Krivosheya Kompensatornaya

Compensatory torticollis (also known as torticollis compensation technique) is a posture correction technique that can help people with torticollis or other neck and spine problems. Torticollis is a condition in which the head is tilted to one side and the neck is rotated to the other. This condition can be caused by various reasons such as scoliosis, injury, neck muscle imbalance, etc.

Compensatory torticollis involves the use of special exercises and poses that help strengthen weak muscles and stretch contracted muscles. This allows you to straighten your posture, reduce pain and improve neck mobility.

One example of an exercise that can be done at home is a neck stretch. For this exercise, you need to sit on a chair and place your left hand on your thigh. Then slowly lower your right ear towards your right shoulder, feeling the stretch in the left side of your neck. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

In addition, there are special devices such as orthoses and belts that can help maintain posture and reduce stress on the neck and spine.

It is important to remember that torticollis can be associated with other spinal and muscle problems, so you should consult your doctor or physical rehabilitation specialist before starting any exercises or using devices.

Thus, compensatory torticollis is a technique that helps reduce unpleasant symptoms and improve the quality of life of people with torticollis. It includes exercises, postures and special devices that can be effective in correcting posture and strengthening muscles.