Diets :: Page - 31

Top 10 wines with the most ridiculous names. PHOTO


In the world of winemaking, there are many brands that try to attract the attention of buyers with unusual names. Some of them come up with such names that surprise even ...

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Walnut will defeat breast cancer


Walnuts prevent the development of malignant tumors - this was the conclusion made by specialists from the American Marshall University after conducting a study on experi ...

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Unusual diets: what is fruitarianism


Fruitarianism is a diet based on the consumption of raw fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as some seeds, legumes and nuts. These products are preferably consumed fr ...

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How to satisfy emotional hunger


Emotional hunger: how to recognize and satisfy it In the modern world, emotional hunger has become a real problem. Almost half of the body's urge to eat is not related to ...

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Yogi diet: long-lasting and healthy


Yoga is not only stretching exercises and meditation, but also a special diet that helps keep the body in shape, strengthen the spirit and improve the overall condition o ...

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Jaffa Viva - 100% result!


Jaffa Viva - 100% result! They say that there are no coincidences in life. Of course, I’m not one of those who like to look for secret signs in a black cat running at an ...

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90x60x90 is no longer fashionable. Modern standards of sexuality


90x60x90 is no longer fashionable. Modern standards of sexuality. These treasured three numbers have long been the undisputed standard of beauty. In how many women did th ...

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Top 7 healthiest exotic fruits


Exotic fruits always attract attention with their unusual shape, color and texture. Curiosity makes us want to try them, but unfamiliarity often stops us. In this article ...

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Pre-wedding diet: how to lose weight effectively?


Naturally, every bride wants to be the most beautiful and slender on her wedding day. To achieve this effect, you need to take care of yourself several months before the ...

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A month before the mini


How to lose weight? The theme is as eternal as love, but most of all it worries us with the arrival of spring. First, we are becoming more aesthetically self-critical tha ...

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