Named foods that worsen body odor

Each of us has encountered a situation where unpleasant body odor becomes a cause of inconvenience and discomfort. However, few people know that some of the foods we eat can negatively affect our body odor. Scientists have conducted research and compiled a list of such products to help people avoid unpleasant situations.

One of the main culprits of bad odor is alcohol. Alcohol is primarily processed in the liver, but about 10% is excreted through sweat, breath and urine. In addition, alcohol stimulates profuse sweating, which also leads to an unpleasant odor. So if you want to avoid body odor, try limiting your alcohol intake.

Garlic is also a food that can cause body odor. Garlic is one of the few foods that is excreted in sweat. This is probably one of the main reasons why this product has such a bad reputation. To avoid the unpleasant smell of garlic, you can try chewing gum with mint or parsley, and consuming garlic in moderation.

Another food that can worsen body odor is meat. Researchers have found that people who eat a lot of meat produce much more sweat and have a stronger odor than vegetarians. Therefore, if you want to avoid body odor, you can try limiting your meat intake or switching to a vegetarian diet.

Foods high in methyl compounds, such as spinach, beets, and soy products, also worsen body odor. When they are consumed and processed, trimethylamine is produced, which is released through sweat and has a fishy odor. If you want to avoid body odor, try limiting your intake of these foods or consuming them in moderation.

In conclusion, body odor can be caused by various factors, including the foods we eat. So if you want to avoid body odor, try limiting your intake of alcohol, meat, garlic, and foods high in methyl compounds. Also, do not forget about body hygiene and proper care.