Tobacco smoking, Nicotine

One of the most common bad habits, sometimes leading to serious health problems, is smoking tobacco. South America is considered the birthplace of tobacco, from where it was exported to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century. At first, tobacco was used by sniffing it or for chewing, but gradually they began to use it for smoking, in which the base of tobacco, nicotine, is more effective.

Nicotine contained in tobacco has a weak stimulating effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, increases blood pressure, constricts small blood vessels, increases breathing, and increases the secretion of glands of the digestive system. However, in addition to nicotine, tobacco combustion products, which contain more than 70 carcinogenic substances, are also dangerous. Inhalation of smoke containing tobacco combustion products reduces the oxygen content in arterial blood, causes irritation of the bronchial mucosa, which subsequently leads to chronic bronchitis and the gradual development of pulmonary emphysema.

Smokers are always bothered by a cough. Smoking tab