Old age

The main reason for aging is the limited ability of our body cells to reproduce. If this ability were unlimited, then our body would not know old age, and death would not be inevitable.

The aging of the body is manifested in everything: our vascular system changes with the deposition of lime on the walls of blood vessels, bones become thinner, sometimes even merge with neighboring ones into one mass; the muscular system changes and stability disappears, the respiratory, digestive, sensory organs, brain, etc. weaken.

It is beyond human power to completely eliminate the processes of aging, but we can slow them down. Factors contributing to this are:

  1. A normal lifestyle that can greatly change bad heredity, which plays a big role in longevity.

  2. Life in a clean, especially maritime, climate.

  3. Work on the land - agriculture, gardening and vegetable plots, etc.

  4. Normal change between work and rest.

  5. Take sufficient care of your physical development.

  6. It is possible to preserve sexual ability longer through proper care of the genitals and abstinence from sexual excesses.

  7. Abstain from excessive drinking and smoking.

  8. Enough time to sleep; if possible, go to bed no later than ten o’clock in the evening.

  9. Developing an optimistic outlook on life.

Then, after 50 years, when the body begins to gradually weaken, you need to make it easier for yourself both physical and mental work, and, if possible, continue to live in familiar conditions, since in old age any changes in lifestyle have a hard impact on the body, and often seeming improvement of life in the form of the possibility of unlimited rest and doing nothing brings harm instead of benefit.

Among the medications that help fight old age, we name the following:

  1. In case of sclerosis, take those medications and measures that are indicated in the corresponding article (see “Sclerosis”), since the elasticity of the arteries lengthens life, and with sclerosis this elasticity disappears.

  2. It is also good to take calcium 0.2 orally several times a day in an aqueous solution periodically. Calcium, in addition to being necessary for the functioning of the heart, liver, etc., is extremely important for the glands that secrete hormones for the blood, tissues and cells. If there is not enough calcium, then the iron ceases to function correctly, withers and premature aging occurs. We must remember that during illness and troubles, especially much calcium is lost and it must be replenished artificially.

Phosphorus is needed for brain work, since it is part of the brain matter, and when in old age due to increased brain work (which often happens) a lack of phosphorus appears, a person can easily suffer a stroke or a decrease in mental abilities, “brain liquefaction,” as They say. Phosphorus is found most in fish liver, pike, egg yolk, cheese, bran, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, dry beans, lentils, peas, Chinese and walnuts, and currants. If it is possible to use all such products more or less regularly, then old age can be postponed for many years.

Then, in old age, you need to do enemas at least once a week, even with a good stomach, since in old age feces are easily retained in the intestines for a long time, almost without showing any pain, but at the same time poisoning the body. It is very useful to drink a cup of infusion of any spicy herb on an empty stomach - mint, Bogorodskaya herb, chamomile, wormwood, which promotes digestion.

“Life becomes a habit over time, and even familiar sensations can be annoying.” - Lev Tolstoy.

Old age... Everyone has heard about it, but not everyone understands what it is. With few exceptions, it's probably a fear, an unpleasant question, a thought, or just a word in our vocabulary that isn't