Medical Examination Preliminary

Medical Examination Preliminary – this is a mandatory medical examination that is carried out in relation to persons entering work at a specific enterprise or institution, as well as in relation to workers whose work is associated with certain health risks. The purpose of a medical examination is to identify diseases and conditions that may be contraindications to work at a given enterprise or in a certain profession.

The preliminary medical examination is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2011 No. 361n. According to this document, the employer is obliged to ensure a preliminary medical examination for all persons hired or working at the enterprise. However, some professions and types of work require a more thorough medical examination.

The main objectives of the medical examination include:

– Identification of diseases and health conditions that may be a contraindication to work at this enterprise;
– Determining the need for a more in-depth medical examination when identifying certain diseases;
– Assessment of occupational risks to workers’ health and development of measures to reduce them;
– Formation of recommendations for the prevention of diseases and promotion of employee health;
– Ensuring labor safety and compliance with legal requirements in the field of labor protection.

To conduct a medical examination, you must have a license from the medical institution conducting the examination. The results of the medical examination are entered into the employee’s medical record book.

A preliminary medical examination is a medical examination of persons entering work in enterprises, institutions or certain positions. The purpose of such an examination is to identify diseases that may be a contraindication for work or interfere with the performance of certain duties.

A preliminary medical examination is carried out before starting work and is mandatory for all categories of workers. It includes various medical studies and consultations with specialists: therapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon and others.

The results of the medical examination allow us to determine how well the employee’s health meets the requirements for the profession or position. If an employee is diagnosed with diseases that are a contraindication to work, the employer must take measures to eliminate them or provide another position that suits the employee’s health.

In addition, a preliminary medical examination allows you to identify hidden diseases that could cause the employee’s disability in the future. This is especially important for workers employed in hazardous or hazardous industries, where the risk of contracting occupational diseases is high.

Thus, a preliminary medical examination is an important element of protecting the health of workers and helps prevent possible problems at work. It is important to carry it out regularly and monitor the health of workers to avoid possible problems in the future.