How to quickly relieve an attack

Attack of VSD

Causes of VSD

  1. stress and excessive emotional stress;
  2. spinal column injuries;
  3. strokes, brain injuries, tumors;
  4. endocrine diseases (thyroid gland, gonads, adrenal glands);
  5. heredity, birth trauma;
  6. hormonal changes in the body.

Symptoms of an attack

  1. increased sweating;
  2. tearing and redness of the eyes;
  3. drooping eyelids;
  4. hyperemia (redness) of the face.

VSD crises

Characterized by unpleasant sensations in the head and heart, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, cold extremities, and chills may occur. The patient experiences excitement, anxiety, anxiety, developing into fear.

An increase in pressure is observed, the breathing rate increases, the patient feels a lack of air, tension in the muscles of the hands, feet, legs, and forearms. Tachycardia occurs.

A distinctive feature of the onset of an attack is general weakness, after which nausea, lack of air, and dizziness appear. External manifestations: low blood pressure, sweating, sometimes vomiting. Relief occurs when the patient assumes a horizontal position.

Such an attack of VSD usually occurs with a sudden change in the position of the body or head. Characterized by an abrupt onset, accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness. During the acute period of an attack, blood pressure fluctuates greatly

Rules for overcoming an attack

  1. Psychological peace. During an attack, it is first of all recommended to calm down and not panic, because otherwise the crisis will worsen.
  2. Physical peace. It is necessary to lie down with your legs elevated, thus ensuring blood flow to the brain. It is necessary to provide fresh air access to the room.
  3. Medicines. You can take 20 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin dissolved in water. If the condition worsens, you should resort to a stronger remedy - gidazepam, placing half the tablet under the tongue.
  4. Warm foot bath. Immerse your feet in warm water up to your ankles.


Interesting video about simple ways to deal with the VSD crisis


  1. Do not stay in the sun for a long time in the hot season, even with a hat. In summer, always have water and a hat with you;
  2. Have with you a sedative (valerian, motherwort), which should be used at the very beginning of an attack;
  3. Rational combination of work and rest. Sleep duration is at least 8 hours;
  4. Moderate exercise;
  5. Proper nutrition (avoid fried, pickled);
  6. Massage the head, back and collar area.

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An attack of VSD is a pronounced manifestation of a functional disorder such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. The crisis is characterized by irregular heartbeat, sweating, headache and/or heart pain, as well as other individual symptoms. Attacks of dystonia not only significantly worsen a person’s quality of life, but also carry a certain threat - for example, an unexpected loss of consciousness, a sharp increase in blood pressure, and the development of persistent neuroses.

VSD itself is not a disease, but just a failure of autonomic nervous regulation. However, when certain factors are combined, this functional disorder can cause the development of many dangerous conditions. If there is no treatment for VSD, then attacks will become more frequent, and their manifestations will become more pronounced over time.

Experts call attacks of dystonia crises, which characterizes the severity of the patient’s condition at the time of exacerbation.

Symptoms of an attack of VSD

An attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur in different ways. It depends on what type of disease develops. The following options are possible:

Hypertensive attack of VSD. It is also called sympathoadrenal crisis:

Blood pressure rises sharply. The systolic indicator can reach 140-180 mm. rt. Art.

Heart rate increases to 140 beats per minute.

Severe headaches occur that are pulsating in nature.

Body temperature may rise to feverish levels.

Other symptoms of an attack: increased sweating, redness of the face and neck, chills, trembling in the limbs, general weakness.

Hypotensive attack of VSD or vagoinsular crisis:

Blood pressure drops sharply. Its upper boundaries can remain at 80 mm. rt. Art.

The heart rate also decreases.

A person experiences a feeling of lack of air and may experience a sensation of a lump in the throat. This causes panic fear of imminent death.

Other symptoms: dizziness, lethargy, weakness, pain in the abdomen and heart, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, pale skin.

Cardiac attack of VSD:

Painful sensations in the heart area.

Increased or decreased heart rate.

A person begins to clearly feel the beating of his own heart, which normally should not happen.

The patient develops a panic fear of imminent cardiac arrest or rupture.

The onset of the attack is abrupt, accompanied by vomiting.

Severe dizziness appears.

Blood pressure rises and then falls sharply.

Depending on the severity of the attack, its duration will vary. A mild crisis lasts about 5 minutes, and severe attacks can last for 4-8 hours. After their completion, a person experiences post-crisis asthenia for a long time, which can haunt him for several days.

Causes of attacks during VSD

The mechanism of development of an attack against the background of dystonia is explained by an increase in the concentration of adrenaline, steroid hormones and acetylcholine in the body.

Factors that could provoke another crisis are:

Violation of the usual daily routine;

Overheating or hypothermia;

Exhaustion due to diet or after suffering a serious illness.

Is it possible to cope with an attack of VSD on your own?

If a person knows about the problems he has in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, then in some cases he is able to cope with attacks of the disease on his own. When the crisis is mild, you can try to normalize your well-being at home. The main thing to remember is that an attack of VSD does not pose a threat to life, and fear only aggravates its course. In case of a prolonged crisis, you must consult a doctor.

Algorithm of actions to be taken in the event of an attack of VSD:

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provoked the attack. Often its cause is a strong emotional shock, fear, quarrel or other external irritant that affects the nervous system.

A person needs a flow of fresh air. To do this, you need to open a window or window, unbutton the collar on your shirt, and remove any items of clothing from your neck that may impair breathing.

If your blood pressure increases, you can place a Captopril tablet (0.25 mg) under your tongue and dissolve it.

If your blood pressure drops, you need to take a tonic, for example, tincture of Eleutherococcus, or drink a cup of coffee. Betaserc 8-24 mg, 2-3 times a day, will help get rid of dizziness.

It is necessary to lie down, this will improve cerebral circulation and reduce the negative manifestations of the crisis. If this is not possible, then you need to take a sitting position. This will avoid injury if you faint.

If a migraine attack develops, you should go to a quiet place where there are no external stimuli such as bright lights or loud noise.

A warm blanket or a foot bath with hot water will help cope with chills.

Sweet foods help relieve sudden weakness. Therefore, you can eat candy or dissolve a spoonful of honey in your mouth, washing it down with weak tea.

You need to try to take control of your emotions, try to calm down, think about something abstract. Scientists have found that mental visualization of winter landscapes effectively eliminates nervous tension.

When you cannot cope with anxiety on your own, you should take a sedative. This can be valerian or motherwort extract.

You can drink a glass of water, but not in one gulp, but in slow sips.

You can close your eyes and massage your closed eyelids with your fingertips.

Abdominal breathing, massage of the temporal region and fingertips help to cope well with anxiety.

If you cannot cope with the symptoms of a crisis on your own, then you need to call an ambulance.

It should be understood that without professional treatment, attacks of VSD will become more frequent and gain strength. Therefore, you need to visit a neurologist and together with him choose the optimal treatment regimen. In addition, the doctor will tell you how to behave during the next crisis and what medications you can use to normalize your own condition. It is necessary to take note that poor quality first aid during an attack will lead to its protracted course.

What to do if an attack of VSD occurs at night?

An attack of VSD can occur at night. It is characterized by breathing problems and a sinking heart, which causes a person to wake up abruptly. Such a state inevitably leads to panic and increased anxiety.

If there is no one nearby who can provide assistance, you should try to calm down, get out of bed and take a sedative. This could be Persen, Novopassit, valerian extract, etc.

Breathing exercises are good for eliminating panic. Inhalations should be deep and smooth, eyes should be closed, and thoughts should be transferred to a calm channel. If the attack is mild, then the person will most likely fall asleep very quickly.

If during a night attack pain occurs in the heart, blood pressure rises, or, on the contrary, drops sharply, then you need to call an ambulance. Especially if these symptoms do not go away for a long time. The doctors who come to the call will most likely give the person an injection of Relanium, which will slow down the activity of the sympathoadrenal system. An injection of Verapamil or Obzidan is also possible. Such drugs should not be administered independently, as there is a possibility of misdiagnosis.

You should definitely tell your doctor that crises caused by VSD occur at night. The fact is that even short-term heart failures have a negative effect on the cells of the brain and other organs. A regular increase in blood pressure due to dystonia can lead to the development of hypertension with all the accompanying complications.

Drug elimination of VSD attacks

You should not take any medications on your own. They should be recommended by a doctor, based on the root cause that triggered the development of VSD.

Thus, you may need to take medications that increase or decrease blood pressure, or use medications to normalize thyroid function.

Doctors actively use methods such as:

Taking vitamin-mineral complexes;

Prevention of VSD attacks

To prevent the development of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia or reduce their frequency, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Set aside enough time for rest.

Maintain a daily routine.

Try to avoid stressful situations.

Avoid overheating in the sun.

Always have a bottle of clean still water with you.

Do not leave home without sedative medications.

Lead a healthy lifestyle.

To refuse from bad habits.

If the doctor prescribes medications, then you must strictly follow his recommendations.

It is strictly forbidden to allow mental and physical overstrain.

It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, which will not only prevent attacks of VSD, but also reduce their severity.

Education: In 2005, she completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and received a diploma in the specialty “Neurology”. In 2009, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty “Nervous Diseases”.

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia, or VSD for short, is a complex of symptoms that consists of various manifestations from organs and organ systems. However, all these disorders are caused by a single cause - a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Dystonia is a term that means an imbalance between...

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia should be based on what exactly triggered the development of the functional disorder. Knowing the cause will allow you to make every effort to eliminate the problem and get rid of the pathological condition. Often, VSD is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body that occur during.

There are no miracle cures that can restore blood vessels to their previous shape and elasticity. It is possible to combat violations and deviations; first of all, you need good prevention, which includes a whole range of measures. However, if c.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a fairly common syndrome, the development of which leads to heart rhythm disturbances, attacks, neurosis, and hypertensive crisis. An attack of VSD is characterized by excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest area, headaches, and leads to loss of consciousness. VSD is not an independent disease, but in the absence of proper treatment, attacks become more frequent, which becomes the cause of pathological processes in the body. What happens during an attack of VSD, how to relieve the symptoms, how long the attack lasts and what treatment is needed - later in this article.


The main cause of attacks lies in pathologies of the central nervous system and a previously received concussion. But a crisis can also be caused by:

  1. Hormonal imbalance caused by natural changes (for example, pregnancy).
  2. Endocrine disorders.
  3. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system. As a rule, they occur with osteochondrosis, as a consequence of infectious processes or the formation of tumors.

Factors that provoke a crisis are usually stressful situations, intense physical activity, and exposure to certain medications. Also, attacks can occur against the background of severe fatigue, in people who have recently undergone surgery or general anesthesia.

After the first crisis, negative changes occur at the psycho-emotional level. Thus, a person begins to be bothered by a feeling of fear and anxiety before repeated attacks. These feelings are enhanced by ignorance of what to do during an attack of VSD and what consequences to expect. Against the background of these experiences, an unfavorable emotional environment is created, which leads to stress, which provokes repeated “fits”.


Symptoms of an attack of VSD are always expressed differently. Each sign depends on the type of pathological process developing.

The most common manifestations characteristic of attacks include:

  1. Excessive sweating.
  2. Dizziness, headaches.
  3. Unstable blood pressure. It may be accompanied by both hypotonic and hypertensive signs, tachycardia, and painful sensations in the chest area.
  4. Choking, which is characterized by feelings of lack of air, sometimes convulsions.
  5. Shortness of breath, cough.
  6. Fever.
  7. Panic, anxiety, fear.
  8. Tremor (finger shaking).

Emotional instability, as a rule, is accompanied by constant anxiety, panic attacks, sudden mood swings, sleep problems, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of a hypotensive type VSD crisis manifest themselves in the form of sharp jumps in blood pressure (it often rises to one hundred and eighty millimeters of mercury), high body temperature, rapid heartbeat, and pronounced headaches. The skin of the face becomes red, the person is overcome by a strong feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Symptoms of an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the cardiac type make themselves felt in the form of intense pain in the chest area and heart rhythm disturbances. During an attack, the feeling of fear of death increases greatly.

A hypotensive crisis manifests itself in a sharp decrease in blood pressure, a person lacks air, and may lose consciousness. There is a feeling of nausea, vomiting, and the skin becomes pale. The vegetative-vestibular type is characterized by pronounced manifestations: vomiting, dizziness. The pressure rises and falls sharply.

A mild crisis lasts no more than seven minutes. In severe variations, the attack can last for several hours. Afterwards, the person experiences general weakness, a feeling of powerlessness that lasts three to four days.

How to cope with an attack on your own

How to relieve an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia? Doctors recommend not only visiting a psychologist who will help overcome part of the problem, but also making independent efforts to adequately respond to each subsequent attack of dystonia. Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, panic and a feeling of powerlessness only make each attack more frequent and worse.

If the crisis began at home, you need to do everything possible to ease its manifestation. First of all, it is recommended to open the window, filling the room with fresh air. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole.

To ensure uninterrupted blood circulation, you should take a lying position and raise your legs. Once the attack has begun, care must also be taken to keep the entire body and especially the limbs completely warm.

If these measures do not bring the expected effect, it is recommended to pour hot water into a small container and immerse your feet in it. The water should cover your ankles. Sedative medications will help suppress symptoms. Corvalol or Valocordin are considered fast-acting under such circumstances (only twenty drops diluted with a small amount of water are enough). An alternative is to use half a Gidazepam tablet, which is placed under the tongue.

What is forbidden to do during attacks

These recommendations help relieve symptoms, but such manipulations should not replace basic treatment. Only complex therapy under the supervision of a specialist will help fight them.

During attacks, a person is strictly prohibited from:

  1. Do things that put the body in a state of shock. For example, extreme sports, jumping from heights in the pool.
  2. Practice fasting.
  3. Drink drinks containing caffeine.
  4. Engage in intense physical activity.
  5. View photographs, films or videos that negatively affect the psyche.
  6. Smoking, drinking alcohol. It should be taken into account that in many cases a hangover is a common factor that provokes a crisis.

At the same time, it is not recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle. A person should be in the fresh air as often as possible and spend less time at the computer or in front of the TV.

Actions to take during an attack at night

Often, attacks of anxiety with panic attacks can occur at night. This is the time when the body is in its most vulnerable state. As a rule, crises are a consequence of the negative impact of stress that a person experienced during the day.

The attacks usually begin around three o'clock. The patient wakes up, feels a fever, an acute lack of air, and is tormented by a severe headache, panic, and anxiety. Irregularities in the functioning of the heart and sudden jumps in blood pressure are often observed.

Despite the fact that attacks at night have a less negative impact on the physical condition of the body, their symptoms are greatly aggravated due to fear. Ultimately, this has a bad effect on psycho-emotional health. Because these attacks disrupt the natural sleep process, people often feel tired and weak during the day.

If timely treatment is not started, a person becomes increasingly afraid of falling asleep, as a result of which chronic insomnia develops. This factor only makes attacks more frequent, which can lead to depression.

Proper first aid will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and minimize negative consequences. First you need to do everything to calm down as much as possible and take a vertical position. Sedatives will help bring the cardiovascular system back to normal. Valerian extract or Novopassit is well suited for this purpose.

As soon as the first signs subside a little, you need to do a few simple breathing exercises. While sitting with your eyes closed, you need to take deep breaths and exhales. They will have a calming effect and help you fall asleep again (provided that the attack is mild).

You should call an ambulance if you experience pain in the chest area, or if your blood pressure drops or rises sharply. Under such circumstances, doctors who arrived on call will give the patient a drug that will reduce the activity of the sympathoadrenal system (for example, Verapamil, Relanium). It is not recommended to self-medicate with such means, since if misidentified, there is a risk of further aggravating the situation.

Treatment and prevention

Complex therapy will help to completely get rid of the disease. Initially, the patient is referred for examination to a neurologist, who will determine the root cause. The drug course of treatment often includes taking medications that regulate blood pressure and thyroid function.

To defeat VSD as quickly as possible, minimizing the negative impact on the condition of blood vessels, heart and other systems, the patient may be recommended physical therapy, treatment in a sanitary resort environment, performing special gymnastic exercises, and consultations with a psychologist.

The main preventive measures include following the rules of a healthy lifestyle, proper rest, proper nutrition, and moderate physical activity. It is also necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, eliminate all bad habits, follow the doctor’s recommendations and take medications as prescribed.