Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy?


By sunbathing, we provide the body with vitamin D. It would seem that this is very good and useful, but not during pregnancy.

Solarium during pregnancy: contraindications and consequences


Every woman wants to look attractive. The period when she carries a child under her heart is no exception. To give their skin a darker tint, women visit a solarium. The principle of its operation is to irradiate the body with ultraviolet rays, due to which the skin acquires a dark shade. In addition, in this way the body receives vitamin D, which it is not able to produce on its own. Therefore, many women go to the solarium, but is it safe during pregnancy?

Solarium during pregnancy: pros and cons

Experts' opinions on this matter are divided. Some believe that artificial sunbathing is contraindicated, others are in favor. Those who are not against tanning are convinced that visiting a booth helps:

  1. production of vitamin D;
  2. strengthening the immune system;
  3. destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  4. drying cuts and scratches;
  5. activation of metabolism;
  6. normalization of blood circulation.


In addition, if a woman is pregnant in the summer, visiting a solarium, in their opinion, prevents sunburn and prepares the skin for exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Opponents of solarium are convinced that it will negatively affect both the condition of the expectant mother and the condition of the baby. A few minutes of rest under UV rays will help:

  1. pigmentation;
  2. malfunction of the immune system;
  3. disorders in brain development;
  4. physical and mental pathology;
  5. overheating of the fetus (due to the baby’s lack of sweat glands).


Who can

Sunbathing while expecting the birth of a baby is possible only after consultation with a gynecologist and in the absence of any diseases that prevent a visit. Only those who are absolutely healthy and do not have any abnormalities due to pregnancy are allowed to enjoy a session under ultraviolet lamps.



The main contraindication is pregnancy, which occurs with complications. Experts also talk about a number of diseases, the presence of which is prohibited from sunbathing:

  1. phlebeurysm;
  2. hyper-and hypotonic disease;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  4. mastopathy;
  5. endocrine diseases;
  6. diabetes;
  7. the presence of papillomas and other skin formations;
  8. presence of a viral infection;
  9. various types of skin inflammatory processes.


Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium in the early stages?

Doctors say that in the early stages of pregnancy (up to a maximum of 4 weeks), tanning is harmless, but they strongly recommend refraining from further visits at least until a visit to a specialist. In the first trimester, the formation of all major vital organs occurs. For a period of five or more weeks, visiting the solarium is strictly prohibited.

If you sunbathed in a solarium in the early stages without knowing about pregnancy


When planning a pregnancy, women try to lead a normal lifestyle: they actively engage in swimming, jogging, continue to sing, dance, and some visit a solarium to maintain a beautiful chocolate skin tone.

Often a woman sunbathes under artificial rays without even knowing about her situation. As soon as pregnancy has become obvious and confirmed, tanning under UV rays should be abandoned. It is necessary to make sure that the fetus is properly implanted and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

What are the consequences of visiting a solarium during pregnancy for a child?

Going to a solarium is very dangerous for a baby, since a developing fetus lacks sweat glands. It is extremely difficult to control its temperature. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the time permissible for staying in a solarium.

Doctor's recommendations


To ensure that visiting a solarium during pregnancy does not bring additional inconvenience and is as safe as possible for the expectant mother and child, doctors recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. burning should not be allowed;
  2. it is necessary to calculate the time correctly. The session should not last more than 3 minutes;
  3. sunbathe only in a swimsuit;
  4. eyes, lips, hair should not be irradiated;
  5. Do not use sunscreen;
  6. To prevent dehydration, experts recommend drinking water before and after a tanning session.



Artificial tanning is very popular, both among young girls and mature women. Some are not ready to give up their bronze skin tone even when they are pregnant. There are two types of solariums - horizontal and vertical. Doctors recommend that if you do visit a solarium, women in an interesting position should give preference to the vertical option.

The vast majority of the fair sex are against tanning during the period of bearing a child. You cannot make an independent decision in favor of visiting a tanning studio. You should at least inform your gynecologist about your intentions. Otherwise, there is a high probability of harming the baby.

No matter how far the beauty industry has come, no matter how significant the fashion for a bronze skin tone is for some women, going to a solarium during pregnancy is not the best idea.

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Expecting a baby is a special period for every woman. Especially if this happens for the first time. I want to fully experience all the delights of pregnancy, while at the same time remaining an attractive and beautiful woman. Very often ladies ask the question: “Is it possible to apply various cosmetic procedures during this special period?” That is why now we will talk about whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy: what risks arise here and how UV radiation affects the body of the expectant mother.


What it is

Initially, you need to understand the terminology that will be used in this article. So, maybe some people don’t know, but a solarium is a special device that helps a person get a beautiful, even tan (from the lightest to the darkest tones) in a short time. The principle of operation of this device: the visitor’s body is irradiated with ultraviolet lamps, due to which the skin acquires a darker color. In other words, a tan.

It is worth noting that the peak of use and widespread relevance of solariums has already passed. Yes, in principle, dark skin is no longer so popular. And all because people gradually began to listen to the advice of doctors who claim that ultraviolet radiation is harmful not only to the skin that is irradiated, but also to the entire body as a whole. But still, many women still try to give their body a darker shade by actively using the services of solariums. But how safe is it? And is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy? This is what is worth understanding now.


A few words about UV lamps

Initially, we need to talk about those lamps with which the skin is given a special shade of tan. That is, about those emitting ultraviolet radiation. In addition to the tan itself, a solarium during pregnancy will help to quickly destroy various pathogenic bacteria that may be in the body. The lamps also disinfect the skin, which leads to faster healing of various scratches, wounds and minor injuries. Also, those women who visit the solarium say that thanks to this procedure they get rid of the hated acne and pimples that so spoil the skin, and at the same time the appearance of the face.


About the benefits of solarium

What else is useful about UV radiation? So, even children know and remember that with the help of this special light the production of vitamin D in the body is enhanced. This is especially useful in the cold season, when there is practically no sun. In addition, a solarium during pregnancy may be even more preferable than regular exposure to the sun's rays. And all because in this case the pregnant woman does not receive a dose of harmful B-rays, which can negatively affect the functioning of the body as a whole.

It should be noted that some experts even recommend visiting a solarium in the spring. And all because this way you can prepare your skin, which has become as light as possible during the winter, to the effects of sunlight. That is, UV rays in this case are the most common prevention of possible burns.

At the same time, some experts argue that visiting a solarium during pregnancy is even beneficial. And all because, with the right dosage, its rays can stimulate the body's defenses. And this is very useful during pregnancy. In this case, again, a solarium can be considered as a preventive measure for various viral diseases.

Well, and probably the most important and big plus: the solarium brings women a lot of pleasure. More precisely, the result obtained from his work. And the hormone of happiness, which is actively released in the body, has a positive effect not only on the expectant mother, but also on her unborn baby.


About the types of solarium

If a woman wants to figure out whether she can go to a solarium during pregnancy or not, she must also know about their different types.

  1. It is best to visit standing solariums. The lady does not lie down in them, but stands. There are a huge number of advantages here. The main thing: the tan goes on more evenly. In addition, in this case, there is little risk of contracting a fungus or some other infection, because the body does not come into contact with the device itself.
  2. Recumbent solariums. A huge plus here is that during the procedure itself a woman can relax and unwind.

However, this is not the main thing. So, if a lady wants to visit a solarium while carrying a baby, she must be completely convinced of the safety of the device.


Precautionary measures

What do you need to know when visiting a solarium booth?

  1. Be sure to make sure that the emergency call button works. Indeed, during pregnancy, the most ordinary procedure can be perceived by the body in a completely different way than it was before.
  2. The cabin must be well ventilated.
  3. After each client, the solarium cabin must be disinfected with a special product.
  4. The solarium must have at least 28 lamps, the power of each of them must be 100 W.
  5. And you must make sure that the lamps are changed every 700 hours of operation. Only in this case are they safe and do not cause harm to the body.


Dangers of solarium during pregnancy

Every expectant mother wants to know whether it is possible to go to a solarium during pregnancy. From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion that this procedure cannot harm the woman and her baby. However, everything is not so simple. So, if a woman violates the rules for visiting a solarium, not only her body will suffer, but even the child.

  1. The first danger of a solarium for pregnant women is age spots. They can appear not only from sunlight, but also from UV radiation. It is completely impossible to get rid of them. We'll have to wait until they disappear on their own.
  2. Every lady should know that if the body is exposed to UV rays, the production of all hormones increases. And during the period of bearing a child, this can be harmful not only for the mother herself, but also for her baby.
  3. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the so-called photoaging processes are activated. In addition, experts say that in this case the risk of developing a disease such as skin cancer significantly increases.
  4. Also, when visiting a solarium, a woman’s skin sensitivity increases. As a result, there is a risk of burns of varying degrees.

But still, the biggest danger when visiting a solarium for a pregnant woman is hyperthermia. Simply put, heatstroke or overheating. This development of events is possible if a woman’s body temperature rises to 38.5°C or more for a long period of time. A similar effect can be caused by sitting in a hot bath or sauna for too long. So, overheating of the expectant mother can affect the baby himself. Especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

It is worth noting that a solarium can be dangerous not only for pregnant women, but also for all women who have the following nuances:

  1. You should not visit a solarium if you have or have had cancer cells in your body;
  2. UV irradiation is prohibited if there are inflammatory processes in the joints or on the surface of the skin.

Solarium in early pregnancy

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to visit a solarium during early pregnancy. If it so happened that the lady did not yet know about her situation and received a dose of radiation, there is nothing particularly terrible about it. This will not harm the fertilized egg. However, it is still better not to consciously visit the solarium at this time. The thing is that scientists have not yet sufficiently studied the effect of this procedure on the child’s body.

Dangerous situations that can arise if you visit a solarium too often during early pregnancy:

  1. high risk of disruption of normal blood circulation at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg;
  2. various autoimmune processes may be disrupted;
  3. irradiation with UV lamps causes a decrease in the level of folic acid in the body of the expectant mother, and this can even be harmful during pregnancy.


About the dangers of solariums in late pregnancy

Visiting a solarium even in the later stages of pregnancy is not very useful. Thus, the risk of edema may also be associated with the above problems. This can occur due to overheating, including lack of fluid. However, with the doctor’s permission, if there are no contraindications, you can still visit the solarium a couple of times for beauty and to improve your body color.

Solarium during the planning period

If a woman wants to know how a solarium works when planning a pregnancy, it is worth noting the following. So, while the lady has not yet decided to become a mother and is taking oral contraceptives, it is strictly forbidden to visit the solarium. This should not be forgotten, because irreparable damage can be caused to the body, which in the most severe cases can even lead to infertility.

During pregnancy, a woman wants to look well-groomed and attractive, so she often thinks about visiting a solarium. This is especially true for the cold season, when there is an acute lack of sun and warmth. Expectant mothers should know whether there are contraindications to visiting a solarium and what are the safety rules when exposed to artificial light.

How the solarium works

In the treatment room there are several types of lamps, which differ in the power of the ultraviolet radiation they emit. That is why specialists pre-test the working device in order to select the optimal amount of ultraviolet radiation necessary for a particular skin type. The degree of tanning already present on the body also plays a significant role. The darker the skin, the more familiar it is with direct sunlight, the safer it will feel under artificial ultraviolet light.

Solarium has the following positive effects on the human body:

  1. Helps activate metabolic processes. The endocrine system is primarily involved in intensive work.
  2. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which promotes the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These microelements play an important role in the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Important! Maintaining the activity of motor function is extremely important due to the high load on it during pregnancy.

  1. Even artificial rays can significantly improve the functioning of the immune system and increase resistance to infectious diseases.
  2. After several sessions, unpleasant skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne disappear. This happens due to the activation of cleansing of the skin and subsequent drying of sores.

Should pregnant women use a solarium?

Many doctors are categorically against pregnant women visiting solariums. The main argument in this decision is the shallow degree of research on this issue. There are quite serious reasons why a solarium is not recommended, namely:

  1. Ultraviolet radiation causes increased pigmentation on the skin of a pregnant woman. Therefore, there is a high probability of new age spots appearing, which will spoil the appearance of the expectant mother.
  2. Overheating of the skin can negatively affect the well-being of the mother and affect the development of the baby.
  3. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to leave a solarium tired and their immune system is compromised, which leads to possible infections.

In some cases, a slight degree of tanning is even recommended. This applies to those women who receive a small amount of sunlight during pregnancy. For example, during the winter period of pregnancy, when there is a catastrophic lack of heat and the skin experiences sun hunger. Such women should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician and not abuse the procedure.

Tanning at different stages of pregnancy:

- solarium during the planning period

During pregnancy planning, visiting a solarium is, as a rule, not contraindicated. Rare and short hikes are even recommended in the cold season, when there is an acute lack of direct sunlight. At the same time, a woman should have absolutely no contraindications to ultraviolet radiation and have a calm tolerance to these rays.

The dose of radiation should be determined based on how you feel and on the recommendation of a specialist. After each session you should closely monitor your condition. If there are no negative reactions from the body, then you can continue receiving ultraviolet tanning. If a woman feels weak, excessive sweating or dizziness, then she should stop the procedure and not resort to a solarium in the near future.

- solarium in early pregnancy

After several days of conception, visiting a solarium is not dangerous for the unborn baby, since the amniotic egg is strong enough and does not react to changes from the outside. It has just attached to the uterus and performs the functions of adapting to environmental conditions.

Attention! And yet, if a woman knows that she is pregnant, then she should postpone the warming procedure. The body is undergoing colossal hormonal changes, and additional stress from the outside can be harmful to it.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors noted an increased risk of circulatory disorders at the site of attachment of the amniotic sac and autoimmune pathologies in case of frequent visits to the solarium. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the degree of production of folic acid, which is necessary for the fetus in the early stages of its development, decreases.