Honey anti-cellulite massage benefits

Anti-cellulite massage using honey or a honey composition is one of the most effective techniques that will help cope with problem skin. This type of massage can overcome even advanced cases of cellulite. In addition to destroying the “orange peel”, it has other purposes. The procedure is carried out both in beauty salons and at home.

Honey against cellulite

Since ancient times, honey has been considered one of the most healing products. Very often it is used during massage sessions. Its beneficial effect on human skin is that it is able to remove harmful toxins, waste and cholesterol from body tissues, and dilate blood vessels.

In addition, this beekeeping product contains a large number of substances and microelements necessary to make your skin healthy and beautiful, making it look smooth and soft.

Anti-cellulite massage with honey, which contains vitamin B2, enriches your body with it, improving the condition of the skin and nails. Honey also acts as a scrub, that is, it removes dead skin particles, cleanses it, restores elasticity and tone.

Honey or a honey mixture penetrates into the deep layers of your dermis, improves blood circulation in them, and helps break down fat deposits in the cellulite area. The consistency of this beekeeping product is such that it is convenient to apply to the skin, moderately thick and not too watery. Honey is a product that can be stored for a long time, retain its beneficial properties and not spoil.

Important! In order for massage therapy to be effective, it is necessary not only to undergo a whole course of its sessions, but also to choose the appropriate honey.

Choosing the right honey

The main criterion for choosing honey for an anti-cellulite massage session is that the beekeeping product must be absolutely natural. Syrups with the inscription “Honey” on the jar are not suitable for the procedure, since they contain sugar, food coloring, etc., which are useless substances.

The following signs will help you determine the correct quality of honey:

  1. Natural honey easily dissolves in a glass of water, leaving no sediment at the bottom;
  2. Melts in the mouth without leaving any solid particles or lumps;
  3. During long-term storage, it becomes sugared, turning into a crystalline thick mass;
  4. You can find traces of wax or flower pollen in it; artificial honey is characterized by perfect transparency and the absence of any impurities.

If the product meets all of the above qualities, then it makes absolutely no difference whether it is fresh or already candied. Its variety is also not of great importance. Honey massage for cellulite can be done with meadow, cedar, green, apple, flower, steppe, field and other varieties of this product.


In addition to combating skin problems, there are other indications for this massage:

  1. Neuralgia;
  2. Sleep disorders;
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  4. Respiratory diseases;
  5. Obesity;
  6. Sciatica;
  7. Decreased immunity;
  8. Osteochondrosis;
  9. Physical or mental stress;
  10. Myositis;
  11. Radiculitis.

Despite the fact that in general the procedure has a positive effect, there may also be contraindications related to both health and allergies to the product.

Honey massage for cellulite: benefits and effects

Also, regular massage honey therapy procedures increase muscle tone and make them elastic. The procedure helps speed up metabolism, normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation, therefore the skin is smoothed, visible defects disappear, it becomes even, smooth and soft to the touch, pits, irregularities and tubercles disappear.

Anti-cellulite compositions with honey

There is more than one recipe for honey compositions for massage therapy against cellulite. For example, if it is important for you not only to eliminate bumps and bumps, but also to cleanse the skin, then you can add sea salt to the beekeeping product. The two products are mixed in equal quantities and used during body massage.

A mixture of honey and coffee can also win the fight against cellulite. This composition will make the skin smooth, even, and remove toxins and waste from the body. In order to get it, you need to mix eight tablespoons of a thin beekeeping product and four tablespoons of ground coffee. The resulting composition should infuse for a week, and then a couple of drops of lemon or juniper oil should be added to it.

  1. Honey in an amount of 20 grams is mixed with a few drops of lavender, juniper, lemon and orange oils;
  2. Three to four teaspoons of beekeeping product are mixed with orange and grapefruit oils, five to six drops each;
  3. Four to five drops of lemon oil, two to three drops of lavender and eucalyptus esters are added to 20 grams of liquid honey.

When mixing ingredients to obtain honey mixtures, it is important to take into account not only their quantity, but also that the mass is homogeneous; everything must be mixed very carefully.

How to do a honey massage for cellulite at home

Anti-cellulite honey massage can be performed not only in specially equipped rooms, but also at home. The massage therapist often uses the following technique using the palms of his hands:

  1. A pure beekeeping product or honey mixture is applied to the palms and distributed in an even layer;
  2. The area that is being treated must be lightly patted so that part of the honey composition remains on it, and part on the hands of the massage therapist;
  3. During the first minutes of massaging, only light patting techniques should be used;
  4. Next, the pats become a little stronger, the palms should press firmly against the problem areas and push away from them;
  5. At the end of the procedure, the tapping techniques become more intense;
  6. Each area of ​​“orange skin” must be treated in this way for at least five minutes.

Also, when carrying out the massage procedure against cellulite, you can use two ordinary tablespoons, which must first be dipped in honey or a honey mixture. A session of this type of massage is carried out as follows:

  1. The problem area of ​​the buttocks is massaged using circular movements directed from the center to the sides, and then from below and up;
  2. The outer side of the thighs is processed from the knees to the top, the inner side is the opposite;
  3. The abdominal area is massaged clockwise with light pressure. Then up, then down and to the sides.

Massage therapy using any of the methods described above will improve blood circulation, have a lifting effect, and make the skin elastic and toned.

Massage therapists advise to properly steam and cleanse the skin with a scrub before the procedure. The session should be carried out no earlier than an hour after the last meal.

Video lesson: how to do anti-cellulite massage with honey.

The effectiveness of honey massage

Honey massage is indicated not only for cellulite of the first and second degree, but also helps eliminate radiculitis, eliminates sleep disorders, and strengthens the immune system.

Also, during massage therapy, this product promotes the absorption of toxins and removes toxins from the body. After the procedure, it can be noted that the skin has become more elastic and firm, as fat capsules have dissolved.

In addition, massaging with this product activates the production of collagen and elastin, improves blood circulation, and relieves the body of excess fluid, thereby relieving swelling. During the session, the dermis is saturated with useful substances and vitamins. In addition, this procedure helps reduce stretch marks and weight loss.

How often can you massage with honey for cellulite?

One full course of massage therapy of this type includes 10-15 sessions, less often 20. The duration of one session, as a rule, does not exceed 30 minutes. Each procedure is carried out every other day, less often every two if the skin is very sensitive.

After completing one course, a break is taken for six months, and then the procedure is repeated. In most cases, the frequency of this massage therapy is discussed with a specialist and is determined by the degree of manifestation of the “orange peel”.


Despite the fact that the procedure has a generally positive effect on the body, it is contraindicated in the following situations:

  1. Varicose veins;
  2. Allergic reaction to honey;
  3. Pregnancy and lactation;
  4. Infectious diseases;
  5. Dermatological diseases;
  6. Neoplasms of various origins;
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  8. Menses;
  9. Kidney and gallstones;
  10. Postoperative period;
  11. Poor blood clotting;
  12. Tuberculosis;
  13. Diabetes;
  14. Asthma;
  15. Damage to the skin;
  16. Viral infections;
  17. Thyroid diseases;
  18. Thick hair.

Due to the fact that there are quite a few contraindications to this procedure, it is necessary to visit a doctor before undergoing it in order to know for sure whether it can be done.

Anti-cellulite massage using honey compounds is one of the effective and inexpensive (provided it is done at home) ways to make your skin beautiful, toned and healthy. Regular exercise can also help you lose excess weight and improve your overall well-being.


Honey is known as a product that has a healing effect on the human body. Many people know that it helps to cope with the hated “orange peel”. In this case, you can do the procedure both in the salon and on your own. But it is important to know how to do honey anti-cellulite massage correctly in order to get the desired effect.


The benefits of honey

Honey is a source of vitamins and microelements. It does not require additional processing and is absorbed by the body 100%. It contains the following microelements: sulfur, sodium, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins C and B. The product has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Honey is close in its biochemical composition to human blood, so it is used in the treatment of blood vessels and to raise hemoglobin levels.

Honey for cellulite

The procedure has long established itself as an effective method in the fight against cellulite. Buddhist monks were the first to use honey in massage. It was used to relieve pain in muscles, joints and as a general tonic.

“Orange peel” occurs in certain areas of the body due to insufficient blood circulation and fluid stagnation. Most often it appears on the buttocks, thighs, and upper arms.


Massage helps to warm up tissues and dilate blood vessels, which in turn helps remove excess water from areas affected by cellulite. Honey enhances its interaction with the skin due to its viscous properties. It helps remove excess fluid from tissues, improves blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, and removes toxins. These qualities allow you to get rid of cellulite, fat deposits and improve the condition of the skin in general.

Due to the fact that it is easily absorbed into the skin, the components contained in it are distributed throughout all cells of the body. They have an antibacterial effect and heal minor scratches and damage to the massaged surface.

The benefits of honey anti-cellulite massage include a beneficial effect on all systems of the body. It relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system and removes cellulite. To achieve the latter effect, the procedure is carried out in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

Honey anti-cellulite massage at home

The procedure can be performed independently if the woman has strong arms and a little flexibility. At the same time, she should not feel sorry for herself, since this will not bring the desired effect.

How to do honey anti-cellulite massage yourself:

  1. Preparation. Before the massage you need to take a warm shower. It is advisable to cleanse the skin with a scrub during the water procedure for better penetration of the active component.
  2. Massage. Honey must be poured onto the palms, then applied to the body, using smooth rubbing movements. After it begins to thicken, you need to make more rhythmic movements. The palms should stick to the skin and then come away from it. After the mass begins to become cloudy, you need to rinse your hands and continue the procedure until all the honey has been collected.
  3. Completion. At the end of the procedure, take a shower. Cream or milk is applied to the skin. After the session you need to rest for half an hour.

The procedure is repeated every other day for a month for 10–15 minutes. The technique of performing a honey anti-cellulite massage at home for another person differs only in its greater intensity.

What kind of honey and in what quantity will you need for anti-cellulite massage?

Only natural liquid product is used. But if the honey has already become candied, it can be heated in a water bath and it will return to its previous consistency. Before the massage procedure, it must be warmed up. The temperature should be slightly above 38 degrees. It is important that it is not too hot. In an overheated product, beneficial enzymes are destroyed. This reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

For massage you can take flower, linden, buckwheat and any other natural honey. For the best effect, you need to add essential oils to it - up to 5 drops per 1 tbsp. l. honey The massage course consists of 15 sessions. On average, 1 procedure requires 2 tablespoons of honey - this is evidenced by reviews of honey anti-cellulite massage. If the procedure is carried out not only on the hips, then the cost will be higher.

Indications for use

The procedure is suitable for most women. It is used to solve the following problems:

  1. getting rid of stage 1–2 cellulite;
  2. change in skin tone;
  3. decreased muscle tone;
  4. sagging skin;
  5. obesity;
  6. osteochondrosis in remission;
  7. neuralgia;
  8. sciatica;
  9. sleep disorders;
  10. physical and mental stress;
  11. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  12. diseases of the respiratory system.


Massage will help cope with both external signs and solve the problem from the inside. A month's course will help eliminate swelling and lymph stagnation, as well as improve blood circulation in tissues and small vessels.

Contraindications for honey massage

How to do anti-cellulite massage with honey? Despite the benefits, this component is not suitable for everyone. People who have:

  1. allergy to honey;
  2. heart failure;
  3. hypertension;
  4. skin diseases;
  5. thrombosis and varicose veins;
  6. pregnant women and women during menstruation;
  7. asthma;
  8. oncology;
  9. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  10. presence of lesions on the skin;
  11. diabetes.

The effectiveness of honey massage against cellulite

The procedure has a healing effect on the body as a whole. Honey massage has proven itself as an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite. The mechanism of action of honey on problem areas is as follows:

  1. When you lift your palms away from the skin, there is a positive effect on the skin, circulatory, lymphatic system and muscles.
  2. Thanks to the mechanical action of the hands, the massaged surface heats up. This leads to enlarged pores through which toxins come out and nutrients come in in return.
  3. Under the influence of honey, there is an outflow of venous blood and fluid from the lymphatic system.
  4. Anti-cellulite massage helps remove toxins from the subcutaneous layer. Thanks to this quality, body volume and weight are reduced. This is evidenced by numerous photos before and after honey anti-cellulite massage.
  5. The astringent and regenerating properties of honey smooth the skin and make it lighter, and also promote the healing of small wounds. The skin after the massage becomes more hydrated and tightened.


For greater effectiveness, massage mixtures are made based on honey. The following components are added to it:

  1. Citrus essential oil. It has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. Add 5 drops of oil to one spoon of honey.
  2. Royal jelly and propolis. The components contribute to the active removal of radionuclides, toxins and waste from the body.
  3. Mumiyo. The extract has a strengthening and tonic effect on the body.

Additional components are added immediately before the start of the procedure. You must first make sure there are no allergic reactions.

Cupping massage

The method has proven itself well in the fight against “orange peel”. Under the influence of vacuum, toxic substances are removed, and regenerative processes in the skin are enhanced and the circulation of lymph flow and blood is enhanced. To carry out the procedure, you will need special silicone jars.

Honey anti-cellulite massage technique with a silicone jar:

  1. Preparation. Before starting the procedure, you must take a shower with a scrub or a hard washcloth.
  2. Warming up The skin area is kneaded and patted well, then rubbed dry with a towel.
  3. Massage. Apply oil or cream to the skin to combat cellulite. The jar is slightly squeezed and suctioned onto the desired part of the body. But there should be no pain during the procedure. For the first procedures, you need to create a small vacuum, which is gradually increased. The silicone jar is not torn off from the skin and is moved with smooth movements along the massage lines.

The procedure lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. The course consists of 8–10 sessions every other day. When alternating cupping with honey massage, they are done alternately, 20 sessions each with an interval of three days. In this case, the effectiveness of both procedures will increase. Or you can do a honey cupping anti-cellulite massage, combining two types of procedures at the same time.

Massage in the salon

When entrusting the procedure to a master, you need to make sure of his qualifications. A good specialist will be able to correctly perform a honey anti-cellulite massage and choose the most effective technique in each individual case. At the same time, he will be able to massage those areas that cannot be treated on his own. During the procedure, the client will be able to relax as much as possible.

Tips for conducting honey anti-cellulite massage

Before carrying out the procedure, it is important to know some subtleties:

  1. The presence of pain is considered normal. Reviews after honey anti-cellulite massage claim that they will be especially strong in the first 2-3 sessions. Then the discomfort gradually decreases, and the last procedures are generally painless.
  2. Candied product should not be used. Massaging with it will take much longer, which will take the product to dissolve and will not provide the necessary adhesion. But this problem can be easily solved by first melting the honey in a water bath.
  3. Bruising may occur with intense exposure. This may indicate capillary fragility and sensitive skin.
  4. You don't need to take a lot of honey for the procedure. This will reduce adhesion and reduce the effectiveness of the massage.
  5. You should not massage in the bathroom. This room has high humidity, due to which the honey becomes very liquid.
  6. The massage should be done in a slightly cool room. High temperatures make honey too liquid. With this consistency, it is quickly absorbed into the skin, but does not cope well with cellulite.
  7. Massage is not a panacea. It must be combined with proper nutrition and exercise.

Wraps with honey

The main advantages of the method are ease of use, efficiency, accessibility and lack of physical effort. Anti-cellulite wraps with honey can be done at home, and the result will be no worse than the same procedure done in a salon. To do this you will need a blanket, honey and cling film. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Preparation. Before starting the procedure, you need to cleanse your skin with a scrub and warm it up well under a hot shower. It is best to do wraps after a sauna and massage.
  2. Wrap. Honey is applied to the skin, wrapped in cling film, and topped with a warm blanket or rug. The procedure lasts 20–30 minutes.
  3. Completion. After the procedure, cleanse the skin and apply cream.


For wrapping, you can use regular honey or honey with impurities. The following additives are used:

  1. Essential oils. Citrus fruits, rosemary, cypress and others are excellent aids in losing weight. Just 2-3 drops will be enough for one wrap procedure. Exposure should not exceed 40 minutes. It needs to be done 2-3 times a week for two months to achieve results.


  1. Milk. The component is added to honey in proportions 1:2. The finished mixture is applied for 40–50 minutes.
  2. Mustard. It, in combination with honey, promotes better cleansing of dead skin particles, accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation. The mixture is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. The procedure is repeated every other day for a month. The duration of the wrap is up to 50 minutes.

Honey anti-cellulite massage: reviews

The procedure has gained popularity due to its accessibility and effectiveness. Reviews of honey anti-cellulite massage with photos confirm its effectiveness. Women who used this method noted the following positive aspects:

  1. The possibility of self-massage allows you to control the pressure applied, which helps make the procedure more enjoyable. However, the effect does not decrease.
  2. After the procedure, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.
  3. Cellulite disappears after 8 out of 10 sessions.
  4. Weight loss without additional diets.
  5. The stomach and thighs become more toned without going to the gym.
  6. Stretch marks have become lighter.


“Orange peel” simply dissolves after a honey anti-cellulite massage, reviews confirm this. After several sessions, the skin becomes healthier and tighter, and extra centimeters disappear. This is due to the composition of the product enriched with vitamins and microelements.

If you have a jar of honey and a desire to improve your shape for the beach season, then welcome to the club of fans of massage with honey at home!

Honey massage: benefits, indications and contraindications

Massage with natural bee honey is extremely effective:

  1. for weight loss and cellulite on the thighs, legs, buttocks, abdomen;
  2. to restore skin turgor when it is sagging and wrinkled, to treat scars and postpartum stretch marks;
  3. for the treatment of colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, cough) with a back massage with honey;
  4. for the treatment of radiculitis and myositis, improving blood circulation in the body and relaxing muscles;
  5. during the recovery period after injuries to the musculoskeletal system;
  6. for the treatment of insomnia, headaches, combating the effects of stress and chronic fatigue syndrome.


On the eve of spring, we will dwell in more detail on honey massage for weight loss. Its main advantage is that this procedure is easy to carry out at home yourself. The effect will be no worse than after expensive procedures in a beauty salon. The effect is noticeable after the first session!

But no matter how sweet honey is, massage with its use cannot be prescribed to everyone. Honey massage is characterized by contraindications associated with allergies to bee products. Therefore, before starting the course, it is recommended to conduct a skin test.

Massage with honey is also contraindicated for:

  1. neoplasms of various origins;
  2. varicose veins;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. heart failure and other heart pathologies;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. increased body temperature;
  7. rashes, fungal infections, purulent and infectious formations on the skin;
  8. pregnancy.

Women often ask whether it is possible to do a honey massage during menstruation. Most experts prohibit anti-cellulite massage with honey on such days. It can not only provoke bleeding, but also be ineffective on its own. This is due to excessive swelling of the female body during this period.

Honey anti-cellulite massage: principle of action

Massage with honey mechanically affects problem areas of the body, stimulating blood flow in areas with “orange peel” and strengthening blood vessels. Special massage techniques actively produce elastin and collagen. As a result, honey massage normalizes metabolism, eliminates subcutaneous fat, and improves the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The bumps and depressions in the “orange peel” are reduced, excess fluid is removed from the body, and skin cells are renewed faster.


Honey massage promotes intensive cleansing of the skin, as it acts as an active peeling. Honey perfectly absorbs toxins, penetrating deeply into tissues. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of honey massage for the nervous system. You get rid of sleep disorders and manifestations of neurasthenia. And watching your reflection in the mirror, after just a few procedures you say goodbye to depression.

What honey to use for honey massage for cellulite

Honey massage with anti-cellulite effect is most often carried out using flower, buckwheat and linden varieties. Buckwheat honey contains a lot of antioxidants and is less likely to cause allergic reactions.

For one session you will need 4-5 tbsp. l. amber sweetness. For massage, honey is usually heated to body temperature (maximum 38 °C).


For a more lasting result, add essential oils of geranium, juniper, mint, grapefruit, lemon and orange. It is best to make a mixture of oils (6-7 drops for 1 procedure), which, in combination with honey, will reduce fat deposits and remove excess moisture from the body:

Buy honey only from a trusted manufacturer to eliminate the possibility of counterfeiting and choose wisely.

Honey massage technique at home

How to properly do a honey massage for cellulite? Let us describe the sequence of actions when massaging a separate zone with honey:

  1. prepare the honey mixture (heat the honey and add essential oil if desired);
  2. Apply the resulting mixture onto clean palms;
  3. gently spread it over the problem area in a thin layer, warming the skin;
  4. smoothly apply your palms to your body with soft rolling over the skin and separate them until they are sticky with rolling;
  5. Use soft rolling motions to move across the entire area of ​​the problem area;
  6. do not overdo it so as not to cause injury to the skin and blood vessels;
  7. when massaging the abdomen, hold the abdominal wall with one hand and make tearing movements with the other;
  8. continue the massage for 20–30 minutes until the skin turns red and until the honey on the palms changes color to dirty gray;
  9. Wash your hands and body thoroughly under warm water and apply anti-cellulite or any nourishing cream.

Cupping honey massage for cellulite

Vacuum anti-cellulite massage using cups is one of the best in terms of effectiveness. It normalizes blood circulation, lymph flow and water balance in the subcutaneous layer.


Before the procedure, warm up the skin using a shower or special products. Lubricate the body with the honey mixture, then squeeze the jar tightly, place it on the surface of the skin and release. Start making straight and circular movements on problem areas for 5-10 minutes. At the end of the massage, press the can on the balloon and remove it.

How often can you have a honey massage?

It is optimal to repeat this procedure for weight loss regularly every 1 day. For advanced cellulite, massage is performed daily. The course of anti-cellulite honey massage is 10–15 procedures. The greatest effectiveness can be achieved using massage in combination with diet, special physical exercises, as well as honey wraps and baths. Read more about the benefits of honey for weight loss.

We recommend a video tutorial on massage with honey at home. Watch, learn, try and get great results!

You might also be interested in reading about honey for children. You can buy honey wholesale in our store.