Muscles of the Upper Limbs

Muscles of the Upper Limbs: Description and Functions

The human upper limbs have a complex and multifunctional structure consisting of many muscles, bones and joints. Each muscle performs its own unique function, which allows us to make a variety of movements of our hands and fingers. In this article we will look at the main muscles of the upper limbs and their functions.

Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle

The muscles of the shoulder girdle include the deltoid muscle, which covers each shoulder. This muscle plays an important role in the movements of the arms and allows them to be raised and abducted. It consists of three parts: front, middle and back, each of which is responsible for certain movements. The front part of the deltoid muscle is responsible for raising the arm forward, the middle part is responsible for raising the arm to the side, and the back part is responsible for raising the arm back.

Shoulder Muscles

The most important muscles of the shoulder are the biceps muscle in the front and the triceps muscle in the back. The biceps muscle is responsible for flexion of the forearm, and the triceps muscle is responsible for extension. These muscles are antagonistic muscles, meaning they perform opposing functions to produce a specific movement.

Muscles of the Forearm

The muscles of the forearm include the supinators and pronators, which allow rotation of the forearm, movement of the arm in any direction, and flexion and extension of the fingers. The supinators are responsible for turning the palm up, and the pronators are responsible for turning the palm down.

Muscles of the Hand

The muscles of the hand are short and small, as they only provide movement of the fingers. The most important muscle of the hand is the muscle that abducts the thumb and creates the “pincers” of the hand. In addition, there are many small muscles in the hand that allow us to precisely control the movements of our fingers.


The muscles of the upper limbs play an important role in our lives, allowing us to make a variety of movements of our hands and fingers. To maintain healthy muscles, you need to take proper care of your body, including exercise for the muscles of the upper extremities and monitor proper nutrition.