What foods cause cancer?

There are a number of products that experts prohibit consuming in principle. Sometimes on holidays you can treat yourself to something from this list, however, in order to avoid a terrible and incurable disease called cancer, it is better to give them up completely.

  1. Products containing E-additives. They can cause gastrointestinal and skin cancer. Products containing E102, E123, E127, E284, E285, E512, E574, E999, E1200 are especially dangerous.

  2. Products containing nitrates. First of all, they attack the liver. Avoid store-bought and early vegetables and fruits - they all contain nitrates.

  3. Foods fried in the same oil several times. It produces benzopyrene, which affects the liver and bone marrow.

  4. Products with trans fats. This includes margarine, mayonnaise, waffles. These foods can cause colon, breast and prostate cancer.

  5. Bread with mold. It contains aflatoxin poisons that attack the liver.

  6. Sausages and meat. They contain nitrites, nitrosamines and a number of food additives with E. These products most often lead to the development of gastrointestinal tumors.

  7. Alcohol. It causes cancer of the throat, liver, stomach, esophagus, and pancreas. It is best to drink a glass of dry red natural wine or a bottle of light beer.