Do not underestimate seemingly “children’s” dumbbells for fitness.

Each of us who has been to a serious gym at least once has probably seen rows of dumbbells of different calibers and different targets. Moreover, in the “proper gym” this is usually implemented with two racks: one is small women’s dumbbells for fitness, the second is a more serious row of dumbbells for bodybuilders and lifters. In the first group, dumbbells go from half a kilogram (and sometimes even less) to five kilograms with very tiny increments. The second row, which is more to the taste of regular jocks, goes from five kilograms to infinity in increments of five or two and a half kilograms...

It’s clear that for us bodybuilders, equipment from the second rack is more preferable; if we take it off, we do a huge part of the work, their handles remember every callus on our palm... But here’s a tricky question for you: what about these dumbbells for fitness, which we don’t notice in everyday strength training? from the women's dumbbell row - do they have a place in serious men's training? Or will they remain something extra for us in our gym?

At first glance, they really seem to us like some kind of childish and frivolous sports equipment. But this is only at first glance! Let’s debunk this myth and show you how you can use them effectively in your training!

If you take into account exercises such as:

  1. seated or standing presses,
  2. biceps curls,
  3. kickbacks,
  4. all kinds of wiring,

...and other basic and isolated exercises from the bodybuilder’s arsenal - then yes! Tiny dumbbells seem like unnecessary rubbish, uselessly littering our fitness club. But let's think about such an important part of our training as aerobic exercise. If you do not want to soon damage your heart with excessive strength training, you must definitely dilute your strength training with aerobic exercise, the volume of which should be at least 30% of the duration of your entire session. This is a truism, without which you risk developing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  1. running or fast walking,
  2. swimming in the pool,
  3. a ride on the bicycle,
  4. jumping rope,
  5. working with fists on a punching bag,
  6. cardio training,
  7. and other options...

And this is where these seemingly unnecessary shells come in handy. We take dumbbells in our hands and go for a run around the stadium - after five laps they won’t seem so light to you, believe me! Or imitate boxing punches with the projectiles described here clenched in your fists - also a very effective exercise that all successful boxers regularly practice to develop a powerful punch. It is quite possible to exercise in the gym - a cardio exercise machine and a treadmill will help you. Try to run your usual norm, but with dumbbells? – you definitely won’t find it enough! Step aerobics, shaping and other options for aerobic training using this sports equipment have also proven themselves to be excellent...

Well? I hope now small dumbbells no longer cause you to laugh contemptuously. And you realized how useful and effective they can be. Well, to the question: Which of the variety is best to choose for your home training? If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Well, many more interesting things await you in our next articles. Don't switch!

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