Skirts are being shortened... We urgently make beautiful legs

Remember this joke: “Beautiful legs are a woman’s face.”? This joke has its share of truth. Men pay attention to women's legs because they are an indicator of women's health. Strong, elastic, toned, healthy legs indicate that their owner is healthy, energetic and takes care of her beauty and health.

However, the legs often suffer the most from various misfortunes. The main enemy of the health and beauty of legs is poor blood circulation. Poor blood circulation makes a big contribution to the appearance and development of cellulite and varicose veins. Cellulite is more likely to form in areas where blood circulation is slow, so it further exacerbates the problem by creating a pocket of stagnation. Poor blood circulation also leads to the fact that the venous system can no longer cope, the legs hurt and swell by the end of the day. The outflow of blood through the veins of the legs is hampered, and the congested veins have no choice but to expand to accommodate the stagnant blood. This is a direct path not only to cellulite, but also to varicose veins.

However, there are three reliable, useful and enjoyable ways to significantly improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and therefore leg health. These are contrast procedures, physical exercises and massage.

Contrast showers and sports improve general condition, increase elasticity and increase blood circulation. Massage gives the same effect, plus it enhances lymph and blood flow, improves tissue condition, eliminates congestion, normalizes blood circulation and, therefore, prevents the formation or development of cellulite. This is not only the prevention of cellulite, but also the prevention of varicose veins.

It is also important to avoid anything that harms your feet. Tight clothing, high heels, prolonged sitting with legs crossed one on top of the other - all this can negatively affect the condition of the legs. It’s better to do everything that pleases your feet, and then they will serve you faithfully for a hundred years. Or more!

In conclusion, don't forget about the health of your feet because they are not only an important part of your body but also an indicator of your health and beauty. Follow the simple recommendations I suggested above and your feet will only get better. Also remember to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, adequate rest, and physical activity. This will help maintain the health and beauty of not only your feet, but the whole body.