Sublingual fold

The sublingual fold is an anatomical structure in the form of a longitudinal depression on the lower surface of the tongue. It can occur in both women and men, although its presence is most often not normal.

Sometimes the term "sublingual fold" is used incorrectly, namely to refer to the fold of mucous membrane that covers the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks. The difference between these concepts is as follows: if the presence of the first structure in the mouth causes discomfort or unpleasant sensations, then the second fold does not cause any discomfort, and its presence indicates that the person is overweight. Understanding this difference will help readers gain more accurate knowledge of the anatomical structure of the sublingual recess.

The sublingual recess in an adult is normally present in most cases and performs one of two functions - protective or adaptive. In the first case, the presence of this fold in the oral cavity protects the palatine tonsils from mechanical damage from food entering the mouth.