Removing double chin exercises

The double chin problem is quite insidious. This aesthetic flaw not only changes the contours of the face and its shape, but also visually adds 5-10 years to its owner.

And what’s also unpleasant is that a double chin is a problem not only for overweight people. Even slender, well-groomed women and men can have it. Therefore, it is worth understanding the methods that are effective in getting rid of it. What exercises are suitable to remove a double chin and cheeks? What other methods of struggle exist? What do reviews say about the exercises? Is it possible to remove a double chin?

Double chin: reasons for its appearance

Before you begin to consider how to quickly remove a double chin with exercises and other methods, it is worth finding out the reasons why it appears.

The problem of a double chin, which is the cause of a “blurred” contour, is the accumulation of fat cells in the chin area and slightly below it. Most often, women suffer from this problem, although it affects a considerable number of men.

The main reasons for the appearance of such an aesthetic disorder are:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. hormonal imbalance, which provokes excess fat deposits throughout the body;
  3. excess weight caused by a sedentary lifestyle, overeating;
  4. age-related changes;
  5. uneven posture.

Gymnastics as the most effective way

Exercises to remove a double chin bring visible results within a couple of weeks. Several complexes have been developed, from which you can choose one and perform them daily. Such light gymnastics will not only remove a double chin, but also restore the skin to its former tone, stretch the neck muscles, improve blood circulation, and make muscle fibers stronger.


How to remove a double chin with effective exercises?

As mentioned earlier, there are many effective exercises for double chin. A good result is shown by an unusual set of exercises; each exercise must be performed 8 to 10 times.

  1. Posture alignment. Stand up straight. Place 2-3 books on your head and walk around the room for 5 minutes. This activity not only has a beneficial effect on posture, but also strengthens the neck muscles and burns excess fat deposits in the chin area.
  2. They stretch out the tip of their tongue and try to “draw” all the letters and numbers from 1 to 9 in the air.
  3. "Drawing with a pen." The activity is similar to the previous one, only instead of the tongue they use a ballpoint pen or pencil, which they press tightly with their lips.
  4. They take a little air into their mouth and roll it from one side to the other.
  5. The cheeks are squeezed with your hands, or you can sharply inflate and deflate them.

Another effective complex consists of several exercises:

  1. “Bucket”: the mouth is opened, and the lower lip is folded inward, catching it over the lower teeth. After this, they make a movement reminiscent of scooping up water with their mouth, and then close their mouth and raise their head up. The main condition for this exercise is that the corners of the mouth should not be tense.
  2. "Resistance". Hands clenched into fists are placed under the chin, and they begin to press with the head using the lower jaw, overcoming the resistance of the fists. After 10 seconds, complete the exercise and perform several more times.
  3. The “smile” is performed as follows: the teeth are clenched and the lips are stretched as in a smile. But the corners of the lips should not rise up, and the entire “support” of the exercise should fall on the chin. That is, tension should be felt in this area, and not on the upper lip. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax for 3 seconds and repeat again.


Exercises to remove a double chin in a week

7 days is enough to remove a small double chin. You just need to devote a few minutes to this set of exercises every day, and the effect will not take long to appear.

Each exercise must be done 7 times, making every effort: stretch your neck as much as possible, strain your muscles, bend over.

So, what exercises to do to remove a double chin in a week:

  1. Neck extension. A simple exercise involves stretching your neck forward and upward as much as possible, that is, try to pull your chin forward.
  2. Head tilts. When bending to the right and left, the chin should tend upward. If the exercise is done correctly, you will feel tension in the chin area.
  3. Throwing the head back, while the tongue should be stuck out, and with its tip you should try to reach the nose.
  4. Neck extension. The head is raised up, trying to raise the chin as high as possible. Look up for a few minutes and return to the starting position.
  5. Exercise with a towel. A small terry towel should be soaked in cold water and wrung out until it becomes damp, not wet. After this, it is rolled up, picked up by each end and placed under the chin. Slap it on the double chin 7 times for 2 minutes.
  6. "Bubble". The lips are folded into a tube and pulled forward, while pulling the head forward.
  7. “Resistance”: hands folded in a lock are placed behind the head and it is thrown back with force, trying to overcome the resistance of the hands. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

Each exercise presented can be done both at home and during a work break in the office, for example. The main thing is to do them slowly, 7 times each. When performing each exercise, tension should be felt in the area under the chin.

Massage to eliminate the problem

You can remove a double chin with exercises and massage as an effective way to comprehensively target the problem area. A massage that reinforces gymnastic exercises has a good effect on the skin, muscles, and also breaks down the fatty deposits that form the double chin.


This massage does not take much time: just 5 minutes twice a day for a ten-day course. However, before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that you do not have health problems for which massage is contraindicated:

  1. problem with the thyroid gland;
  2. throat diseases;
  3. bronchial diseases;
  4. for cough and runny nose.

Before the procedure, it would be useful to apply some product (oil, cream, skin gel) to your hands that improves the glide of your hands over the skin of your neck and chin. All movements should be light, without pressure.

To perform a double chin massage yourself at home, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Massage oil or cream is applied to the neck and chin.
  2. Smooth rubbing movements warm up the skin and prepare it for massage.
  3. After this, they move on to the massage itself: with light tapping and pinching movements, they begin to massage the neck, avoiding the location of the thyroid gland, and the area under the chin. Movements should be light and not cause pain. The appearance of redness is normal.
  4. The backs of your hands are patted on the double chin: you can alternate, imitating playing the drums, or you can quickly move each back side from the fold to the neck to the outer edge of the chin.
  5. After completing the massage, smooth movements are made, thereby soothing the skin.

When doing a massage, you should not put too much pressure on the skin or stretch it. There are no benefits from such actions, but as a result, the skin will become saggy, quickly losing its tone.


Exercises to remove a double chin are not always effective for everyone. This mainly applies to ladies whose age is over 40 years. For such cases, the most effective method is facial plastic surgery. There is no need to doubt the effectiveness of the procedure; the result is truly amazing, but its cost is rather high. Plastic surgery is a method suitable when you cannot remove a double chin with exercises.

In order to get rid of a double chin, you need to choose one of the suitable types of plastic surgery. There are several of them:

  1. Liposuction. The procedure is a direct surgical intervention in the double chin area. Using special tools, fatty deposits are crushed and pumped out.
  2. Lower face lift. Recommended for small accumulations of fat and ptosis (sagging) of the skin.
  3. Traditional plastic surgery involves cutting the skin and tightening the muscle fibers.

As a rule, older women resort to plastic surgery. But this type of chin correction may not be recommended for everyone. You will first need to undergo the necessary tests and obtain doctor's recommendations.

After plastic surgery, rehabilitation will take a significant amount of time—several months.

The presented method of removing a double chin is not recommended for:

  1. menstrual flow;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. colds and reduced immunity.

It is also strictly prohibited when:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. tuberculosis;
  4. heart diseases;
  5. pathologies of internal organs.


Hardware procedures

A cheaper analogue of plastic surgery will be hardware procedures that are no less effective. You don't even need exercises for a double chin. To remove this unpleasant defect, you just need to choose the appropriate procedure:

  1. ultrasonic vibrations;
  2. vacuum apparatus;
  3. microcurrents;
  4. apparatus for emitting radio frequency waves.

Such procedures are aimed not only at the breakdown of fat deposits, but also at improving blood supply, restoring skin tone and firmness. The advantage of hardware methods over plastic ones is that the former do not imply a violation of the integrity of the skin, which means they are easily tolerated by patients.

The hardware procedure must be completed in a course of usually 10 sessions. The result is visible after the first two or three sessions. To consolidate the result, you will need to apply special cosmetics to the treated area.

Hardware procedures will be a good remedy when exercises and masks do not help remove a double chin.


Effective masks

If the problem of a double chin is just making itself felt, then it can be eliminated with the help of homemade masks and compresses. By the way, this method can act as a prevention for the appearance of a double chin, as well as a means to maintain skin tone and its youth.

Before preparing the mask, you need to approximately calculate the amount you need. Since a homemade mask retains its beneficial properties only for a few hours after preparation, which means there is no point in leaving it for “later.”

Here are a few proven recipes:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dry yeast, 100 ml of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and leave for 10-15 minutes until the yeast swells. Mix everything again and apply it evenly in a thick layer to the neck (you can also apply it to the face). Leave for 15 minutes and wash off. Effect: elastic, smooth and moisturized skin, no double chin.
  2. A cabbage brine compress is prepared as follows: 50 ml of clean water is mixed with 100 ml of sauerkraut brine (the ingredients must be cold). In the resulting liquid, moisten gauze folded 6-8 times or folded cotton cloth. Squeeze and apply to the neck and lower part of the chin. Keep it for half an hour. If the compress dries out during this time, it can be moistened again. Effect: tone and smoothness of the skin, smoothing of the double chin, increased blood circulation to this area of ​​the skin.

Homemade masks are excellent remedies for solving the problem of how to remove a double chin for women. Exercises in combination with masks speed up the effect several times.


Injections to help remove a double chin

The injection method is another way to tighten the skin of the neck and chin and remove fat deposits. The injections contain both herbal and synthetic preparations that effectively combat the task.

The procedure must be carried out in courses of up to 10 sessions, the break between which should be 7-14 days. The advantage of the procedure is its rapid effectiveness, which is visible after the first session. The disadvantages include the pain of the injections.



To prevent the problem of a double chin from appearing, preventive measures are necessary:

  1. Maintaining correct posture. It is the incorrect position of the body when walking, writing, sitting at a computer, etc. is a common cause of sagging skin on the chin. The correct position of the body in space is straightened shoulders, an elongated neck, and the head is not lowered. If it is difficult to constantly control, then you can wear an orthopedic corset.
  2. Weight control. When you gain extra pounds, fat deposits accumulate in many parts of the body, including the chin area. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude junk food and large amounts of calories consumed.
  3. Proper chewing of food is an excellent prevention of a double chin. Strengthened work of the lower jaw will be a good warm-up for the muscles and prevent the accumulation of fat deposits.
  4. Choosing the right pillow: orthopedic and low. High pillows lead to curvature of the spine and sagging skin on the chin.

As a preventative measure, you can also perform daily exercises at home. Then it will be easier to remove the double chin.


Women always want to look good. However, this process is often hindered by: genetics, poor nutrition, poor posture, minimal physical activity, and excess weight. Women after 30 often ask themselves questions: how to remove a double chin, what type of exercises will help make the skin of the neck more elastic, how effective are facial training? Let's consider several ways to get rid of this unpleasant physiological phenomenon.

What exercises will help remove a double chin?

There are a number of ways to help combat this physiological feature at home. Often, this is a list of actions and exercises that are very easy to complete. Even while sitting at the computer, it is quite acceptable to pause for a few minutes and pay attention to your problem area. Explore the exercises below and choose those that suit you personally. Perform them at a frequency and intensity that is comfortable for you.


There are two variations of this exercise. The first one is best done at home. The second option is for those who have the opportunity to allocate a few minutes of free time right at their workplace:

  1. You will need a towel soaked in cold water. Make a tight tourniquet out of it (as if you are squeezing it by hand), place it horizontally at a level slightly below the chin. Simultaneously stretch the towel with both hands in different directions and then, loosening it, pat it on your chin.
  2. Sit in front of the mirror, grit your teeth, and raise your chin slightly forward. Use the back of either hand to pat the problem area.


This exercise is suitable for those who are ready to fight intensively against the “illness”. Imagine that there is a heavy weight hanging on the tip of your chin. Raise it so slowly and diligently that the neck muscles tense well and efficiently. The number of such lifts should be at least 7 times in one approach. Intensity is the frequency of exercise. Perform about three approaches per day.


Several exercises that involve the tongue will help you remove a double chin:

  1. We try to reach the tip of the nose with our tongue, tensing the muscles for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Feel like an unusual artist. Try sticking your tongue out of your mouth and drawing a figure eight or circle with it. The exercise should be performed clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Using the tip of the tongue, we alternately touch the upper and lower palates. It is necessary to lightly press on the indicated places to feel the tension of the chin muscles.
  4. "Monkey." Sitting at the table, slightly raise your chin and put it forward. Placing either elbow on the table, place the beard on top of the clenched fist. The lower lip covers the upper lip. The tip of the tongue should forcefully press against the palate above the upper teeth. We count to five and slowly relax the neck muscles. We do three approaches.


The following exercises for the chin involving the lips are similar in principle to training with the tongue:

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, lean forward a little. Tilt your head back and, at the same time, pull your lower lip towards the tip of your nose. In this position, count to five. Repeat the entire algorithm of actions three times.
  2. A double chin can be easily removed using a fun method such as drawing. We hold the pencil with our lips, performing movements depicting single-digit numbers in the air. An option for the exercise could be to print 33 letters of the Russian alphabet.
  3. We fold our lips into a tube, tilting our head back. We stretch the “duck beak” upward. We try to hold on like this for a few seconds. Five sets is the ideal number.
  4. Stretch your neck forward, carefully close your lips and press two fingers against them. Try blowing a kiss. Repeat – 10 times.


A large number of exercises that will relieve you of a double chin involve minimal physical effort. The simplest ones are tilting and turning the head. Their implementation is not limited by the number of approaches or time. Without interrupting your main activity, tilt your head from one shoulder to the other, giving yourself short breaks. Turns are made in a wide variety of directions, but at average speed. Excessive movements can lead to dizziness.

An effective set of exercises from cosmetologist Nadia Payo


Many of the neck and chin training described above were developed in the mid-20th century by the talented cosmetologist, “doctor of beauty,” Nadia Payo. Her gymnastics affects all muscle groups of the lower part of the face. Here are some more effective exercises:

  1. Pronounce the sounds “u” and “i” with maximum tension in the lower part of the face.
  2. Tighten your neck muscles so much that they begin to protrude. Hold this for a few seconds and relax.
  3. Lower your lower lip and pull it in very vigorously.
  4. Use your fingers to press and pull your chin down alternately. At the same moment it is necessary to prop up the palate with your tongue.
  5. Lie on your back so that your head hangs from the bed. Raise and lower your head. This is how the neck muscles are trained, which tighten the double chin. Perform the exercise in five sets of three times.

Video: how to get rid of a double chin at home

Is it not enough for you to read the algorithm of actions to do all the exercises correctly? Or do you like to learn new techniques using video lessons? The video below shows how to perform the exercises correctly. The training is chosen so precisely that you will feel the participation, mobility, and tension of each muscle involved in the exercises. All this, combined with proper nutrition, diligence and regular exercise, will ensure maximum effect in the first weeks of classes. The video is designed to help beginners learn some chin exercises.

Feedback on results after regular training

Marina, 36 years old: I knew firsthand about the double chin. This problem did not leave me both during the time of my slimness and after the birth of the child. After childbirth, the weight came off easily but slowly, and the double chin became saggy. I started to look terrible! Gymnastics Nadia Payo came to the rescue. Surprisingly, after just a month after regular training, my chin began to look more toned, and my neck muscles began to be felt throughout the day. I highly recommend this set of exercises for daily use.

Nina, 42 years old: Just a year ago I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I've always had chubby cheeks, but my double chin was a challenge. I had a complex about my overgrown goiter, because I’m at that age when it’s difficult to change anything about myself. But I found a great way to get rid of the misfortune by choosing a set of exercises that were easiest to perform. The most favorite ones are the weight; reaching the tip of the nose with the tongue; raising your head while lying on the edge of the bed. I also learned to keep my back and head straight. All this helped me overcome my double chin. The main thing is that you need to train regularly and actively.

Lilia, 29 years old: About a week ago I accidentally came across a video on how to remove a double chin at home. I started studying. I can already feel how my face has tightened, my chin has shrunk even to the touch. There are also external changes (most importantly, my husband noticed). True, some exercises seem funny, but you really feel the effect even after the first lesson. It is very convenient to do gymnastics at home in front of the screen. Time expenditure is minimal: no more than 15 minutes a day. I recommend it to everyone (who has no contraindications). Exercises that are convenient to do “on the go” are just the thing in today’s rush.

A double chin changes the contour of the face not for the better, makes it blurry, and adds a dozen extra years. The defect is in a visible place and cannot be masked with cosmetics or hidden under clothing. Nobody has canceled gravity, the situation gets worse over the years, new folds gradually appear above the neck. You can remove your double chin yourself. The sooner you start working on the problem area, the faster the result will be visible.


  1. Causes of a double chin
  2. Gymnastics and exercises against a double chin
  3. Double chin massage
  4. Masks and compresses for double chin
  5. Valuable recommendations for preventing a double chin


Causes of a double chin

Often the cause of a double chin is excess weight. Overweight people almost always have a fold, and often more than one. Of course, first of all you need to lose weight, and during the process, work hard to tighten your skin. But this is not the only reason for the defect. Often, the hated and hanging fold appears in slender women and even very thin girls.

  1. heredity;
  2. anatomical features;
  3. thyroid diseases;
  4. incorrect postures when working.

With age, the scale of the problem will only increase; you need to remove your chin as early as possible. There are many cosmetic procedures; the issue can be resolved surgically, but home methods have been and remain the safest. There are a lot of them, you can always choose the most convenient method or even several. With an integrated approach, the result will not be long in coming.

Gymnastics and exercises against a double chin

One of the most effective ways to help remove a double chin on your own is special exercises, gymnastics. There are actually a huge number of complexes and systems. You can choose the exercises you like and do them daily. Gymnastics works especially well for women who are forced to sit for a long time with their heads tilted forward. In this position, the muscles weaken, the skin stretches, and a fold forms above the neck, but it can be easily corrected.

What do chin exercises do:

  1. tighten the skin of the face and neck;
  2. help strengthen muscles;
  3. give tone;
  4. improve blood circulation in tissues.

To really see results from gymnastics, you need to do it every day for a week. Do each exercise at least 7 times. Despite all the simplicity, you need to give it 100%, stretch your neck to the end, tense your muscles and bend as much as possible.

A set of effective exercises:

  1. Chin stretch. You need to imagine that there is a weight on the tip of your chin and lift it as high as possible towards the sky, stretching your neck up and forward as much as possible.
  2. Head tilts. Tilt your head to the left, but at the same time pull your chin up. Do the same in the other direction. When done correctly, the muscles under the jaw will tighten.
  3. Head tilts back. Tilt your head back, while stretching out your tongue, trying to reach the tip of your nose.
  4. Neck extension. Pull your chin and neck up, look at the ceiling for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
  5. Clap the towel. Roll a damp, cold towel and pull it under your chin. Pat the problem area for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Bubble. Pull your lips into a tube, pull your head forward and blow.
  7. Resistance. Place your hands behind your head, forcefully throw your head back, trying to overcome the resistance of your hands, hold for 10-15 seconds, and return to the starting position.


Some of these exercises are easy to do while sitting at work or during a break without drawing too much attention to yourself. To solve the problem faster, you need to remember gymnastics more often.

In addition to traditional gymnastics, there are several interesting and even fun exercises that will cheer you up and help you remove an extra chin. You can involve your household in such activities; children will be especially delighted.

  1. Walking with books. It is performed not only for posture, but also to train the muscles of the neck, face, and prevent an extra chin.
  2. Drawing with tongue. Extend the tip of your tongue forward and draw all the letters of the alphabet in the air, you can write phrases.
  3. Drawing with a pen. It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but a pen or pencil is held tightly in the lips.
  4. Air games. Rolling in the mouth, squeezing the cheeks with the hands, sudden inflation and deflation of the cheeks.

Double chin massage

Exercises on their own are effective, but they work much better when combined with massage. It will help restore skin tone, improve facial muscles and soften the fat layer. It is not difficult to carry out sessions at home, the process will take no more than 5 minutes, the time of day does not matter. It is advisable to take the course for at least 10 days, perform it 2 times a day.

Massage on the neck area has its own characteristics. You should not do it if you have problems with the thyroid gland, diseases of the throat, bronchi, cough or runny nose. As with other types of procedures, you need to apply a product to the skin to make your hands glide better. If there is no special oil, then a cream or gel will do; ordinary fresh sour cream will have a positive effect; you can replace it with cream or olive oil.

To remove a double chin at home, massage should be performed correctly:

  1. Apply massage product to the neck up to the chin.
  2. Warm up the skin with stroking movements.
  3. Proceed to light tapping and pinching. Slight redness is acceptable, but there is no need to hurt yourself.
  4. Using the backs of your hands, quickly pat your double chin with alternating movements, as if playing a drum.
  5. Soothe the skin with stroking movements and complete the massage session.

Important! You should not stretch the skin too much during massage, this will lead to the opposite effect and cause sagging of the chin fold.


Masks and compresses for double chin

External cosmetics will also help get rid of a drooping chin, improve the appearance of the neck and the condition of the skin. The main advantage: the products are easy to prepare at home, there are a huge number of recipes, you can choose from the products that you can find in the house.

The only disadvantages include the need for systematic implementation of procedures. One mask or compress will not help achieve a good effect, you need to take a course, or better yet, make it a good habit to care for the neck area. For some reason, it is she who suffers primarily from lack of attention.

Important! Any homemade cosmetics are used immediately or within a few hours after mixing the ingredients. The absence of preservatives makes long-term storage impossible.

Yeast mask for double chin

Tightens the skin, helps get rid of excess chin, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Dry yeast – 2 tbsp. l.
Milk – 100 ml
Honey – 1 tsp.

Heat the milk, dissolve the honey and gradually add it to the dry yeast, stir thoroughly. Leave the mixture to swell for 10 minutes. Stir again. Clean the neck, apply the yeast mixture in a thick layer, leave for 15-20 minutes. The mask can also be used for the face. As soon as the layer begins to dry out, wash it off.


Cabbage brine compress for double chin

Returns tone and elasticity to the skin of the chin, increases blood circulation.

Sauerkraut brine – 100 ml
Pure water – 50 ml

Combine cold brine with water and stir. Fold a piece of gauze into 6-8 layers or take a cotton cloth, moisten it in the prepared mixture, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the neck and chin. Leave for 25-30 minutes. If the compress dries out, you can re-moisten the cloth.

Potato mask for double chin

Reduces volume, reduces puffiness, helps fight fat deposits, and brightens the skin.

Fresh potatoes – 100 g
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Peel the potatoes, measure the required amount, grate very finely or turn into a paste using a blender. Add the yolk to the mask, then olive oil, but you can also use regular sour cream instead. Grind the mixture thoroughly until smooth. Prepare a piece of damp gauze. Lie on a diaper, lubricate the double chin and neck with the prepared mask, cover with a damp cloth, and press down lightly. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then carefully remove the potatoes and rinse the skin.

Compress with apple cider vinegar and salt

Enhances circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, promotes fluid removal and volume reduction.

Water – 200 ml
Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
Sea salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Dissolve salt in a glass of water, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, stir. Moisten a cotton cloth folded in 4 layers, squeeze lightly, apply to the double chin for 10 minutes. Re-moisten the cloth and apply for another 15-20 minutes.

Valuable recommendations for preventing a double chin

It is better to prevent the problem from occurring than to spend a lot of time and effort later to remove a double chin. If you have already managed to get rid of the excess fold, then there is no guarantee that it will not return. It is very important to review your behavioral factors and identify problem areas.


What to pay attention to first:

  1. Posture. Sagging skin is often a consequence of incorrect posture when writing, working at the computer, or walking. You need to open your shoulders, stretch your neck, straighten your back, and the difference will be visually noticeable. If you cannot control your body position on your own, then a special orthopedic corset will come to the rescue.
  2. The right pillow. It is advisable to use an orthopedic or simply a hard and low lining. High pillows lead not only to the curvature of the spine, but also to the formation of many cosmetic defects, including unnecessary folds and chins.
  3. Weight correction, weight loss. The drooping fold is primarily made up of fat and needs to be eliminated. In no case should you resort to strict diets, they will only weaken the muscles and the skin will sag. Losing weight needs to be approached correctly, combined with cosmetics and gymnastics.
  4. Proper chewing of food. Working the facial muscles is the best prevention of a double chin. You need to chew food efficiently, without being embarrassed by the work of your jaws.

But one of the most effective remedies against a double chin is a good mood. Laughter and smiling use many facial muscles, not only prolonging life, but also preserving beauty.