Lunar Fold

Semilunar folds are deep oblique folds of skin that are formed when soft tissues are displaced away from the anatomical axis of the thigh and lower leg. As a rule, they form in patients with shortening of the muscles of the lower extremities, for example, with osteochondropathy of the femoral head. Most often they occur on the medial thigh. Also, semilunar folds can be a consequence of tight bandages, insufficiency of the gluteal muscles and the phenomena of venous insufficiency.

Treatment of semilunar folds is conservative and complex. First of all, orthopedic treatment is necessary - specially selected optimal foot pads and legs in plaster splints or knee orthopedic orthoses. The introduction of the Elizarov applicator leg into the intertrochanteric defect gives a good therapeutic result and helps correct axial deformities. Along with orthopedic measures, therapeutic exercises are carried out aimed at strengthening the gluteal muscles. Performing therapeutic exercises must begin with movements without load and gradually increasing the exerted muscle effort. To prevent muscle hypertrophy, the use of relaxing drugs is prescribed. In some cases, injections of corticosteroid drugs directly into the area of ​​edema, if present, or ultrasound blockade, are indicated. For severe deformities, puncture aspiration is indicated; in addition, microwave therapy is advisable. The use of diathermy, laser therapy and ultra-high frequency therapy, electrophoresis of drugs and mud also deserves attention. The use of subelectrode electrophoresis of drugs on the sacrum and back through vinyl chloride film has proven positive. Massage, cryotherapy, and balneological procedures are widely used [2].

Prevention of the crescent fold consists of wearing a warning insole, a splint for the foot, taking sufficient doses of vitamins (group B, C, E, calcium, phosphorus), prescribing exercise therapy during active movements, using therapeutic massage, therapeutic physical training for children up to two years of age and corrective gymnastics after reaching support. Patients need to avoid injuries and excessive stress on the lower extremities. Additional means of protection and nutrition are used in the form of splints, ba