Preparations for skin turgor

Skin turgor is a cosmetic term that is used to determine the degree of firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as its general condition. Elasticity and firmness are determined by the health of the body, its age, as well as the presence of necessary nutrients in it: micro and macroelements, minerals and vitamins.

Therefore, the older a person is, the more he lacks collagen and elastin, as a result of which creases, folds and wrinkles appear, soft tissue ptosis and sagging are observed, and cellular metabolism slows down. In this article we will tell you what skin turgor is and how to improve it.


What is skin turgor and how to determine its condition

Turgor or skin tone is the tension of cell membranes and cell pressure. The tone of the skin indicates its ability to resist mechanical stress (pulling, stretching, pressure). In other words, this is the ability of the skin to return to its original elastic state. How to determine that skin tone is normal? To check the tone, you can pull back a section of the skin, leave it in this position for about 5 seconds, and then release it. If the epithelium expands quickly, then its tone is normal. If the dermis is difficult to straighten, then atony is observed.

Dermal turgor depends on the activity of fibroblasts and the female hormone estrogen. The hormone controls fibroblasts, which promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, functioning like an elastic band, returning the skin to its original state after mechanical impact on it. The hormone estrogen is a protector of the female body. Thanks to him, a woman is beautiful, young and feminine. With increasing age, menopause occurs and hormone production fades, leading to atony, sagging and loss of elasticity.

Weak tone is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. dehydration;
  2. dryness;
  3. ptosis;
  4. poor straightening of the dermis after pressing and pulling.

If the cause of atony of the skin is age, then it is quite difficult to resist the natural aging processes. This requires multiple hardware procedures that can start the metabolic process in the cells of the dermis. In addition to hardware procedures, there are other methods of rejuvenation, but they are quite radical because they contribute not only to rejuvenation, but also to the appearance of complications that are sometimes not worth the procedure itself.

When skin tone deteriorates for other reasons, they can be easily eliminated and the skin can be restored. These methods are quite simple because they can quickly lead to positive effects.


Reasons for decreased tone of the epidermis

A decrease in skin turgor can occur for the following reasons:

  1. dehydration of the epidermis;
  2. lack of moisture;
  3. fibroblast passivity and their inability to synthesize collagen and elastin in the required quantities;
  4. intoxication of the body;
  5. chronic bacteriosis, which leads to dehydration of the body;
  6. inability to retain water in cells;
  7. chronic stress;
  8. chronic fatigue and insomnia;
  9. oxygen starvation;
  10. diseases of internal organs (liver, heart, digestive system, kidneys);
  11. diets and fasting;
  12. bad habits (smoking and alcohol).

The role of hydration in facial skin care

It is well known that water is the source of life. It helps the skin maintain a blooming and healthy appearance. When water enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is absorbed into the blood, and from the blood enters the cells and intercellular space. And now it seems that the dream of eternally elastic and youthful skin has been realized. However, not all so simple. The water content in the dermis depends not only on the water drunk and entered into the body. An important characteristic of the skin is its ability to retain water, as well as the proper functioning of the kidneys and osmotic pressure in the cells. The first thing that can be done to improve the tone of the epidermis is to maintain the balance of the lipid mantle substances, which prevents evaporation and moisture loss.

It is the imbalance of lipid mantle substances and hydration that contribute to the failure of dehydration of the skin, and in short to dryness. But there is good news: dry and dehydrated skin is a reversible condition. Since over the years the skin retains water less and less well, its turgor deteriorates, so outside help is needed.

There is a misconception that oily skin is never dehydrated. However, it is not. Any skin type can be dehydrated, and in this case the words dry and dehydrated are not synonymous. Dry skin suffers not so much from a lack of moisture, but from damage to the protective hydrolipid mantle. That is, sometimes it no longer lacks moisture, but fat.

Hyaluronic acid helps prevent moisture loss. It is a natural component of the intercellular space, binds water molecules and promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

Hyaluronic acid is capable of:

  1. influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  2. transport water through the cells and tissues of the dermis;
  3. redistribute water in the intercellular space, cells and tissues.

How to increase skin turgor

The deterioration of skin turgor occurs slowly and gradually. After all, we don’t notice how we ourselves are aging, but what catches our eye is the external changes of people we rarely see. Old age is a natural stage of the life cycle; we will all grow old someday, but it is in our hands to maintain good skin turgor. To do this you just need to follow some rules:


  1. Moisturize your skin regularly. After all, every year the skin becomes drier and even oily skin can become dry over time. And the older the person, the more intense hydration should be.
  2. You need to moisturize your skin both from the inside and the outside. You need to drink about 2 liters of water a day, in addition to juices, tea and coffee, and soups.
  3. Avoid ultraviolet radiation as it leads to photoaging and damage to the skin. Use sunscreen regularly.
  4. Exfoliate the epidermis once or twice a week. Peels and scrubs improve the structure of the skin, free it from dead particles, improve its appearance and complexion.
  5. Use cosmetics with retinoids. They are able to penetrate deep into the dermis and prevent its aging, and also promote regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.
  6. Take vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements. No matter how well a person eats, he is not able to completely compensate for the deficiency of various substances.
  7. The right way of life. This is the key to long youth and beauty, since the healthy habits that you once acquired will only bring you benefits and a long life without old age.

Nutrition and skin turgor

It is well known that proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful appearance. After all, skin care begins with proper nutrition. In this context, the set of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for the beauty of our skin is very important.

So, what is needed first:

  1. B vitamins, especially B2, which is a beauty vitamin. This vitamin contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, so it should always be present in our diet. Among the foods rich in vitamin B2 are almonds and other nuts, spinach, liver, cottage cheese, fish and champignons. Not all vitamins are synthesized and accumulated in our body, so their supply from outside must be regular.
  2. Bioflavonoids for healthy blood vessels. Vessels transport nutrients and oxygen to tissues, cells and organs. Therefore, they must be healthy and elastic. It is important to strengthen their walls with proper nutrition. To do this, you need to introduce into your diet: citrus fruits, apricots, grapes, rose hips, grapefruit.
  3. Fatty acids - Omega 2 and Omega 6. Fatty acids contribute to the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. They are found in fatty sea fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna.
  4. Lean meat. There is an opinion in everyday life that eating meat makes people grow old. However, this is not true. Our body needs protein throughout its life, which is a building material. A lack of building protein leads to grayness and dullness of the face; without it, collagen and elastin fibers are not able to form.
  5. Vitamin A. Along with vitamins E and C, it is a very powerful antioxidant, which means that it prevents the aging of the body and triggers regenerative renewal in the body. Vitamin A is found in sorrel, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, dairy products, liver, and spinach.
  6. Folic acid. Protects our skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, increases the functioning of the body's defenses. Therefore, you need to add foods rich in this vitamin to your diet: green peas, citrus fruits, lettuce, spinach.


Cosmetics and turgor improvement

You can increase your tone not only with the help of nutrition. To improve it, hardware cosmetology procedures are used.

The following procedures improve skin turgor well:

  1. Mesotherapy. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of meso-cocktails under the skin, depending on the problem that needs to be eliminated. The composition of the cocktails is selected by the cosmetologist individually for each patient.
  2. Acupuncture. Manipulation with thin needles helps improve the tone of the epidermis. During the procedure, biologically active points are innervated.
  3. Ozone therapy. The essence of the procedure is the intravenous administration of ozone, which promotes the regeneration of tissues and cells, renewal and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.
  4. Microcurrents and myostimulation. Low frequency microcurrents have a mild therapeutic effect. As a result, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, blood supply increases, which tightens the epidermis and makes it firm and elastic.
  5. Photolifting. It provides specific radiation to the dermis, after which its condition improves and the production of elastin and collagen increases.
  6. Biorevitalization. This popular procedure involves introducing hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis. It improves the tone of the dermis, enhances metabolic and regenerative processes.

Also, the modern cosmetic market offers many drugs to improve facial turgor. But to improve turgor, creams alone will not be enough. To do this, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the hormonal system. You can also use masks, creams and serums in tandem to improve skin tone.

Cosmetic massage, self-massage and contrast showers, which improve blood circulation and microcirculation, have a good effect.


Among the cosmetic preparations the following can be noted:

  1. Mousse from the Skincode brand “Cellular Body Firming Mousse” restores elasticity and firmness to the skin, tightens soft tissues and improves their structure.
  2. Cream from the Estee Lauder brand “Slim Shape+” will help tighten the epidermis and make it smooth.
  3. An effective anti-aging cream-body gel from the Darphin brand “HydroForm Contouring Gel” perfectly eliminates cellulite, makes the skin even, smooth and elastic.

Surgical intervention

This is the most radical method of eliminating sagging and atony. Not everyone resorts to plastic surgery, since it has significant contraindications and side effects. This type of plastic surgery is called platysmoplasty. It is used mainly for pronounced ptosis of soft tissues. Surgical intervention is carried out using two methods:

  1. traditional (classical);
  2. endoscopic.

It should be noted that the endoscopic method is the most gentle and leaves behind invisible stitches.

So, you can increase skin turgor with the help of hardware procedures, cosmetic products and plastic surgery, but you should not forget about a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, good sleep and giving up bad habits. And remember, youth and beauty are the work of a lifetime. The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer it will remain young and beautiful.

Pillow marks on the cheek and some morning bruising of the face are the first signals that the skin is losing its elasticity. And it’s not far from wrinkles. We'll tell you what to do to delay age-related changes.

  1. Why does skin lose elasticity?
  2. Causes of loss of skin elasticity
  3. Products for skin elasticity
  4. Tools Overview
  5. How to choose a product for skin elasticity
  6. How to maintain skin elasticity

Why does skin lose elasticity?

Carry out an experiment: squeeze a spring with your fingers and feel its resistance. Release and the spring will immediately return to its previous shape. This is how elasticity manifests itself, a physical property responsible for restoring the shape of an object after its deformation.

Collagen fibers in the skin are like springs. Together with elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid, which provides their support, they form the extracellular matrix of the skin. With age, the extracellular matrix - the framework of the skin - undergoes certain changes, and the skin loses its elasticity.

  1. The synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases.
  2. The production of moisture-retaining hyaluronic acid is reduced.
  3. The tight springs of collagen fibers unwind, losing their shock-absorbing properties.
  4. Modified, defective collagen accumulates in the skin.

“Firmness and elasticity are part of the basic concept of skin tone. The difference between them is small. Collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid are produced by the same cells - fibroblasts. As the synthesis of one substance increases, the synthesis of the other increases, and vice versa. That is, changes in the production of all these substances are reflected in skin tone.”

The easiest way to check the elasticity of the skin is to pinch it (in the wrist or cheeks). Elastic skin is quite difficult to grasp with your fingers. And after compression, the capture marks instantly disappear.

A bruised face in the morning is the first signal that the skin is losing its elasticity. © iStock

Causes of loss of skin elasticity

A number of factors lead to the destruction of the skin framework.

  1. Slowdown of metabolic processes (less and less substances necessary for this are produced).
  2. Improper care can lead to damage to the protective hydrolipid layer of the skin and resulting loss of moisture.
  3. External factors. Free radicals formed under unfavorable environmental conditions damage skin cells.
  4. Solar radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, collagen fibers become coarser.
  5. Unbalanced diet. Lack of protein slows down collagen production. And an excess of sugars leads to their glycation (gluing).

Excess sugar in the diet is also a cause of loss of skin elasticity. © iStock

Products for skin elasticity

Now let's talk about what substances cosmetics should include to help the skin maintain firmness and elasticity longer.

  1. 1

First of all, these are moisturizing agents:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. chitosan;
  3. aloe extract;
  4. algae extract.

In skin saturated with moisture, metabolic and synthesis processes occur more actively.

  1. 2

Products that stimulate collagen synthesis will also be useful. Among them:

  1. retinoids;
  2. AHA acids;
  3. biomimetic peptides.
  1. 3

Anticosidants that protect cells from destruction:

  1. vitamins A, C, E;
  2. resveratrol;
  3. selenium.
  1. 4

Substances that protect fibers from glycation processes:

  1. ascorbic acid;
  2. glycans;
  3. peptide complexes.

When choosing a product, consider your skin type and the cause of loss of elasticity. © iStock

Tools Overview


plant cells of youth, tea polyphenols

Moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, stimulates collagen production.

proxilan, lipohydroxy acid, sun filter complex

Stimulates collagenogenesis, renews skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

Cream-serum Forever Youth Liberator Sérum-En-Crème, Yves Saint Laurent

complexes of peptides and glycans

Increases collagen production, prevents glycation processes, restores and smoothes the skin

Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to aggressive external influences, Mineral 89, Vichy

hyaluronic acid, thermal water

Strengthens the skin barrier, moisturizes, and prevents moisture loss.

Intensive moisturizer for normal and combination sensitive skin Hydraphase Intense Légère, La Roche-Posay

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

It has a gel texture, moisturizes for up to 24 hours, strengthens barrier functions, promotes elasticity, replenishing the required volume.

L-ascorbic and ferulic acids, phloretin

Makes the skin elastic and smooth, increases resistance to aggressive factors, removes wrinkles, improves appearance.

The main indicators of youth and beauty of female representatives are skin elasticity and firmness. What do experts mean when they talk about dermal turgor? We will cover this issue in as much detail as possible. You will also learn why turgor decreases and how to restore it.

What is skin turgor

Skin turgor (tone) is the internal pressure of cells + tension of cell membranes. It is the tone of the dermis that indicates the ability of the skin to resist mechanical stress (pressure, pulling) and the quality of the water balance.

The following signs indicate weak skin turgor:

  1. dryness;
  2. thinning;
  3. sagging;
  4. preservation of fingerprints over a long period of time (after pressing, pulling).

Let's check our facial turgor using the video below:

Reasons for its decline

What is the secret of the elasticity of the dermis? A peculiarity of the female body is the nuance that the turgor of the skin is affected by the hormone estrogen. The functionality of specific dermal cells (fibroblasts) depends on this hormone. The work of fibroblasts is represented by the production of the following substances important for the elasticity of the epithelium:

Thanks to these components, the epidermis has a healthy appearance, is dense, and contains a sufficient level of moisture.

Hyaluronic acid helps retain water inside the skin. This substance is a natural component of the epidermis and is necessary for the process of regeneration of dermal cells. Tissue resistance to compression is provided by the binding of water within the intercellular spaces. We also note other important functions of hyaluronic acid:

  1. stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  2. transportation of water through skin tissues;
  3. distribution of water within the dermal tissues.

The body can lose hyaluronic acid for various reasons:

  1. Poor water quality.
  2. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light does not affect the epithelium.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Stress.
  5. Frequent use of preservatives.
  6. Environmental pollution.

Let us indicate other reasons for the decrease in epidermal turgor:

  1. Intoxication of the body.
  2. Insufficient hydration, inability to retain moisture within cells, reduced hydration.
  3. Chronic lack of sleep, stress.
  4. Oxygen starvation.
  5. Overstrain in the physical and emotional sphere.
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Constant dysbacteriosis.
  8. Diseases of internal organs.

Checking your turgor


How to increase or restore turgor

General recommendations

Hyaluronic acid is produced by the body in smaller quantities after age 25. This means that from this age, representatives of the fair sex should nourish and moisturize the skin. There are many ways to keep your skin youthful.

  1. Water procedures in the form of a contrast shower help increase blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful to swim in lakes, rivers, seas, and wash with cold water. Baths with aromatic oils are considered very useful.
  2. Water is useful not only in the form of procedures, but also for oral administration. Water is considered the most powerful energy-information element. It is important to drink clean water throughout. For every kilogram of weight, the body needs 30 ml of water per day.
  3. You should also limit your exposure to the sun without any protection. The epidermis must be protected from direct rays by clothing and creams containing SPF.
  4. Also, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. The diet must necessarily contain plant foods.
  5. You need to monitor the moderation of physical activity and adherence to the daily routine.
  6. The psycho-emotional state, positive attitude, willingness to help people, etc. are also important.

Vitamin therapy

Special attention should be paid to taking vitamins:

  1. A (retinol). Its merit is in thickening the stratum corneum. Thanks to it, the moisture content of the epithelium and its elasticity are maintained. It is present in fish oil, egg yolks, animal fats, vegetables, and fruits.
  2. IN. Vitamins from this group are responsible for metabolic processes within the epidermis. They are also needed for redox processes. Contained in legumes, fish, dairy products, legumes, and cereals.
  3. E (tocopherol). This “vitamin of youth” is responsible for the integrity of muscle fibers, prevents capillary fragility, and maintains the required level of moisture in the dermis. It contains nuts, avocados, seeds, wheat germ oil, and vegetable oil.
  4. PP (nicotinic acid). It is considered necessary for the redox processes of the body and is responsible for the biochemical balance inside the cells of the epidermis. Present in potatoes, meat, beans, liver, nuts, yeast.

Home treatments

You can maintain the condition of your skin not only by regularly visiting beauty salons, but also at home. Among the methods that effectively increase the tone of the dermis at home, we will indicate:

  1. Peeling of the face and body through scrub, gommage. Procedures are recommended twice a week. Thanks to the procedures performed, the skin will be cleansed, blood circulation and metabolism within the tissues will be accelerated.
  2. Using scrubs. Coffee scrub and sea salt scrub are very effective.
  3. A contrast shower will help tone the walls of blood vessels, increase blood microcirculation, and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. Wraps. They help not only to lose weight. One of the beneficial effects of the wrap is improving the condition of the epidermis and increasing its tone. A bathhouse has a similar effect.
  5. Baths with aroma oils.
  6. Mimic exercises.



To improve blood supply to the dermis, activate the regeneration process, and improve lymph outflow, exercises for the facial muscles are necessary. Additionally, you will be surprised to know that Kegel exercise helps restore skin turgor. Every day you should perform rhythmic contractions of the intimate muscles for 10 minutes. This exercise increases blood supply to the pelvic organs and activates the production of estrogen, which is responsible for the normal tone of the epidermis.


Experts recommend facial massage at least once a week. This can be done independently or in a beauty salon. Massage can be done in different ways (vacuum, with ice cubes, with medicinal oils).


The oil is recommended for use in preparing a bath with aroma oils. But for such a procedure you need to purchase high-quality essential oil.

Preference should be given to the following oils: mint, pine, rose, myrrh, frankincense, nutmeg, sandalwood. To prepare a bath, 5–7 drops of ether are enough. Baths are taken twice a week for 10-15 minutes.


It is useful to apply masks. Masks based on the following substances will help increase the turgor of the epidermis: collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E, coenzyme Q10, elastin.

Masks for facial skin elasticity are described in this video:


Cosmetologists are constantly developing new products (creams, lotions, masks) for skin care.

  1. One of the care products that has a light texture and high efficiency is the Cellular Body Firming Mousse (manufactured in Switzerland by Skincode). This product provides a bright lifting effect and returns its elasticity to the epidermis.
  2. Slim Shape+ (produced by Estee Lauder) will help tighten and make the skin smooth.
  3. One of the effective anti-aging facial products is the modeling gel “HydroForm Contouring Gel” (manufactured by “Darphin”). It will help restore elasticity to the dermis, strengthen the body contour, soften the epidermis, and reduce the visibility of cellulite. The product is made on the basis of aromatic oils.

Treatment without surgery


Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered especially useful for increasing turgor. They improve blood microcirculation, preserve youth, and increase the elasticity of capillary walls. The most common physiotherapy procedures are:

  1. Ozone therapy. Under the influence of ozone, wrinkles are eliminated, the epithelium is smoothed, and turgor improves.
  2. Mesotherapy. The procedures involve injecting drugs into the tissues of problem areas. The specialist determines the composition of the drug individually (antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, microelements.
  3. Acupuncture. Injections with thin needles are painless and help smooth the epidermis.
  4. Photolifting. The hardware method of tightening involves exposing the dermis to special radiation that stimulates the synthesis of melanin and collagen.
  5. Myostimulation with microcurrents. Microcurrent pulses with low frequency have a gentle effect on the layers of the dermis and fat layer. The procedure activates microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, improves facial contour, and tightens the cheeks.
  6. RF therapy. The tissue is exposed to radio wave radiation. Under the influence of the waves, the protein compounds of the epidermis are denatured, and the stretching of collagen fibers stops.

Biorevitalization is considered a popular way to increase dermal turgor. This modern rejuvenation procedure consists of introducing a special preparation containing hyaluronic acid and vitamins into the layers of the dermis. Thanks to innovative technology, the skin regains lost tone, color, and elasticity. Biorevitalization is incompatible with alcohol!


An effective tightening procedure is contour plastic surgery, which is carried out through intradermal and subcutaneous injections. For injections, preparations with hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm, Surgiderm) are used. These drugs enhance collagen production and restore water balance. The epidermis after injections is smoothed out and becomes “velvety”.

Platysmoplasty is considered a radical way to increase turgor. The epithelium is tightened through surgery. This method is used for severe tissue ptosis. The operation is carried out in two ways:

  1. Endoscopic. Small incisions are made in the dermis, the specialist tightens the epidermis, excises excess tissue, and sutures the incision. After the procedure, the stitches are almost invisible.
  2. Classical. An incision is made along the auricle, it goes to the scalp. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are moved, fixed in the desired position, and excess dermis is eliminated.

Ultrasonic lifting and biorevitalization will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

How to improve skin turgor, watch the video below: