Thanks to the direct penetration of sunlight, the air is filled with oxygen, the quality of which improves. In large cities with harsh climatic conditions, air quality deteriorates significantly, which negatively affects people's health.

Insolation is used in the treatment of ailments such as asthma: by inhaling air that is illuminated by sunlight, such patients do not complain of asthma attacks;

Insolation also helps in the treatment of depressive conditions - sunlight promotes the production of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin, improves mood, increases the body’s resistance to stress, regulates blood pressure and improves the condition of blood vessels and skin; in a number of mental disorders against the background of insolation, there are practically no signs of decompensation; the general condition of patients suffering from diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. also improves; Insolation is also used to treat gastritis, erosive esophagitis and gastrointestinal diseases in children aged 6 to 12 years, in which a weakened immune system is observed. A special procedure called “light therapy” allows you to defeat the fungus, golden