Doctor Ionova's diet: all about the weight loss method

Lidia Ionova is a famous nutritionist whose diet has received high marks and recognition both in Russia and abroad. Based on a comprehensive approach to weight loss, Ionova’s diet not only helps you lose weight, but also takes care of the health of the person losing weight. In this article we will talk about the principles of the Ionova diet, its benefits and basic principles of nutrition.

Basic principles of the Ionova diet

  1. An integrated approach to weight loss. Ionova’s diet takes care of the health of a person who wants to lose weight. Her diet not only does not cause harm, but in some cases even improves health.

  2. Sustainable weight loss. Ionova’s diet allows you to lose weight consistently and maintain your weight at normal levels. It meets all standards of the World Health Organization.

  3. Effective and natural weight loss without food restrictions. Unlike many other diets, which involve giving up certain foods, the Ionova diet offers six categories of foods as the basis of nutrition: grains, vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy and fat-containing foods. A person chooses what and when to eat.

  4. Formation of healthy eating habits. Dr. Ionova believes that a proper diet should not only help a person lose weight, but also instill in him proper nutrition as a way of life.

  5. Maintaining the achieved result. Dr. Ionova has developed a special food pyramid, thanks to which those losing weight acquire new eating habits, and the craving for unhealthy foods is reduced.

Basic principles of nutrition

The nutritional scheme according to the Ionova system is based on two main rules:

  1. Eating foods with a glycemic index of no higher than 50. Such foods contribute to the breakdown of fats in the body and active weight loss.

  2. Construction of a daily diet according to Ionova’s food pyramid. In this pyramid, Dr. Lydia Ionova distributed when and what foods with a low glycemic index a person should eat to lose weight.

Approximate daily diet according to the Ionova system

From 6.00 to 11.00 – a bowl of buckwheat porridge with salt and a piece of butter, plus 1 glass of water.

From 11.00 to 14.00 - a small piece of boiled fish with salt.

From 14.00 to 17.00 - 150-200 g of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, plus 1 glass of milk.

From 17.00 to 19.00 - 2 oranges, 2 apples.

From 19.00 to 23.00 - 2 raw carrots, grated, you can add half a teaspoon of fructose, but not refined sugar.

Benefits of the Ionova Diet

The main advantage of the Ionova diet is its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Thanks to a properly formulated diet, Ionova’s diet helps you lose weight without stress and food restrictions. Another advantage is its holistic approach to weight loss, which not only reduces weight but also takes care of a person's health.

In addition, Ionova’s diet teaches a person proper nutrition, forms healthy habits and prevents the reverse effect after weight loss. This allows you to maintain the achieved results and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases associated with obesity.

In conclusion, Dr. Ionova's diet is an effective and natural way to lose weight that will not only help you lose weight, but also take care of your health. Thanks to a properly formulated diet and a comprehensive approach to weight loss, the Ionova diet is one of the best weight loss methods that will be useful for everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle.