How to get rid of dandruff forever reviews

Girls, help!! I moved to another country, started using shampoo from a local company, and dandruff appeared. (I’ve been suffering with it for about 4 months now((the anti-dandruff shampoos here don’t really help((well, it doesn’t get bigger, but it doesn’t disappear either.. Who has helped in the fight against this problem? experts

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After moving, I also had this problem, though not because of the local shampoo, but apparently because of the hardness of the water. I drank Zincteral + Aevit and washed my hair alternately with Sebiprox and tar shampoo.

henna helps a lot (colorless, of course) and it makes your hair thicker and shiny. cheap and cheerful. Once a week I held it for half an hour and it was beautiful.

Sulsena paste 2%, but it’s not clear what kind of country you have there and what you can get. Although, in principle, everything can be ordered online

The only thing that saved me from dandruff was clear vita abe shampoo (for men) in a blue bottle. in white female. Helped me and my brother. I recommended it to a friend about 5 years ago, she still washes it with it (only for women), her dandruff has long gone away, but she fell in love with the shampoo because of the pleasant smell)) try it if you have one in your stores.

The best person to help with dandruff is a doctor. He will determine the cause of its appearance and recommend treatment. Perhaps the shampoo is just a coincidence, and the reason for its appearance is completely different.

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I live in Germany now) the water from the tap here is perfectly purified, we even drink it, because... it doesn’t contain any additives, unlike the store-bought kind)) so most likely from the shampoo.. And going to the doctor here will be simply unrealistically expensive!! Insurance doesn’t cover this ((and as everyone knows, in Germany medicine is insanely expensive..) thanks everyone for the advice!) I’m flying to Ukraine in mid-July, so I’ll look there for the remedies you suggested))

Sulsena paste 2%, but it’s not clear what kind of country you have there and what you can get. Although, in principle, everything can be ordered online

Sebazole to the rescue. Helped me personally. After it I switched to Hedensholders, dandruff appears again from other shampoos.

Diesel helped me!

Well, yes, of course, water and shampoos are to blame for the fungus on the skull))))

Diesel helped me!

Sebazole to the rescue. Helped me personally. After it I switched to Hedensholders, dandruff appears again from other shampoos.

Try a salt scrub on your scalp, just don’t rub too hard, otherwise your hair will fall out,

Thank you) but how to make a salt scrub? Should I mix salt with this?)

With water or any cosmetic oil. I most often add sea buckthorn or burdock oil. You want the consistency to be like porridge. Apply the mixture to the scalp, lightly rubbing (NOT HARD). Rub a little and rinse. I had just terrible dandruff, I did it the first time, my scalp was clean, breathing, not a drop of dandruff, not itching, just a pleasant feeling of clean scalp. I’m satisfied, happy, nothing helped me with dandruff before, it just fell like snow. Everything is clean now.

A couple of years ago I rubbed a salt mask into my hair (there was no dandruff, I don’t remember why I made this mask). and voila - the most terrible dandruff appeared! So be careful with salt. don't dry out your skin!

Vichy shampoo for dandruff, there is one for different hair types. The only remedy that helped me. I had terrible dandruff, my hair even fell out, I tried a bunch of shampoos, ampoules, masks, etc. I was already desperate, but this shampoo really helped get rid of dandruff completely.

Thanks for the advice with salt - I’ll really be careful) in general, thank you all so much for the advice!!) I’ll try it and see what helps me))

Girls, help!! I moved to another country, started using shampoo from a local company, and dandruff appeared. (I’ve been suffering with it for about 4 months now((the anti-dandruff shampoos here don’t really help((well, it doesn’t get bigger, but it doesn’t disappear either.. Who has helped in the fight against this problem?

Oh, I had tar soap, so the whole apartment stank of it. What can I say when I lathered myself with it. Is the shampoo that smelly too? no, the smell goes away quickly, you can apply balm afterwards and that’s it

I saved myself from dandruff with a skin cap. I’ll say right away that the shampoo is not cheap, but I’ve already tried so many of them that I can say with confidence that the skin cap is the most effective.

Anti-dandruff cream "Miracle recipe" helped me

Girls, help!! I moved to another country, started using shampoo from a local company, and dandruff appeared. (I’ve been suffering with it for about 4 months now((the anti-dandruff shampoos here don’t really help((well, it doesn’t get bigger, but it doesn’t disappear either.. Who has helped in the fight against this problem?

Rub in 100% almond oil before washing your hair. It helps sooooooo much (but this is only for those who have dry hair and, accordingly, dry scalp) it helped me. Good luck!

Shu Uemura Art of Hair Cleansing and soothing anti-dandruff shampoo Anti Dandruff Soothing Cleanser.

Onion juice is the most effective.

Peel the onion, grate and squeeze the juice through a fine sieve. To the onion juice you can add egg yolk, honey, tbsp. spoon of kefir, this mask strengthens the hair and promotes its healthy appearance. The mask is applied to the hair and under the film, with a terry towel on top and walked like this for an hour, then rinsed off with warm water and natural shampoo. One warning: everything related to onions or garlic, when it gets wet it smells like the mask itself.

But in fact, you still need to check your health, stomach and genital area; the cause may be harmful organisms living in humans.

Girls, help!! I moved to another country, started using shampoo from a local company, and dandruff appeared. (I’ve been suffering with it for about 4 months now((the anti-dandruff shampoos here don’t really help((well, it doesn’t get bigger, but it doesn’t disappear either.. Who has helped in the fight against this problem?

I developed dandruff 3-4 years ago, I used different methods but nothing helped, tell me what to do

I developed dandruff 3-4 years ago, I used different methods but nothing helped, tell me what to do

Tar shampoo. True, the smell is terrible, but it helps after 2-3 times))

Tar shampoo. True, the smell is terrible, but it helps after 2-3 times))

Then you need to buy anti-dandruff shampoo with ketoconazole Horsepower at the pharmacy, it has a very pleasant smell, consistency and hair you won’t recognize as your own, it will be so soft and silky, and the cause of irritation will be eliminated.
Read about him here.

Have you tried onion shampoo?

It looks like you just dried out your scalp and are aggravating the problem with aggressive products. Try moisturizing with chamomile infusion or facial toner. vitamin e, b, inside.

All I need is onion shampoo))) The smell will drive me crazy)

It looks like you just dried out your scalp and are aggravating the problem with aggressive products. Try moisturizing with chamomile infusion or facial toner. vitamin e, b, inside. Read about it here.

Shu Uemura Art of Hair Cleansing and soothing anti-dandruff shampoo Anti Dandruff Soothing Cleanser.

After washing my hair, I massaged Lanier Aloe Vera Hair Lotion into my scalp. It helped great!


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Every second inhabitant of the planet has encountered such a nuisance as dandruff. Light dust and flakes tangled in the hair, clearly visible on dark clothes, give even the most well-groomed person a sloppy appearance. Many people wonder how to get rid of dandruff.

There are several ways to solve this problem: medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, folk remedies. But in order to get rid of dandruff forever, you need to understand what causes this unpleasant disease and how to change your lifestyle so that the problem does not return again.

What is dandruff?

In medicine, dandruff is considered not only as a cosmetic defect, but also as a symptom of a malfunction in the body. The appearance of white scales is associated with a pathological process in the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

In normal condition, renewal of the scalp consists of a 30-day cycle. The cells formed in the lower layers rise outward, becoming dry and thin. Having finally become keratinized, they are removed from the surface of the head during bathing. If for some reason the dead cells have not reached the surface of the skin enough, they stick together, forming flakes or grains.

Causes and provoking factors

There are many reasons leading to the formation of dandruff. Most often these are factors associated with internal processes in the body.

  1. Heredity. Excessive size of the glands, the special composition of the secretion, problems at the hormonal level are inherited. People with a family history are more likely to suffer from dandruff. But, as research shows, the percentage of people with a genetic predisposition is quite small.
  2. Female physiology. A woman's hormonal balance is in constant flux. In the fair half of humanity, the scalp is especially vulnerable during ovulation, pregnancy or menopause.
  3. Stress. People who are subject to constant emotional stress, are depressed or suffer from mental illness experience dandruff more often than others.
  4. Digestive problems. Diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis can cause skin problems.
  5. Poor immunity. Various pathologies in the immune system contribute to the abnormal spread of Malassezia/Pityrosporum fungi. Under normal conditions, these fungi are constantly present on the skin of a healthy person, without manifesting themselves in any way.
  6. Skin diseases. Dandruff may be one of the first symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis or tinea versicolor.
  7. Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency. A lack of many vitamins and microelements can lead to dandruff. Beautiful hair does not tolerate strict diets, fast food and unbalanced foods.
  8. Improper hair care. Hard water, unsuitable shampoos and cosmetics, excessive use of hair dryers, rough combs and hairpins will have a bad effect on the health of the scalp.
  9. Intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In sunny weather, it is better to cover your head with a Panama hat or scarf.
  10. Endocrine disorders.
  11. Smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.

Types of dandruff

Depending on the provoking factors, skin scales can be of several types. To effectively get rid of dandruff, you need to determine what type of dandruff you need to fight.

  1. Dry dandruff. It occurs due to weak activity of the sebaceous glands and too viscous secretion. Skin that is too dry becomes sensitive and prone to inflammation, and may experience a feeling of tightness and itching. Hair splits at the ends and falls out. Intense peeling occurs, dusty dandruff easily crumbles and settles on the shoulders.
  2. Oily dandruff. In this case, the sebaceous glands work abnormally actively. Skin and hair are covered with oil, quickly become dirty and require frequent hygiene. This type of dandruff can be of two types - thick and liquid:
  3. Thick dandruff is characterized by the formation of clots that fill the dilated sebaceous glands. May provoke the development of other infections - staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  4. liquid dandruff covers the skin in large sheets, closing the follicles and provoking the formation of pustules. Hair is very oily and falls into unkempt strands

How to get rid of dandruff

Dandruff needs to be treated. In addition to discomfort, an advanced disease can seriously affect the condition of the hair and lead to alopecia. First of all, you should visit a trichologist. He will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the necessary medications. Treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy and traditional medicine.

Medicinal shampoos

Anti-dandruff shampoos remain the simplest and most common way to get rid of the problem. It is best to pay attention to pharmacy options, since conventional cosmetics rarely give a significant effect.

A good shampoo should contain antifungal substances - zinc, sulfur, selenium or tar. An indicator of good quality may be the absence of fragrances, surfactants and other irritating substances. We must not forget about combining shampoo with the hair type indicated on the package.


Nizoral is one of the recognized leaders among pharmaceutical anti-dandruff shampoos. The Belgian preparation effectively fights fungus and quickly eliminates itching and flaking. The active components of Nizoral are not washed out from the epidermis for a long time, maintaining the effect even after returning to regular shampoo.

The product does not cause adverse reactions, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components. Nizoral's detergents may cause hair breakage, so it is not suitable for frequent use. Nizoral is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.


Sebozol shampoo contains ketoconazole, which can cope not only with skin fungi, but also defeat mites. The product is a Russian analogue of Nizoral. Well tolerated, but not recommended for use during pregnancy, as well as for liver and kidney disease.

Sebozol must be used strictly according to the dosage regimen. Reviews about the product are mostly positive; the shampoo effectively fights dandruff without worsening the condition of the hair.

Keto plus

Shampoo made in India with a pleasant pink color. Contains ketokenazole and zinc to help eliminate dandruff. Effective in mild cases of seborrhea, quickly eliminates itching and flaking.

Side effects from use may include dry skin and slight hair loss. If you interact with permed hair, the color of the strands may change slightly.

Pharmacy remedies for dandruff

In addition to shampoos containing ketoconazole, your doctor may prescribe medications with other active substances. Sulfur ointment has proven itself well, which is used as a five-minute mask for the scalp.

Skin-up aerosol containing zinc pyrithioneate is quite effective. It is sprayed over the scalp 2-3 times daily. For long courses, Tar Shampoo 911 is used; it will cope with dandruff but has a specific aroma.

Physiotherapy for dandruff

If seborrhea lasts for quite a long time, but is not complicated by the formation of pustules, you can resort to physiotherapy. The following medical technologies can be a complement to, and sometimes an alternative to, pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. Darsonval. This device is used in many areas of cosmetology. For oily dandruff, electrical impulses will improve blood circulation to the skin and have a draining effect on the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Cryomassage. A cold massage with ice or liquid nitrogen will help treat oily dandruff.
  3. Mesotherapy. An individual cocktail of medicinal substances and microelements is injected into the scalp using an injection.

Traditional recipes for dandruff

Time-tested folk recipes for getting rid of dandruff have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. Recipes that can be made at home have an absolutely natural composition. Folk remedies are well suited if there are no significant internal factors for the appearance of dandruff.

Plant decoctions

Herbal decoctions are one of the safest ways to improve hair health, provided there are no allergies to the components. The decoction should be rubbed into the scalp several times a week.

  1. Burdock decoction. Pour the plant root pieces with water and heat for 10 minutes over low heat.
  2. Calendula and burdock. Pour 2 parts of calendula and 1 part of burdock root into a liter of hot water and heat for half an hour.
  3. Birch buds and tar. Mix the decoction of birch buds with the same amount of tar.


Homemade dandruff masks can be made from products that can be found in every refrigerator. Keep the resulting mass on your head for at least an hour under an insulated cap.

  1. Onion mask for oily dandruff. Add 2 tablespoons of vodka and 1 tablespoon of castor oil to 1 grated onion. Garlic mask. To the pulp of 1 head of garlic, add 100 grams of heated burdock oil and a spoonful of burdock root powder.
  2. Lemon-olive mask. Add a spoonful of lemon juice to 4 tablespoons of olive oil.


Compresses are made using cotton cloth soaked in medicinal liquid. Keep them for half an hour, periodically wetting the fabric.

  1. From honeysuckle. Pour a small amount of berries and leaves of the plant with a glass of water and heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth.
  2. From yarrow. Pour 3 tablespoons of yarrow into half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour.


You can rinse your hair with traditional medicine recipes after each wash.

  1. Boil the zest of 4 lemons in a liter of water for half an hour. Strain before the procedure.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water over pieces of fresh beets and leave for 4 days. Then strain and add warm water.

Diet requirements

If external influences on the scalp do not bring results, it is necessary to consider how the person eats. You can get rid of dandruff forever by changing your diet.

It is necessary to switch to healthy foods, excluding sweets, canned food and fatty foods. The following products help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. liver;
  2. fish;
  3. oatmeal;
  4. cabbage, especially broccoli;
  5. dried fruits.

Useful hair care tips

To keep your scalp healthy, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. Normal hair is washed no more than once every 3 days.
  2. The shampoo must first be lathered in your hands and then applied to your head.
  3. The conditioner should not come into contact with the skin; this product is applied to the lower half of the hair.
  4. If your hair is damaged by frequent dyeing, it needs a moisturizing shampoo.
  5. Wet hair should not be combed.
  6. Hair dryer is harmful. If the hair needs to be dried urgently, the air stream should go from top to bottom.

Prevention of dandruff

  1. Combs and hair accessories must be treated with an antiseptic and changed as often as possible.
  2. A preventive visit to a trichologist will help prevent dandruff.
  3. Avoid nervous overload.
  4. Eat properly and nutritiously.
  5. Be in the fresh air.

Dandruff is an unpleasant disease that indicates an imbalance in the body. Timely prevention, maintaining normal functioning of the digestive system and a healthy lifestyle will allow you to never encounter this problem.

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What is dandruff, where does it come from, how to distinguish it from other diseases, what medications and how long should it be treated, and why is oily scalp actually good? Trichologist Vladislav Tkachev tells.
Dandruff is a problem that many people find slightly indecent and at the same time easily solvable: buy a special shampoo and use it. Is it really? Is it all dandruff that we might encounter? Why does she even appear? We discussed it with trichologist Vladislav Tkachev.

Vladislav is a leading trichologist of the DSD de Luxe brand, a dermatologist, candidate of medical sciences, vice-president of the Scientific and Practical Society of Trichology, head of the medical trichology course at RUDN, teacher of the International Association of Trichologists and developer of the diagnostic program TrichoSciencePro.

And he has been treating my head for several years now - for androgenetic alopecia and seborrhea (with the same dandruff from time to time).

What is dandruff

— Dandruff is a popular name for the problem. What is its scientific name?

— Dandruff is a desquamative dermatosis (desquamation means flaking, scales). Dermatoses and dermatitis on the scalp (as well as eyebrows) are different; they occur where many sebaceous glands are located. And since each hair follicle is surrounded by a whole cluster of sebaceous glands, they appear on the hairy parts of the body first.

How is dandruff formed?

-Where does dandruff come from?

— The formation of dandruff is caused by the yeast fungi Malasezia; they were discovered 130 years ago, in 1874. Almost everyone has Malasesia; it lives on the skin as part of the human microflora. More than 10 species of this fungus are known, all of them exhibit different activities. Previously, it was believed that the causative agent of dandruff was Malassezia furfur, which is why many products – Italian, Spanish – are still written “anti-furfur”. But further research showed that Malassezia furfur is less to blame for this than Malassezia globosa.

— What do these fungi do on human skin?

- They are lipophilic - that is, they feed on fat, consume sebum, so they live where there are more sebaceous glands. Their number increases sharply after puberty, when the skin becomes oilier - this is normal.

The question is the activation of this malasesia, which can manifest itself or not. Malasesia has lipase activity - it destroys sebum with the help of the lipase enzyme and begins to eat it. In exchange for eating, it releases fatty acids that irritate the skin, in particular oleic acid, which, in turn, causes inflammation (dermatitis) - the skin turns red and itches.

Against the background of this inflammation, metabolism and cell maturation accelerate. Typically, keratinocytes formed in the lower layers of the skin, when maturing, gradually rise upward and during this time they gradually dry out, lose their core, moisture and turn into small dry scales. These are dead cells that have already completed their function. Their peeling is usually unnoticeable. The process takes a month.

And because of inflammation, everything speeds up 2-3 times, the cell travels this path faster, without having time to lose the nucleus and moisture. It remains so large, half-alive and moist, sticking together with its neighbors, forming layers, the exfoliation of which worries us.

This happens when there is too much Malasesia on the scalp. And there are many of them if there is a lot of “food”. These fungi naturally love “food”, they also love darkness - it’s dark, warm under the hair... Hair creates all the conditions, working like a thermostat.

— So the problem is the oiliness of the scalp?

- Initially, yes. People with insufficient production of sex hormones usually do not have real dandruff, since there is no activation of the sebaceous glands. Their skin may peel, but for some other reason, such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis - that is, this is another desquamative dermatosis.

- But not all people with oily scalp develop dandruff.

Yes, because three factors must be present.

  1. Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Activation of Malasezia.
  3. And the third factor (the first two are expressed to one degree or another in almost all people) - individual sensitivity to the effects of fatty acids secreted by fungi.

To prove the need for a third factor, an experiment was conducted. Oleic acid, which is secreted by Malasesia, was applied to the skin of human volunteers. 50% developed dandruff and were sensitive to metabolic products, while 50% did not: that is, under the same conditions they did not have any reaction. We came to the conclusion that 50% of people (Europeans) are sensitive to the metabolic products of Malasezia, so they almost immediately have dandruff, while for others it does not appear under any circumstances. And statistics tell us that every second person experiences dandruff at least once in their life.

How to treat dandruff?

— What should you pay attention to in anti-dandruff products?

— It is necessary to use agents that have the effect of slowing down accelerated cell division - they are called cytostatics. Among them there is Piroctone Olamine - the same Octopirox, tar, selenium disulfide.

We need keratolytics - these are substances that break large scales into small ones, so that dandruff does not lie in layers, but is easily washed off. These include tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, for example. These same components can also be used for oily skin, as they also regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, antifungals themselves are needed - zinc pyrithione zinc, climbazole, ketoconazole. There are now more than two dozen similar substances ending in -azole/-ozole. The ones I am telling you are the most popular, they are the founders, today they have many modifications.


— Should an anti-dandruff shampoo contain all three types of components?

- Yes, it is desirable. For example, the Med Planta complex consists of three products - a mask, shampoo and tonic, each of which contains these components. The antiseborrheic line Simone DSD de Luxe works on the same principle - a combination of different components in several products.

— Is one shampoo not enough?

- It’s always better if it’s several products - shampoo, scalp mask (peeling), tonic (lotion). Shampoo itself, even if it contains 10 active ingredients, remains a weak remedy, since it has short-term contact with the skin and is washed off. Of course, if a person has little dandruff, anti-dandruff shampoo from the supermarket will help. But in serious situations, shampoo alone is ineffective; additional products are needed. Sometimes I prescribe pharmacy Nizoral for mild cases, but not for stubborn ones, since it only contains ketoconazole, which is still washed off after 4 minutes. And in combination with tonics from professional antiseborrheic lines, it gives a good effect. Since the tonic is applied to the scalp and not washed off, it works for a day, then reapplied, etc. - this guarantees a quick, clear result.

— Now many brands have begun to produce peelings for the scalp.

— In fact, I practically don’t see any real peelings. Most likely, these are scrubs that can mechanically remove dandruff, but are inconvenient for the scalp due to the hair. I think the most you can count on when using a scrub is improved sebum outflow.

Real peels contain glycolic acid or a combination of acids (glycolic, salicylic, tartaric, phosphoric). The composition usually also contains phospholipids, sphingolipids, and various oils that moisturize the skin. Because we don’t need a rejuvenation effect on the scalp, we need high-quality cleansing and moisturizing. Peels for home use, which cannot cause harm, contain about 10% acids. There are serious peelings for professional use - they contain a 50% concentration of glycolic acid, but also moisturizing urea, lecithin, herbs, and lipids are used. This is how they differ from facial peels.

— Don’t lotions and tonics from such a complex dry out the scalp?

- No. Skin cleansing is a mechanism not of drying, but of moisturizing. Skin may appear dry and inflamed when there is sebum buildup. By cleansing the skin, we restore the outflow of fat, and the skin begins to moisturize. Some people note that with frequent washing, the scalp becomes oilier. But it's better than having irritated, inflamed skin with swollen sebaceous glands. It happens that when you wash your hair infrequently, it seems that your hair becomes less oily - everything is just clogged and dry. But with frequent washing, the scalp does not get dirty faster, it begins to work as it should - there is a release of oil, and not stagnation.

- So, oily scalp is good?

— Ideally, oily skin without dermatitis is the norm. The following point is also important - it is not the amount of fat that often determines the fat content, but, for example, the porosity of the hair, how the hair is nourished by sebum. For thin hair, a little bit of sebum is already greasy, but on thick and porous hair it is invisible.

There is no point in suppressing oily scalp if there is no dermatitis - you can regulate it with tonics and frequency of washing.

- About the frequency of washing - even in my childhood, people washed their hair once a week.

- Now you can also wash your hair once a week if a person is healthy, feels great and does not need to wash his hair more often. But if there are problems with oiliness or dandruff, and a person washes his hair once a week, then washing his hair at least every other day will greatly improve the situation. Don't be afraid that your skin will become oilier - let there be an outflow, otherwise nothing good will come of it. It's always better to wash more than not.

How long should you use anti-dandruff products?

— How long does treatment last on average?

— In mild cases, a month of using anti-dandruff shampoo is enough.

There is seasonal dandruff - it worsens at a certain time of the year, like all diseases: again, you wash it with shampoo for a month and forget it until the next season or some kind of stress.

For those who have this all for real, in a chronic mode, the situation is completely different... It happens that there seems to be an improvement, but there are errors in the diet - and everything gets worse again. Fast carbohydrates and sugar are provocateurs. Naturally, treating yourself with shampoo for a month is not an option here. Firstly, you need 3-4 products - shampoo, mask or peeling, tonic. I advise my patients to use them for about three years: shampoo and mask (peeling) at least twice a week, tonic (lotion) daily. It’s better to wash your hair more often, but for some it’s physically inconvenient (when you have very long hair, for example, you simply don’t have time), others worry that the scalp will get dirty faster. Therefore, tonic every day is helpful (it cleanses better than shampoo).

Treatment requires a combination of components, presented in several forms. We also often include professional peelings with glycolic acid and fruit acids. Antifungal drugs can be used orally, but this is not a very promising route, because the course is short-term, and relapses still occur. That is, we must understand that if the process is chronic, then the treatment - or at least intensive care - must also be chronic. Here you cannot get away with the phrase “two weeks - a month.” Care must be constant.

— System 4 Sim Sensitive helps me, but it is positioned as a complex against hair loss.

— System 4 is similar to the Med Planta complex - it is antiseborrheic. It’s just that seborrhea in some cases is aggravated by hair loss, and eliminating this factor can affect their growth and quantity. There are no special serious components specifically for hair loss in System 4. I prefer Med Planta. According to the experience of my patients who have used both of these lines, 60% choose Med Planta, 40% like System 4. But in composition they are very similar. The same components can be found in DSD, represented by shampoo, peeling (contains fruit acids for better exfoliation and replaces a mask), and lotion.

— How do you select what someone needs?

— There are slight differences between these lines in composition: in the content of antifungal components, concentration of salicylic acid, etc. We select depending on the condition. Some people need a deeper cleansing, some need an antifungal effect, since there is a lot of dandruff, while others have less dandruff, but the fat content is increased or the secretion is thick and viscous.

In severe cases, for example, corticosteroid drugs can also be used - they quickly suppress inflammation. But then we need to switch to products that are called cosmeceuticals, i.e. cosmetics with dermatological components. We provide her with long-term support for several years. Over time, the tendency for seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff formation generally decreases and such intensive support is no longer required.

— Cosmeceuticals, medicines — something else?

— Nutrition plays an important role. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are needed for sebum to be of high quality and good. I recommend that you always check your vitamin D. Iron, zinc, selenium are quite serious regulators of the immune system, and despite the fact that they do not directly affect dandruff, they are needed. Antioxidants are essential for the quality functioning of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Of the antioxidants, lipoic acid works best, and its oral intake should also be included in the treatment regimen. But an excess of carbohydrate foods is a provocation of problems.

What is the difference between dry and oily dandruff?

- In pharmacies there are shampoos for dry dandruff and for oily dandruff. How to figure it out and what is meant if the initial prerequisite for dandruff is sebum?

Many people notice signs of dryness and itching when dandruff appears. But here we are talking about dehydration, since oily skin does not turn into dry skin. It’s just that when dermatitis has already developed and there is inflammation, dilated blood vessels intensively evaporate moisture and the skin becomes dehydrated. Truly dandruff is always oily, but with this process it is tempting to call it dry.

Sometimes a person can confuse whether his skin is dry or oily, because the function of the sweat glands also interferes. That is, the head is sweating, and it seems that the skin and hair have become oily.

— That is, the scalp needs to be moisturized?

- Yes. But, by and large, when we remove Malasesia and suppress inflammation, the skin will moisturize itself. You just need to understand that the feeling of dryness and itching in such cases is treated with anti-dandruff medications, and not with moisturizers.

When it comes to shampoos for dry and oily dandruff, a lot of it is marketing, but the ingredients may vary slightly. For example, selenium preparations are more often used in shampoos for dry dandruff, since it slightly suppresses oiliness and the skin is able to moisturize itself. And for oily dandruff, zinc preparations or tar and sulfur help better. But the division of these ingredients is quite arbitrary - in my practice I do not divide them. Moreover, it often happens that if the dandruff is really dry, then it is not dandruff, but psoriasis, for example. But sometimes even experienced doctors cannot make the correct diagnosis.

How to distinguish dandruff from psoriasis

- And how to distinguish it? Moreover, most people with dandruff problems do not go to a trichologist, but to the pharmacy for shampoo or Head & Shoulders.

- If standard treatment for dandruff does not help at all - for example, there is no improvement within a month - this is a reason to think about it. This could be psoriatic peeling, and its formation mechanism is completely different. Typical psoriasis is easy to diagnose - if you run your hand and feel plaques on the scalp, feel localized elevations under your fingers, this is most likely it. Seborrhea is localized where the hair is, and psoriasis likes to “sit” on the periphery - behind the ears, on the back of the head.

These types of peeling can be visually distinguished using a trichoscope. For example, with psoriasis, the vessels are pathologically dilated - these are not small capillaries, they are large and seem to gather in rings. But there are cases of atypical psoriasis and mild ones; they are not so easy to distinguish even under a trichoscope.

— Should psoriasis be treated differently?

— The drugs are similar, only stronger. And the effectiveness is different, because psoriasis, unlike seborrheic dermatitis, is an autoimmune process.

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