Oligophrenia Hydrocephalic

Oligophrenohydrocephalus - or O. hydrocephalus is not inherited (not inherited through genes), it manifests itself in utero or in the first months of life. The first weeks of life for newborns with these problems are critical. Excess fluid in the head provokes brain defects: various forms of hydrocephalus, dementia, paralysis, ataxia, etc. The high mortality rate of children during the first year of life is about 50%, since the fluid gradually accumulates in them, increasing with each month of life without any treatment. The reason is that the main ventricles of the brain do not develop, and, accordingly, the frontal hemispheres atrophy. Externally, a newborn with O. shows signs of developmental delay and features of microcephaly. Strabismus and deafness often develop, and intelligence suffers. When hydrocephalus forms in the brain, an inhibitory effect occurs. Brain activity decreases significantly - speech decreases, and later the ability to think. Already from birth, one can observe manifestations of deviations in O.: a large belly, poorly developed limbs, a short neck, an obliquely set chin, wide round eyes, a “frog” shape of the face. The child begins to look different in appearance: he looks awkward, angular. The growth of a small child is also slowed down.