Chapter 7 Starting - Get Started!

If you want to look strong, you need to be strong. It's just great that you go to shaping or bodybuilding two or three times a week, play tennis or do something else. Although I know from experience that many women, to put it mildly, have no time for this - they do not find free time. They have no desire, they have apathy, and something else, and in general, there are a thousand different reasons for not giving themselves fifteen to twenty minutes to stretch their joints, muscles, give the body flexibility and plasticity.

Think about the paradox hidden in the depths of this failure! You strive to become strong, beautiful, prosperous, but to begin with, you don’t even know how to organize your time so as to find some 15-20 minutes for your pleasure. What advances, what successes, what further ascensions could we talk about, not being able to cope with such a simple question?

Another thing - and I want to tell you about it quite frankly - we in the “Order of True Women” are also not big fans of mass physical education or organized gymnastics. However, we found a solution - a fresh solution: we took it and developed our own system. Moreover, an individual system. A system that every woman chooses specifically for herself. Of course, it still has certain rules. But they are so simple, and the pleasure of doing them is so wonderful, that only someone who is completely lazy would not want to do it.

Let's start with the fact that a woman's proud posture is, first of all, given by a strong, flexible spine and good joint mobility. There is such a concept - a graceful woman. It is a pity that today these words are rarely used and are becoming more and more lost in the history of the language. However, let us forget about the word “grace,” nevertheless, grace itself remains to this day one of the most attractive qualities in a woman. In other words, these are: flexibility, plasticity and precision of movements. Do you want to become graceful? Nothing gets in the way. Get started!

And at the same time, I would like all this to be organized not only with the goal of bringing exceptional physical benefits, but at the same time psychological ones, that is, to provide you with a cheerful and blissful mood for the whole day. Therefore, I advise you to do the following (it will not take much effort or much investment, but will bring doubly benefits and pleasure).

Turn on your tape recorder, listen and make for yourself a list of hits, songs, melodies that you simply like, excite you, are connected with your ideas about strength, beauty, health, etc. Take your list, go to the nearest recording studio and ask them to record these works for you on one cassette. This way, you will provide yourself with pleasant musical accompaniment, which is very, very important.

And then - make it a rule to wake up 15-20 minutes earlier. It's only difficult for the first three to five days. The most ideal option is if you learn to wake up on your own, without an alarm clock. But at first - what to do - let him persistently call and pull you out of your sweet dreams. However, when you wake up, never try to jump up immediately. Pamper yourself, lie around doing nothing for at least five minutes. Let these five minutes of morning bliss give you the opportunity to fully wake up, feel yourself, feel your body, its warmth, its awakening. You may not think about anything. Or think about pleasant things. Arrange so that the tape recorder stands somewhere nearby in the evening. And without getting up, turn it on. Let the music not sound too loud. Your individual music. Individually selected morning mood.

Slowly, smoothly, without jerking, you can begin to stretch your arms, stretch your leg, lift it, bend it... that is, do not perform some prescribed program exercises, but simply pamper and pamper your body: in those movements that you just want do. It will be nice.

So free