Acne on the face hormonal imbalance how to treat

According to research, up to 20% of women aged 25-40 years suffer from acne, and 87% of them have a condition called hyperandrogenism - a high level of production or activity of male sex hormones. Everything that happens on the skin is a consequence of the synthesis of sex steroid hormones, which exert their influence through specific receptors. Hormonal acne in women most often begins to appear due to estrogen deficiency and excessive androgen production. Therefore, both the diagnosis and treatment of acne in women and men differ, as well as the reasons for their appearance.

Why do acne appear due to hormone imbalance?


The skin is a target organ for steroids, so acne and hormones are closely related. Androgens can influence the size of the sebaceous glands and lead to disruption of their functioning, more precisely to hypersecretion. An increase in sebum production causes a change in its composition and a significant reduction in the amount of linoleic acid. Because of this process, follicular hyperkeratosis appears, in which skin cells begin to rapidly divide. Dead scales of the epidermis clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands that exit into the hair follicles. In this area, an environment is created that meets all the requirements for active growth and reproduction of opportunistic microflora, including acne bacteria. As a result of their vital activity, acne appears.

What hormones cause acne

The ovaries, adrenal cortex, and subcutaneous fatty tissue (to a lesser extent) are responsible for the production of androgens in a woman’s body. Androgens are necessary for full development during puberty, but their excess in adulthood leads to global changes that affect appearance, reproductive health, metabolic processes and menstrual background.

The list of hormones that influence acne is as follows:

  1. testosterone;
  2. progesterone;
  3. dihydrotestosterone;
  4. prolactin.

Increased testosterone is a background factor contributing to the occurrence of female acne, while progesterone is responsible for how severe hormonal acne will be. Dihydrotestosterone is a more active testosterone that increases the number of receptors in the skin and the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. It also stimulates the secretion of sebum and changes its properties. Prolactin is not a steroid hormone, however, it helps reduce estrogen production, which affects hormonal levels. Acne due to hormones has received various names: “postmenopausal”, “premenstrual”, “endocrine”, “late”, “hyperandrogenic”.

Hormonal acne on the face can appear due to dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal cortex, and can be acquired or hereditary. The reasons that influence the appearance of acne can be both an increase in the level of androgens, and their normal amount, but capable of turning into more active forms or penetrating into target organs, one of which is the skin.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Excessive androgen production and hormonal acne are more often a consequence of the disease polycystic ovary syndrome. Healthy ovaries produce two main hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and small amounts of androgens. The latter are necessary during pregnancy for the formation of a male fetus. The syndrome develops for many reasons, in particular during complicated pregnancy, head injuries, and endocrine disorders. In 70% of women, the disease is closely related to the pancreatic hormone insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. When there is too much insulin in the blood, the ovaries begin to actively produce androgens. Male hormones disrupt the functioning of the ovaries, which results in the formation of cysts. One of the external signs of polycystic disease is acne on the face.

How does prolactin affect acne?

Hormonal acne in women can be a consequence of increased levels of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of mammary glands and milk production during breastfeeding. In addition, high levels of prolactin suppress the growth of follicle-stimulating hormone, without which estrogen cannot be produced. Prolactin is also a stimulator of androgen production. Insufficient concentration of estrogen and high growth of male hormones directly affect the appearance of acne.

Prolactin increases for the following reasons:

  1. frequent stress;
  2. strict diets;
  3. taking antidepressants and steroid drugs;
  4. kidney and liver disease;
  5. pathology of the pituitary gland, etc.

Even a slight imbalance between hormones associated with taking medications, steroids, or the menstrual cycle can cause the occurrence or recurrence of acne.

Signs of hormonal acne

Hormonal acne in women is localized mainly in the face and less often in the upper torso. They are comedones and inflammatory elements (papulopustular rash). Acne in women can be single, which is typical for a mild stage of the disease, or multiple in the form of red bumps and pustules.

The most severe form is conglobate acne in the form of nodules and cysts, after resolution of which deep scars remain.

Acne due to hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by other symptoms of hyperandrogenemia: seborrhea, menstrual irregularities, excess male-pattern hair growth on the face, abdomen, around the nipples and arms.



Before treating hormonal acne, a dermatologist, together with a gynecologist, examines the patient in order to identify the causes of the disease:

conducts a survey about the presence of gynecological diseases and the use of oral contraceptives; excludes diseases such as demodicosis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis; prescribes a biochemical blood test to identify the condition of the liver and kidneys; prescribes a laboratory study of the hormonal profile; reveals the nature of hyperandrogenemia (ovarian or adrenal).

It is possible that before treating acne due to hormonal imbalance, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and an MRI of the adrenal glands will be necessary. In most cases, if hormonal acne is suspected, treatment will require consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist and appropriate examinations.

Acne therapy

When hormonal acne is diagnosed in women, treatment requires an individual approach. Both systemic and local medications are prescribed. Compliance with acne-toilet is a must, as this allows you to reduce treatment time, drug dosage and improve skin condition.

The general principle of how to deal with acne is aimed at reducing the level of male hormones, or stimulating estrogen and treating the disease that provoked hormonal imbalance.

Drugs are used that slow down the production of androgens in the adrenal glands and ovaries, block steroid receptors in the dermis, and suppress the process of converting testosterone into the more active form of dihydrotestosterone. For this purpose, combined oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Use of oral contraceptives


From a large list of drugs that are considered effective for treating hormonal acne in women, contraceptives based on ethinyl estradiol (estrogen), which reduces the level of androgen concentration in the blood, are isolated. As a result of taking medications, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced and thus it is possible to cure hormonal acne.

However, in case of hormonal imbalance, therapy is mainly carried out with drugs based on drospirenone, dienogest, cyproterone acetate, desogestrel, the properties of which are similar to the female hormone progesterone. These are female gestagen hormones, which are produced in the body by the ovaries and slightly by the adrenal glands. They reduce the activity of androgens, prevent testosterone from being converted into active dihydrotestosterone, and reduce the sensitivity of androgen receptors in the skin.


The 4th generation of combined contraceptives include drugs containing both ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone: Jess, Yarina, Midiana, Dimia. They not only eliminate acne, but also promote weight loss, so they are most suitable for women suffering from acne and prone to excess weight.

Midiana and Yarina are drugs with a low dosage of ethinyl estradiol. They are used according to the established scheme, 1 tablet for 21 days. The next course is after a week's break. The total duration of therapy is 6 months. During the treatment process, not only a significant reduction in acne is noted, but also that the skin becomes smoother, matte, its structure improves and the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases.


Preparations Jess and Dimia microdosed with ethinyl estradiol are used for 24 days, then a 4-day break.

Cyproterone acetate

Until now, the most effective drug used to combat hormonal acne, especially severe acne, is Diane-35, which combines ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate. Analogues of Diana-35 are contraceptives Chloe and Belluna 35. All drugs belong to the 3rd generation of oral contraceptives. Cyproterone acetate is a substance with the most powerful antiandrogenic effect, but its use is limited and cannot last more than 6 months due to the high risk of side effects. After starting treatment, seborrhea and oily hair are noticeably reduced, and acne can be cured in 3-6 months. The drugs are used 1 tablet per day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The effectiveness of treatment can be judged after the first 3 months of use with mandatory monitoring based on test results.

Dienogest and desogestrel

Birth control pills based on dienogest (Janine, Siluet, Qlaira) are officially indicated for the treatment of acne. Siluet and Janine also contain ethinyl estradiol and are taken according to the standard regimen. Qlaira is several types of multi-colored tablets with different hormone contents, so the use of this contraceptive is multiphasic.


Using desogestrel-based contraceptives is another way to get rid of hormonal acne. These are drugs such as Regulon and Novinet. The reception scheme is classic.


Combined contraceptives only lead to a decrease in sebum production, so it is recommended to combine them with external agents based on azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and antibiotics. These are drugs such as Baziron AS, Skinoren, Differin. Don't fight acne on your own. Only by comprehensively influencing all parts of the process of acne vulgaris can acne be treated effectively. Therefore, treatment is carried out by two doctors - a gynecologist and a dermatologist. The gynecologist prescribes drugs to normalize the ratio of hormone levels, the dermatologist prescribes local agents that affect hyperkeratosis and destroy bacteria. Only combination therapy allows for long-term remission and such good results in the treatment of acne that are difficult to achieve using any one method or remedy.

One of the reasons for the formation of acne is hormonal imbalance. We often read about this in every second article about acne. Testosterone, estrogen, insulin and other other hormones play an important role in the general condition of a person, including the condition of the skin. But what is hormonal imbalance and how is it related to acne? We will try to talk about this in our investigation.

Direct connection between acne and hormones

Androgens are responsible for the production of skin secretions using the sebaceous glands. Androgens regulate all processes in skin cells, hair follicles, and dermis. In addition to the production of sebum, androgens lead the process of keratinization and cell division of the epidermis.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. If there is excessive production of hormones, they actively move through the systems. The liver is unable to cope with the excessive load and begins to remove impurities through the skin. Pimples appear.

Testosterone is a male hormone, but it is also present in small quantities in the female body. When for certain reasons its quantity increases, the sebaceous glands secrete more sebum. Sebum mixes with dead skin cells, impurities and clogs pores. The lard interacts with oxygen, oxidizes and turns black. In ordinary life, we see the result of this process in the form of black dots on the face. If nothing is done, bacteria continue to multiply and divide, resulting in acne formation. Thus, acne due to hormonal imbalance is really a big problem. Hormones are very sensitive and minimal factors accompany their imbalance.

Acne during hormonal imbalance occurs not only on the face. They also affect the back, shoulders, and chest.

Factors that cause hormonal imbalance

Scientific studies have shown that hormone disruption occurs for certain reasons. There is no point in trying to find the cause of hormonal imbalance on your own. It is better to entrust this to a doctor. There are natural and acquired causes of hormonal imbalance. Most often, hormone failure occurs due to one’s own fault:

  1. Wrong lifestyle. Overwork at work, chronic lack of sleep and fatigue prevent a woman from recovering calmly. At such moments, in addition to acquiring depression, you are also at risk of hormonal imbalance.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Addiction to diets leads to the fact that the body does not receive the normal amounts of minerals and vitamins necessary for the synthesis of hormones. At the same time, overeating, indulgence in fatty foods, alcohol, and smoking slow down the normal processes of hormone production.
  3. Severe stress provokes the production of androgens. They turn on sebum production and start the chain of acne. Under stress, the body's protective and restorative functions are weakened, and acne appears again and again with full activity.
  4. Colds and venereal diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis) reduce the body's immunity and defenses, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
  5. Use of strong medications, steroids, and contraceptives. All medications must be strictly prescribed by a doctor. Acne due to hormonal imbalance from steroid use appears as nodular, cystic formations with cloudy contents. To treat such acne, it is enough to simply remove this drug from your lifestyle.
  6. Lack or excess of sex. It has long been established that when having sex, the body produces hormones that contribute to the normal state of human life. Hormonal levels and lovemaking are closely related, which is why acne formation is also present here.

Causes of hormonal disorders that are beyond a person’s control

Some periods of life are a natural cause of hormone surges. We cannot control them, as they are part of a woman’s life. These reasons include periods:

  1. Menses. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen dominates, in the second - progesterone. In the last phase, you can see an increase in the amount of testosterone, which leads to acne. The number of rashes varies for each woman and depends on skin type and hygiene. The rash usually goes away on its own within a few days.
  2. Postpartum period. In the first weeks after the birth of the baby, the female body is in a state of estrogen deficiency. Progesterone is the leader and causes hormonal imbalance and acne.
  3. Menopause. During this difficult period in a woman’s life, estrogen decreases due to decreased activity of the adrenal glands. Even though women are mature, they can still see pimples on their face. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist so that he can prescribe a drug that compensates for estrogen.

In addition to natural causes, hormonal imbalances also occur due to dysfunction of internal organs. Pituitary gland disease is one of the causes of hormonal imbalances. The pituitary gland increases in size due to a lack of iodine in the body and hormonal surges are observed.

Adrenal gland dysfunction, especially tumors, leads to facial acne due to hormonal imbalance. The adrenal glands are known to be responsible for the production of estrogen.

Diseases of the pelvic organs and groin area negatively affect hormones. Ovaries and acne on the face are inseparable concepts. Ovarian tumors or polycystic ovaries affect the normal balance of hormones.

Therefore, in addition to visiting a dermatologist, every adult should consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist or urologist in case of frequent acne on the body. Acne may not be a dermatological problem, but a consequence of problems with internal organs.

Features of hyperandrogenism

Hyperandrogenism, in other words, an excess of sex hormones, has pronounced symptoms. In addition to acne on the body, you can observe:

  1. Increased hair growth in women;
  2. Acne cannot be treated;
  3. Low timbre of voice in females;
  4. Rapid weight gain;
  5. Reducing breast size.

Less pronounced signs of hormonal imbalance may include severe fatigue, irritability, decreased libido in the fair sex, irregular periods, frequent headaches and pressure surges, and sweating. These signs are difficult to notice and link into one cause. We don't look at it as a symptom of a disease and then treat the dire consequences. To avoid this, listen to your body, give yourself time to rest and reboot.

How to treat acne due to hormonal imbalance?

The first step is to undergo a complete diagnosis. A trip to the dermatologist is not enough here. A dermatologist takes tests to determine whether acne is caused by an infectious disease. Staphylococci and streptococci provoke acne more often than hormonal imbalance. When tests do not show the presence of the disease, the dermatologist refers you to an endocrinologist or gynecologist for consultation. A hormone test is carried out, and an ultrasound scan of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries is performed.

Next, doctors, based on the tests, prescribe treatment. If women have a lack of estrogen, contraceptives containing the hormone are prescribed. Acne goes away within a few months. It is important not to stop taking the medications so that the acne does not return with even greater activity.

Excess testosterone is treated with antiandrogens, for example Spironolactone. In addition to the above medications, homeopathic remedies may be prescribed. Neuroleptics and drugs with potassium are also present in the normalization of hormones. If the problem lies in the internal organs or the presence of infection, additional treatment is prescribed. To treat acne caused by hormones during menopause, medications are prescribed to regulate the amount of missing hormones.

The patient is advised to adhere to a diet during the treatment period. Eliminate sweets and alcohol from the diet, add more fruits and greens. If necessary, vitamin complexes are used. This diet is introduced for a reason. It is necessary to regulate the blood glycemic index. The right amount of carbohydrates, lipids and fiber helps normalize insulin production, protein synthesis, and balances the amount of estrogen. This once again confirms that nutrition is an important component of a person’s normal life.

Hormonal balance is not just a clever phrase. This is an integral part of human life, which has an impact on the entire body. Take care of your health and avoid hormonal fluctuations.

This type of acne occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body - a disturbance in the exchange of male sex hormones, or androgens. They are produced in different quantities by both women and men. In individuals with androgen deficiency or reduced sensitivity to them, sebum production is reduced and hormonal acne does not occur. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor also play a certain role in the development of pathology.

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In women, hormonal acne most often occurs between the ages of 30 and 50, and also appears during the premenstrual period. In men, the prevalence of this pathology is slightly lower. Juvenile acne most often has a non-hormonal cause, or it is not the leading one.

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Causes and mechanism of development

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Excess androgens

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The body synthesizes androgen precursors. In the skin they are converted into testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. These substances stimulate the growth of skin cells and the production of sebum.

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Causes of acne due to excess androgens:

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  1. an increase in sebum secretion leads to a decrease in the concentration of linoleic acid on the skin surface, which irritates epidermal cells and promotes inflammation;
  2. hypersecretion of sebum leads to an increase in its viscosity and blockage of pores, which creates unfavorable conditions in the sebaceous glands;
  3. under the influence of sunlight and external pollution, sebum substances oxidize, causing the appearance of comedones and other types of acne;
  4. With increased skin greasiness, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of bacteria that cause inflammation.

The reasons why the synthesis of androgens in the body increases:

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  1. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  2. tumors of the adrenal glands, ovaries, and in men – testicles;
  3. abuse of anabolic steroids during sports;
  4. operations to change the female to male sex.

Signs of hyperandrogenism are detected in 20-40% of women with hormonal acne. Therefore, if such a rash appears, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist and undergo a thorough examination.

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In addition to acne, patients usually have other signs of androgen imbalance:

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  1. hirsutism – excessive hair growth on the chest, face, abdomen and thighs;
  2. sudden appearance of acne on previously healthy skin;
  3. ineffectiveness of conventional treatment for such pathology;
  4. absence or irregularity of menstruation;
  5. muscle enlargement, decreased voice tone;
  6. reduction in the size of the mammary glands;
  7. weight gain, initial signs of diabetes.

Insulin and insulin-like growth factor

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Not all people experience hormonal acne with elevated levels of androgens in the blood, since this process is more closely related to the synthesis of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone from their precursors in the skin, which may not be reflected in routine blood tests for hormones. The process is enhanced by the action of insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF).

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Insulin and IGF trigger a cascading hormonal response that causes increased sebum production and an increased risk of acne. There are studies showing that eating a diet limited in sugar, other carbohydrates and milk reduces the appearance of hormonal acne.

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Insulin resistance also plays a role in the appearance of this skin pathology. This is tissue resistance to the action of insulin, as a result of which they do not receive enough glucose. To provide cells with energy, the pancreas is forced to produce more and more insulin, which, among other things, leads to the formation of acne. This mechanism is most clearly evident in people with type 2 diabetes.

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Lack of estrogen and hypothyroidism

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Female sex hormones - estrogens - have the opposite effect of androgens and protect the skin from hormonal acne. When there is a lack of these hormones (for example, when the ovaries are removed as a result of surgery), rashes begin to appear.

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Hormone-associated rashes are also observed in patients with hypothyroidism, that is, with reduced thyroid function. This disrupts the functioning of the reproductive organs and the production of estrogen, which has a negative effect on the skin.

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Types of hormonal acne

Acne in babies

Rashes occur in the first months of a newborn's life. They are associated with the reaction of superficially located small sebaceous glands to maternal sex hormones. Often in this case the mother suffers from acne.

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Such pimples are few and far between. They look like small lumps or raised areas with a small reddened rim around them caused by inflammation. The forehead, nose, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and back of the head are mainly affected.

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This is a physiological condition and does not need to be treated. It is only necessary to maintain the baby’s hygiene, bathe on time, change bed linen, and so on. A few days after its appearance, the rash disappears spontaneously.

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Manifestation of the disease in adolescents

The maturing gonads in girls and boys do not always provide a normal balance of hormones in the body. The result is a skin rash, usually located on the forehead, nose and chin. With age, hormonal balance is restored, and with proper care, acne disappears in most young people. In this case, taking medications is often not necessary.

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Premenstrual acne

In the first (follicular) phase of the cycle, estrogens dominate in the blood, and after ovulation their level decreases and progesterone begins to predominate. Testosterone levels remain stable throughout the cycle.

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However, by reducing the “restraining” effect of estrogens before menstruation, testosterone begins to have a negative effect on the skin, and acne of hormonal etiology appears on the face, chest, and back.

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Rash during menopause

At the age of 45-50 years, ovarian function begins to decline, which leads to a reduction in estrogen synthesis. As a result, the amount of androgens, which in women are produced mainly in the adrenal glands, increases relatively.

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A rash may appear despite the use of hormone replacement therapy if it contains a large amount of progestin and a relatively small proportion of estrogen. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to select the optimal treatment option.

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Hormonal acne in men

The condition usually only appears in men who take too many anabolic steroids. However, acne does not always indicate a high level of male sex hormones.

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The main cause of hormonal rashes is insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, a diet with limited carbohydrates is effective for correcting the condition.

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The question of the nature of the pathological condition of the skin in men has not been fully studied, so treating hormonal acne can present significant difficulties.

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Rash after childbirth

After the birth of a child, the level of progesterone in a woman’s body quickly increases, and the amount of estrogen is unstable. As a result, sebum production increases and pores become clogged. Hormonal acne that occurs after childbirth is usually located on the neck and lower face, and persists for several months.

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The most effective treatment option is birth control pills. However, they should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account possible breastfeeding.

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External manifestations

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The rashes are localized in places where sebaceous glands accumulate, on the face, lower cheeks, chin and neck. These are small red formations located on a large surface of the skin. If inflammation occurs, pain appears and itching is possible.

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In some cases, intense acne occurs with the formation of purulent heads or deep subcutaneous cysts.

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For diagnosis, examinations for hormones (estrogens, testosterone, TSH, T4 and others) are prescribed, if necessary - ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

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Helps get rid of hormonal acne by reducing testosterone levels. Methods aimed at eliminating insulin resistance or increasing estrogen concentrations, as well as antiandrogens, may be useful. Additionally, a diet, taking certain nutritional supplements and proper skin care are required.

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Drug therapy

To cure pathological rashes, it is necessary to eliminate their cause. To do this, you should carry out all diagnostic measures prescribed by your doctor.

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Conservative therapy consists of taking the following medications:

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  1. oral contraceptives containing estrogens and progesterone - reduce the production of androgens and the appearance of rash by the end of the 3rd month of use; however, after their cancellation, acne may appear again, and in even greater quantities than before treatment; It is better if in combination with ethinyl estradiol there are substances such as drospirenone, norgestimate or norethindrone;
  2. antiandrogens (spironolactone) – reduce the production of testosterone and the formation of dihydrotestosterone in the skin, which helps eliminate acne in 66% of women within 3 months of use; however, the medicine is not recommended for the treatment of rash in men;
  3. Metformin – reduces insulin resistance.

Oral contraceptives should not be used by women with high blood viscosity, hypertension, breast cancer, or smokers.

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How to treat hormonal acne with nutrition has been studied in detail since 2002. The most harmful substances in this pathology are sugar and carbohydrates, as well as dairy products.

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  1. exclude sugar and easily digestible (“fast”) carbohydrates from the diet, which lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood;
  2. replace “fast” carbohydrates with foods with a low glycemic index, for example, cereals, whole grain bread;
  3. Fats and proteins should not be limited, but the quality composition of fats should be dominated by vegetable ones.
  4. Switching to such a diet reduces the appearance of rashes in 25–50% of patients. This food:
  5. reduces the level of testosterone and other androgens;
  6. reduces the production of insulin and IGF;
  7. increases the synthesis of proteins that bind and inactivate sex hormones;
  8. activates the secretion of estrogen;
  9. reduces the symptoms of premenstrual acne.

Dairy products are also harmful for patients with hormonal-associated acne. The following effects have been proven:

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  1. increased levels of insulin and IGF;
  2. increased production of androgens in the ovaries, adrenal glands, testicles;
  3. increased skin sensitivity to androgens.

People who regularly consume milk are more prone to acne.

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Herbal medicine and nutritional supplements

The most useful are those plants and drugs that reduce insulin levels or restore the balance of sex hormones.

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The following funds can be distinguished from them:

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  1. Vitex sacred or Abraham's tree. Products based on it are available in the form of tablets, capsules, tea and tinctures. Reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and accompanying acne, and is also useful for elevated prolactin levels and irregular menstrual cycles.
  2. Cinnamon. Despite evidence of the effectiveness of this herb for insulin resistance, for hormonal acne the data is conflicting. It helps some patients, but not others. In any case, adding cinnamon to dishes will not harm your health, but it can reduce the severity of acne.
  3. Apple cider vinegar slows down the digestion process and the absorption of carbohydrates, thereby reducing the peak insulin production. Its benefits have been proven for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Therefore, it helps some patients get rid of acne when taken orally 2 tablespoons per day.
  4. Mint. Drinking 2 cups of peppermint tea per day has been shown to suppress androgen synthesis and increase estrogen production, which is beneficial for women with hormone-dependent rashes. Men should not take this drug, as it reduces potency and libido.

Nutritional supplements that will be useful for hormonal imbalances and related skin problems:

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  1. preparations containing magnesium and calcium reduce inflammation, also enhance skin cell renewal and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. omega-3 fatty acids contained in sea fish or, for example, flaxseed oil, make the skin softer, even out its texture, and also rejuvenate the entire body;
  3. zinc and copper prevent inflammatory processes and bacterial growth;
  4. probiotics, essential for intestinal health, which helps the body utilize excess hormones;
  5. vitamins that ensure active metabolism in cells; Vitamin B6 specifically prevents skin inflammation and sebum production.

Skin care

The same remedies are used as for other types of acne. In addition, there is a peculiarity - preference is given to drugs containing dihydrotestosterone blockers. This substance, as mentioned above, is formed in the skin and becomes the main cause of rashes.

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Therefore, for hormonal acne, it is recommended to choose cosmetics containing the following components:

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  1. green tea;
  2. lotus extract;
  3. Argan oil;
  4. tea tree oil;
  5. sesame seed oil.

Powerful dihydrotestosterone blockers - essential oils of black currant, primrose, rose hips, grape seed or hemp. Products containing olive or coconut oil should be avoided.

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In addition to these medications, it is recommended to use medications to prevent complications of hormone-dependent rashes, such as infection. The drug Zinerit, containing zinc salt and erythromycin, is ideal for this purpose. It not only dries the skin and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, but also prevents the proliferation of bacteria on the skin surface that cause inflammation and the formation of pustules.

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For moderate rashes, creams containing retinoids can be used. It is important to treat exposed skin with sunscreen every day, as these substances increase the risk of sunburn.

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The duration of treatment is about 10 weeks. If after this period the rash has not disappeared, a second consultation with a dermatologist, gynecologist, or endocrinologist is necessary.

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Additional tips to combat hormonal acne:

  1. do not sunbathe, in summer constantly use products with a UV filter with SPF of at least 15-30;
  2. wash with warm water and foam containing, for example, green tea extract, without soap, morning and evening;
  3. do not touch your face with dirty hands during the day;
  4. do not squeeze out blackheads;
  5. Do not cauterize with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, or potassium permanganate.