Belly Acute

The abdomen is acute (lat. abdomen acutum). Abscess “acute abdomen” is a synonym often found in the literature for the concept of abscess of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This is an acute purulent inflammatory process caused by a violation of the integrity of the abdominal wall with the formation of an abscess on the anterior wall with inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the subfascial spaces and peritoneum.

Sequential examination of a patient with an acute abdomen should include the following components: localization of the source of the disease, its connection with adjacent organs, clinical symptoms and objective condition of the patient, possible cause and phase of development of the acute abdomen, source of infection, violation of the blood coagulation system or immunogenesis. Within the specific localization of the acute abdomen, possible causes of the acute abdomen in a particular patient should be identified. It is also necessary to take into account risk factors specific to a given clinical situation.