Myeloproliferative disease

Introduction: Diseases of the myeloproliferative role are chronic myeloproliferative diseases, characterized by the development in the bone marrow of pathological proliferation of immature myelocytes (cells of the blood system), which require an increased amount of erythropoietin. Myelocytes, as a rule, are not able to exit into the peripheral blood, so excessive growth of bone marrow cells begins with the development of myelodysgenetic polyposis hemangioma. Most myeloprolifer diseases are at one of the two poles of the myelological spectrum: myelomablastic leukemia is characterized by pathological proliferation of blast, mature (or their precursors) extravascular, maturing myeloblasts, megakaryocytic leukemia - myeloma proliferation of cells of the blood system and normoblastic (erythroid) hematopoiesis - pathological proliferation of plasmatic and normoblastic erythroid sprouts, respectively. Such diverse clinical, morphological and immunophenotypic signs of the myeloproliferative role arise precisely on the basis of the excessive proliferation of one or several different hematopoietic lines, which are characterized by pronounced myeloidity.

Milloipolar disease is the general name for diseases that are characterized by hyperplasia of milon tissue. This can be chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), myelophilbrosis (MFD), primary thrombolytic and eryremia. All these diseases are proliferative mylonic diseases. Among them there are acute and chronic forms of manifestation. Acute miphon is formed due to an increase in the number of blood cells that produce red and white cells, responsible for the body’s fight against infection. This process is accompanied by an increase in the red blood cell and a decrease in hemosies.

Among the diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems associated with an increased risk of leukemia in patients, regardless of diagnosis, myelodysplastic syndromes and polycythemia vera were identified. In addition, this population has an increased risk of developing brain cancer - approximately half of them are