Poisoning Caused by Bites of Poisonous Animals

Acute poisoning is caused by the specific action of snake venom - a product of the snake's poisonous glands.

Etiology. The most dangerous poisonous snakes for humans belong to the following 4 families: 1) sea snakes (Hidrophiidae), living in the coastal tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans (not found in Russia); 2) adders (Elapidae), of which only one species is found in the extreme south of Central Asia - the Central Asian cobra (Naja oxyana); 3) pit snakes (Crotalidae), represented in Russia by only a few species of the genus Agkistrodon - Asian, eastern and rocky; 4) vipers (Veperidae), of which the most dangerous viper and sand viper; The most common are the common and steppe viper.

The main active principles of poisons are toxic proteins and polypeptides, which account for more than 80% of the dry weight of the poison. Neuro- and cardiotoxins predominate in the venoms of sea snakes and adders, and proteins of hemorrhagic, hemocoagulating and necrotizing effects predominate in the venoms of vipers and copperheads.

The poison is injected using two teeth. Replacement teeth maintain the snake's venomous properties.

Pathogenesis. In case of poisoning with neurotoxins - sensory disturbances, paresthesia, paralysis, dysfunction of the central nervous system and heart. In case of poisoning with venoms of vipers and copperheads - edematous-hemorrhagic effect, tissue destruction, shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, increased vascular permeability, hypovolemia, posthemorrhagic anemia, damage to parenchymal organs.

Clinical picture. With cobra bites - numbness and spreading paralysis, disorders of the central nervous system, heart and breathing. With viper bites - swelling and hemorrhages, shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, damage to internal organs.

Treatment. Rest, venom suction, immobilization, specific antisera, infusions to combat shock and anemia, symptomatic therapy.

Prevention. Avoid contact with snakes and wear protective clothing. The prognosis is usually favorable.

Poisonous arthropods
Scorpions, spiders (karakurt), wasps, and bees are pathogenic. Neurotoxins and biologically active amines cause intoxication. There are intoxication and allergic reactions.

Scorpion stings cause pain, swelling, general weakness, and cardiac and respiratory problems. Treatment is pain relief, M-anticholinergic drugs, adrenaline.

Karakurt bites cause severe pain, paresis, and agitation. Treatment - magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride, antikarakurt serum.

Wasp and bee stings are more likely to cause allergic reactions. Treatment - adrenaline, glucocorticoids, antihistamines.

Prevention - avoid contact, desensitization.